Event Exhibition Match: Poland Devils versus Roys FFC & Friends (& enemies (& randoms))

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I've instructed the boys to focus on their game, and not engage in any argy-bargy stuff. They tend to be overzealous on the violent part of the game and can often lose focus. But this is just an exhibition game, so we're sticking to our usual plan of careless coat-hangers and filthy kicking in dangers.
I had heard of those tactics from Lysy so I'll come prepared.

B. Latawski - Staliś - Płuziński
HB. Rużanowski - Nogalski - Głogowski
C. Nowak - Łysy - Bartkiewicz
HF. Czerwiński - Pilichiewicz - Bieda
F. Bieniek - Kowalik - Horynek

Foll: Król, Szeniec-Kiedrzyński, Krupa
Int: Skibiński, Jarosiński
Supps: Głogowski, Lipiński
Not one Smith!! What are the chances?

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