Mega Thread Dayle Garlett - I did but see him passing by... allegedly in a stolen vehicle (thanks Josh)

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So, you're happy to judge him on rumours?

Or on the basis of something on Facebook?

I don't understand.

They aren't rumours though! If there were photos of him on FB drinking, smoking, etc., it is pretty bloody likely that he actually did those things, wouldn't you say? I'm not saying this kid is the devil, but he did these things, and they were bad enough for him to not get drafted. Like i said, whether he's changed or not, he's keeping the bad boy tag for at least a couple of years.

Look, i understand he's a Hawthorn bloke now, and that people want to stick up for him, but that doesn't mean we should ignore his history. The guy screwed up, and even when he was given a second chance by Essendon, he screwed that up too.

You can't possibly be serious - the kid is a goddam choir boy compared to those two

Pre-draft? Did Martin actually do anything other than be his father's son? And what did Buddy do before he was drafted? Yet both of them had the bad boy tag coming into the draft. The fact that both of them were still taken in the top 5, while Garlett was overlooked completely tells you that he was worse than they were.

What exactly did he do that was unacceptable? How does this compare with the Andy Lovett or Ben Cousins incidents?

He had pictures of him drinking, smoking, statuses indicating he was about to 'get busy', etc. He was kicked out of the AIS squad, dropped from Colts footy, dropped from his WAFL team. After missing out in the draft, he trained at Essendon to get a rookie position. A couple of days before the rookie draft, he went on a late night bender, and was kicked out of Essendon.

While these things may not sound that bad, it was really his whole lifestyle. The kind of people he hung around with, the lack of application at training, etc. He has apparently ditched most of his friends, stopped drinking and smoking, and actually knuckled down at training in 2013, which are all steps in the right direction.

I guess we will never know the full extent of why Garlett was overlooked, and i won't go into the rumours, but it's not like he did nothing. Recruiters would have talked to his coaches, his teammates, etc., and even after seeing him dominate, decided it wasn't worth it.
Easy trap to fall into, you're young and absolutely dominating opposition, everyone around you is telling you that you will get drafted and you're not even needing to get out of 2nd gear... may as well enjoy the high life because even doing all these things he was still dominating.

The fact that he got the reality check by not getting drafted, and being given some strict objectives for an opportunity at Hawthorn is so beneficial for both Hawthorn and more specifically Dayle, one day he might look back and realise that by it playing out this way, it may have saved him from a different life altogether.

Listening to and watching snippets, reading articles/reports etc indicates that he has done a hell of a lot of maturing a short period of time - good on him, he looks primed to seize his opportunity and realise what could have been a horrifically wasted talent. Here's hoping you've made some long-standing changes without risk of relapse mate.
Listening to and watching snippets, reading articles/reports etc indicates that he has done a hell of a lot of maturing a short period of time - good on him, he looks primed to seize his opportunity and realise what could have been a horrifically wasted talent. Here's hoping you've made some long-standing changes without risk of relapse mate.

No-one knows whether all this will mean that he's a transformed young man or not, but I reckon the club might want to have him talk to guys who've wasted their shot, and make sure that the message really gets rammed home.

It's not a normal life that these blokes live, even from an early age when everyone dotes on them because they're so good at handling the pig skin.

For many people, it'd just be so hard to be paid so much money, have so much free time, and then be expected to keep it together and not cut loose or be influenced by the bottom feeders that are drawn to the industry. This is why player welfare officers are really earning their money in the current climate.

Good luck to him though, hope he makes it on and off the park.

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The jury is out on him as far as I am concerned but I trust Hawthorn's recruiting processes and if they are prepared to back him so am I... for now. Time will tell if he can knuckle down and do what's required to become an AFL footballer at the same time as staying out of trouble. I give him the benefit of the doubt and sincerely hope he succeeds, for his own sake as well as the club's. He is clearly making an effort and I commend him for that but the season hasn't even started yet so there is still a long way to go.
After missing out in the draft, he trained at Essendon to get a rookie position. A couple of days before the rookie draft, he went on a late night bender, and was kicked out of Essendon.

Can't blame him for that. The prospect of being drafted by Essendon is enough to send anyone on a bender.
I doubt any of us had the maturity of an elite sportsman when we were his age.
I know all I wanted to do was party and have fun. I only worked so I could afford to fill and run the car, and go out.
He is just being a lad.
I doubt any of us had the maturity of an elite sportsman when we were his age.
I know all I wanted to do was party and have fun. I only worked so I could afford to fill and run the car, and go out.
He is just being a lad.

Bad Boy Flukey.

Boys will be boys, just don't get caught which I think was Garlett's biggest problem.
If he wants to play AFL he will have to train hard and show the application and professionalism required to get to that standard. If he doesn't (and all indications are that he has never shown the desire to do so) he will be a wasted draft pick.

I would suggest the bolded section is patently untrue; if it was the case, he would not have been drafted.
.....I guess we will never know the full extent of why Garlett was overlooked, and i won't go into the rumours, but it's not like he did nothing. Recruiters would have talked to his coaches, his teammates, etc., and even after seeing him dominate, decided it wasn't worth it.

Too true but I struggle that only one club put their hand up and set some goals for this kid. A couple of phone calls was all it took. It just shows how weak and completely bereft of leadership most AFL clubs have become.
Good on the club for putting in place some processes to help Garlett put himself in the frame to be drafted. HFC have had no choice in some respects (i.e. work harder to get elite talent to the club). With the establishment of the franchises, HFC were never going to be anywhere near being able to grab a Boyd, Whitfield, Paton etc. Loving their work atm.
The jury is out on him as far as I am concerned but I trust Hawthorn's recruiting processes and if they are prepared to back him so am I... for now. Time will tell if he can knuckle down and do what's required to become an AFL footballer at the same time as staying out of trouble. I give him the benefit of the doubt and sincerely hope he succeeds, for his own sake as well as the club's. He is clearly making an effort and I commend him for that but the season hasn't even started yet so there is still a long way to go.

To me, this is the most down to earth post yet. Let's be honest, he has made many errors in the past. If you have a spotlessly clean slate, then you may be critical of his past. As for me, I have made a multitude of mistakes, most, if not all when I was young.

The club handled Franklin and all his baggage, so let's at least give the kid a chance before we write him off. I hope those on here who don't give him a chance, will apologize when he collects the Norm Smith in September.:rolleyes:

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Too true but I struggle that only one club put their hand up and set some goals for this kid. A couple of phone calls was all it took. It just shows how weak and completely bereft of leadership most AFL clubs have become.

True and just shows the qualities in Clarko, both as coach and person. Look forward to a good story in coming years.
True and just shows the qualities in Clarko, both as coach and person. Look forward to a good story in coming years.

I'm thinking more along these lines myself. Is a vote of confidence in Clarko that he's willing to take this on, and that the Hawks have the capacity to make it happen.

The Bad Boy stuff?? It's off season. Its a slow news day. It's having a jab at the Hawks - THE REIGNING PREMIERS NO LESS. It's a desperate gutter press going for cheap sensation. We talk about it, we perpetuate it, and we validate it.


Just another rookie. Move on. Nothing to see.
The one thing that fills me with confidence is that unlike 2011, 2012 & 2013 he is where he's always wanted to be. In the brown & gold!

He may have manipulated his situation to get there but it's a known fact that you always excel at things that you are passionate about.

The faith will be repaid.
Can't blame him for that. The prospect of being drafted by Essendon is enough to send anyone on a bender.

Wait, what? So Essendon decided not to pick him up as a rookie because they figured he might be a bad influence? We're talking Essendon? The Essendon Football Club? That small subsidiary of the Essendon Bowls Club that takes its players across the street to have secret jabs done to all of its players? That Essendon? Really?


Dayle, you dodged a bullet Neo-style. To slightly misquote a reasonably famous line:

Essendon Football Club. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Welcome to the good side...
Anything in here about how he is settling in? Who cares about his bad boy stuff. We got him, we put him on strict parameters and I want to know how he is going with them dammit!!
Wait, what? So Essendon decided not to pick him up as a rookie because they figured he might be a bad influence? We're talking Essendon? The Essendon Football Club? That small subsidiary of the Essendon Bowls Club that takes its players across the street to have secret jabs done to all of its players? That Essendon? Really?


Dayle, you dodged a bullet Neo-style. To slightly misquote a reasonably famous line:

Essendon Football Club. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Welcome to the good side...

This is actually a serious point, a football club refuses to draft a player due to their perception that his lifestyle may either involve illegality or dubious moral behaviour and they don't want to be associated with it but the prospective AFL draftee has no mechanism in place to make a similar judgement the other way.

You'd have to say that any young blokes drafted by Essendon last year would be well within their rights to feel uncomfortable about the situation as would their parents. The idea of drafting (and maybe salary cap) could probably be challenged under restraint of trade legislation anyway but parents of a 17 year old draft prospect would possibly entitled to go to court to argue that their child shouldn't have to go to work for an organisation that has recently been shown to compel their players to undergo drug treatment programmes that as well as potentially endangering their health could possibly see them banned from professional sport by drug enforcement agencies.

It's just a one way street, and a club has the means to make a far bigger mess of any individual's career than one single 17 year old has of bringing a 100+ year old club to its knees.
Any chance mods can change the title of this thread from "Bad boy" to "'New boy."

Every time I visit this thread, I feel I'm being brainwashed into believing he was, is, and always will be bad.
At the rime of writing this is not the case.

Please mods.

I reckon the name should be embraced: Bad Boy! He's gonna be badass on the field, and all other clubs will rue the one that slipped away.
Also, we'll have:
Bad Boy
Big Boy
Billy Boy

(BT is gonna go nuts.)

Woohoo! I'm salivating in anticipation of the electricity out club will produce next season!

Gooooo Baaad Boooooy Baaaaby!!!!!
I reckon the name should be embraced: Bad Boy! He's gonna be badass on the field, and all other clubs will rue the one that slipped away.
Also, we'll have:
Bad Boy
Big Boy
Billy Boy

(BT is gonna go nuts.)

Woohoo! I'm salivating in anticipation of the electricity out club will produce next season!

Gooooo Baaad Boooooy Baaaaby!!!!!

Don't forget Junior Boy!

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Mega Thread Dayle Garlett - I did but see him passing by... allegedly in a stolen vehicle (thanks Josh)

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