Did Carlton really give one of their premiership flags for display at Jason Morans funeral?

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what you really meant by the above statement is that its ok to squib it and do the wrong thing, but only if your scared. surely not. i hope for your sake vv you never come across any bad men. god only knows what your fear will allow you to do
I'm not talking about someone shaking their fist at you... I'm talking about someone that is an extremely powerful figure in the entire culture of the city, or someone that has a gun on them. How many times have you had a similar request made to you in your life, that makes you such an expert?

What do you people think organised crime is? A lot of it involves "suggesting" to people that they do as they're asked, under an implied threat of violence. It's not as simple as doing the right thing, as you can never know what getting on the wrong side of these people might do in the long run.

Why do shop owners pay "protection" money when they don't need protection? Why do people hire union contractors when they might have friends or family that could do the work?

And if you think this stuff only happens on TV or in the movies, you're kidding yourself.
This is just ridiculous, anyone complaining about this.

Much the same as keyboard heroes sitting at home and talking crap about Alan Didak, people need to realise that in the real world, you do not just tell underworld figures to go screw themselves... Remember, these are powerful men that are used to getting what they want, and the measures that they will go to to ensure that they get it are extreme.

I don't know who these internet wannabe gangsters are that would apparently pimp-slap a member of the Moran family who made a request to them that they didn't completely like the sound of, but I'd suggest they're much of the same breed that apparently think when Christopher Wayne Hudson strongly suggests that they should let him give them a ride, that they would be telling him where to go as well.

Grow up, people. In this world, sometimes you can't be a superhero.

I'm not complaining about it, I expect it but that's not the point, CFC is a brand and I'm sure the club or the AFL for that matter wouldn't be too happy about it being associated with known criminals.
If the brand is used in an inapropriate way, usually the AFL take action.
I'm not talking about someone shaking their fist at you... I'm talking about someone that is an extremely powerful figure in the entire culture of the city, or someone that has a gun on them. How many times have you had a similar request made to you in your life, that makes you such an expert?

What do you people think organised crime is? A lot of it involves "suggesting" to people that they do as they're asked, under an implied threat of violence. It's not as simple as doing the right thing, as you can never know what getting on the wrong side of these people might do in the long run.

Why do shop owners pay "protection" money when they don't need protection? Why do people hire union contractors when they might have friends or family that could do the work?

And if you think this stuff only happens on TV or in the movies, you're kidding yourself.

i try not to make a habit of mixing with dangerous underworld figures that carry guns therfore i am not an expert. its not hard. so do you think that something untoward would have happened to didak if he didnt comply with hudson. i thought the underworld and bikie gangs like things quiet. harming one of the better players on one of australias most popular sporting teams, because he wouldnt get in a car with you is not going to be quiet.

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If he was a Hell's Angel with a gun, I'd seriously think twice before telling him no.

Particularly if I knew that as long as I remained nice to him, I remained in no danger.

Amazing the people around here who apparently make it their business to tell sociopaths to go screw themselves. You're all much braver than I am - Murderers generally make me a little nervous, but you would apparently all have no dramas telling them that they're bad men and you want nothing to do with them.

Surely they'd understand, what with sociopaths being so notoriously even-tempered and reasonable... :rolleyes:

Self-preservation is a strong instinct, and when you're put in a situation that gets the hairs up on the back of your neck, sometimes you just make a decision that you think will keep you out of harms way.

And the correct decision is to say no. How would you know that by being nice to them you'll remain out of harms way? Sociopaths being so even tempered.... It does take courage but you can learn a lot about yourself in tough situations and sometimes you've got to stand up for yourself.
This is just ridiculous, anyone complaining about this.

Much the same as keyboard heroes sitting at home and talking crap about Alan Didak, people need to realise that in the real world, you do not just tell underworld figures to go screw themselves... Remember, these are powerful men that are used to getting what they want, and the measures that they will go to to ensure that they get it are extreme.

I don't know who these internet wannabe gangsters are that would apparently pimp-slap a member of the Moran family who made a request to them that they didn't completely like the sound of, but I'd suggest they're much of the same breed that apparently think when Christopher Wayne Hudson strongly suggests that they should let him give them a ride, that they would be telling him where to go as well.

Grow up, people. In this world, sometimes you can't be a superhero.

Wasn't part of Didak's defence that he had no idea who he was drinking with?

You either know more than what was reported in the media or you're just making stuff up to support your views, I wonder which one is right...
This is just ridiculous, anyone complaining about this.

Much the same as keyboard heroes sitting at home and talking crap about Alan Didak, people need to realise that in the real world, you do not just tell underworld figures to go screw themselves... Remember, these are powerful men that are used to getting what they want, and the measures that they will go to to ensure that they get it are extreme.

I don't know who these internet wannabe gangsters are that would apparently pimp-slap a member of the Moran family who made a request to them that they didn't completely like the sound of, but I'd suggest they're much of the same breed that apparently think when Christopher Wayne Hudson strongly suggests that they should let him give them a ride, that they would be telling him where to go as well.

Grow up, people. In this world, sometimes you can't be a superhero.

Thats the spirit - ever thought of moving to sicily ?
If he was a Hell's Angel with a gun, I'd seriously think twice before telling him no.

Particularly if I knew that as long as I remained nice to him, I remained in no danger.

Amazing the people around here who apparently make it their business to tell sociopaths to go screw themselves. You're all much braver than I am - Murderers generally make me a little nervous, but you would apparently all have no dramas telling them that they're bad men and you want nothing to do with them.

Surely they'd understand, what with sociopaths being so notoriously even-tempered and reasonable... :rolleyes:

Self-preservation is a strong instinct, and when you're put in a situation that gets the hairs up on the back of your neck, sometimes you just make a decision that you think will keep you out of harms way.

Nah, what is amazing is the amount of people who believe every urban myth they hear about the hells angels,or any other 1% club for that matter.
This is just ridiculous, anyone complaining about this.

Much the same as keyboard heroes sitting at home and talking crap about Alan Didak, people need to realise that in the real world, you do not just tell underworld figures to go screw themselves... Remember, these are powerful men that are used to getting what they want, and the measures that they will go to to ensure that they get it are extreme.

I don't know who these internet wannabe gangsters are that would apparently pimp-slap a member of the Moran family who made a request to them that they didn't completely like the sound of, but I'd suggest they're much of the same breed that apparently think when Christopher Wayne Hudson strongly suggests that they should let him give them a ride, that they would be telling him where to go as well.

Grow up, people. In this world, sometimes you can't be a superhero.
IF we all took this view,where would we all be?Iv been in the position through poor choices ,but in the end you have to take a stand,if not for you ,for your kids.

I really feel for all of the intellectual Carlton supporters out there who are only just learning of this. They would know just how bad it makes their club look.

Of course, most Carlton supporters (actually, most supporters of just about any club) on this board don't fit that description, so there shouldn't be too much sadness.
funny how much you learn from reading underbelly , now everyone is an expert in people skills .
i wonder at the time of Mark Morans funeral how many knew of these people let alone the occupation's of people such as Moran ,Gatto ,Williams ,Condello .... not many i bet .
Football Clubs get special funeral requests from memebrs , sponsors all the time , and most times they come through ,
i wonder if they know the background of all their members ... get over people.
IF we all took this view,where would we all be?Iv been in the position through poor choices ,but in the end you have to take a stand,if not for you ,for your kids.

Yes - you either take a stand or you take out a court injunction.

FWIW - the link with the Morans is common knowledge with Carlton supporters. In the Leadbelly book there is a picture of Mark Moran running with the team on the lap of honour after the 1981 Grand Final.

The link is that Leo Brooks, long time Carlton stalwart, doorman etc is the father of Judy Moran (I believe ???).

I really feel for all of the intellectual Carlton supporters out there who are only just learning of this. They would know just how bad it makes their club look.

Of course, most Carlton supporters (actually, most supporters of just about any club) on this board don't fit that description, so there shouldn't be too much sadness.

While your pontificating, go back and do a bit of research of the links between North Melbourne, the Painters and Dockers (not the band) and the Melbourne underworld in the 1970's and 80's.

Wake up and smell the roses.
Yes - you either take a stand or you take out a court injunction.

FWIW - the link with the Morans is common knowledge with Carlton supporters. In the Leadbelly book there is a picture of Mark Moran running with the team on the lap of honour after the 1981 Grand Final.

The link is that Leo Brooks, long time Carlton stalwart, doorman etc is the father of Judy Moran (I believe ???).

so the teams crookedness goes back a long way.....
i cant believe a few of you carlton supporters are ok with this

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While your pontificating, go back and do a bit of research of the links between North Melbourne, the Painters and Dockers (not the band) and the Melbourne underworld in the 1970's and 80's.

Wake up and smell the roses.

Bit different to the last 10 years.

Funny how Carlton supporters always make un funny cracks about Collingwood supporters being criminals hey.
This is just ridiculous, anyone complaining about this.

Much the same as keyboard heroes sitting at home and talking crap about Alan Didak, people need to realise that in the real world, you do not just tell underworld figures to go screw themselves... Remember, these are powerful men that are used to getting what they want, and the measures that they will go to to ensure that they get it are extreme.

I don't know who these internet wannabe gangsters are that would apparently pimp-slap a member of the Moran family who made a request to them that they didn't completely like the sound of, but I'd suggest they're much of the same breed that apparently think when Christopher Wayne Hudson strongly suggests that they should let him give them a ride, that they would be telling him where to go as well.

Grow up, people. In this world, sometimes you can't be a superhero.

Since when is the underworld the real world? I'd rather be a keyboard hero than a keyboard chickenshit. Now where did I leave my cape?


I just read that chapter of the book the other night.

There are several points that can be discussed in relation to the issue with Didak. Amazing how Collingwood was dragged into the thread. :rolleyes:

Vinnie's response in that sometimes you are best to go with the flow (Didak case), demonstrates his common sense level or better still, his understanding of the potential ramifications when having an association with some of Melbourne's colorful characters. It was clear that Hudson was off his head and naturally Didak would have been fully aware of it. Not knowing the full circumstances, it is impossible to ascertain how dire the situation was. It could have been a judgment call were Didak really had no option but to jump in the car (as per Vinnie's suggestion)

Alternatively, for Didak to say no, he would have wanted to be in an extremely comfortable position to do this. Posters suggesting that he just should have said no, have no concept of how dangerous the situation may have been. A little bit of street smartness wouldn't go astray.

Furthermore, Didak may have been off his head too, so his decision making, coupled with the circumstances we are unaware of simply led to the events that took place ... it is very simple. If this was the case, he placed himself in this position and is responsible for it. But to suggest that it was his choice to jump in or out of the car without any element of danger whatsoever is pure narrow mindedness.

On another note, I found it quite ammusing how Libba quickly turned the tables on his allegations of Carlton's tanking. First thing I thought of was that someone went to pay him a visit. Happy to be corrected as I didn't follow what unfolded with that story.
Are you kidding? Football cubs should be held hostage to the likes of the Morans?

So when martin bryant asks the the tassie hawks for a flag for his bedroom they should just comply in fear that he will blow them away.

The real world you live in sounds like lots of Sopranos watching.

No I assume he lives in Melbourne :D

Your Martin Bryant analogy is completely flawed, he is and was not an organised crime figure. And has no capacity to make life uncomfortable for Hawthorn. The Morans certainly could have made things uncomfortable for Carlton, at that point in time. But do some posters mean that Carlton should have refused the request because of the alleged background of the deceased?

There are some confusing posts here - so Carlton refusing the request would have been the right thing to do? How so and who decides what is right or wrong? This is not someone deciding to be an accessory to a crime, it is a football club loaning something for the funeral of one of their supporters.
It should be remembered that its not necessarily the club being asked for such things but people who work at the club. A club can say no as you can't murder a club, but an individual you can. Someone working at the club would have found it hard to say no to someone who has supposedly played a hand in a number of murders and savage beatings. Its no shame on Carlton, but maybe for the individual in question who made it happen. That person may not be a president but someone influential enough to have access to the flag and feeling under some pressure to agree to such a request.

Have to say I feel a little nauseated for this post.
If he was a Hell's Angel with a gun, I'd seriously think twice before telling him no.

Particularly if I knew that as long as I remained nice to him, I remained in no danger.

Amazing the people around here who apparently make it their business to tell sociopaths to go screw themselves. You're all much braver than I am - Murderers generally make me a little nervous, but you would apparently all have no dramas telling them that they're bad men and you want nothing to do with them.

Surely they'd understand, what with sociopaths being so notoriously even-tempered and reasonable... :rolleyes:

Self-preservation is a strong instinct, and when you're put in a situation that gets the hairs up on the back of your neck, sometimes you just make a decision that you think will keep you out of harms way.

Let me get this straight. You think some posters are naive for thinking your gangsta theory is a little far fetched, but believing a Hell's Angel wouldn't harm you after pionting a gun at you and forcing you into his car, isn't?

Jason played 19's for Carlton.
Have to laugh at the double standards that exist within Carlton supporters when they poke fun at Didak and the Hells Angels.
Moran also sponsored a player.
Have you ever been right about anything on Bigfooty?

Darren "Pants" Millane, killed in a car crash in 1991, sometimes collected debts for a well-known western suburbs drug dealer.

lol What a club.
Your former President produced Caroline Wilson.

What a club! :eek:

I really feel for all of the intellectual Carlton supporters out there who are only just learning of this. They would know just how bad it makes their club look.

Of course, most Carlton supporters (actually, most supporters of just about any club) on this board don't fit that description, so there shouldn't be too much sadness.
We feel more shame about lending North premiership cups to show to their supporter prior to the Roos winning their first premiership.

I guess the famous Shinboner spirit didn't exist back then.

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Did Carlton really give one of their premiership flags for display at Jason Morans funeral?

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