Review Geelong defeats Lions by 40 points for a GRAND FINAL BERTH in 2020

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Cheers. You guys will be in it up to your eyeballs next year and I don't think I want to be on the end of it when you are - a great team that's going places that's for sure!
Appreciate the post mate. Proud of direction considering only 3 years ago we were the team to relocate to tassie. But, as I said you guys deserved it. All the best and good luck
Considering the hardship Victorians are suffering atm, it was just so beautiful to see our Geelong WAGS + babies celebrating our win!

Every single Victorian. . .
Every single Australian feels your pain + suffering 😫😫😫
We applaud your sacrifice, to keep your State + Australia safe from COVID-19 🤗🤗🤗
I know, first hand about Lockdown + Isolation. . .
Since 1988. . .
I’ve been bedridden on + off for five years!
I’ve been housebound for decades!
I understand your plight 😫😫😫

I’m saying, let’s take tonight’s win as an honour that all Geelong supporters, everywhere, have accepted Lockdown, everywhere, + we have been victorious! From Geelong to Darwin! From Sydney to Perth! Brisbane to Adelaide! + all the Australian regional areas!

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Super impressed with the way Jake Kolodjashnij responded after Cameron got a few early snags. I don't think I saw much of Cameron after that.

Henry picked a good time to kick his first goal in two years. Twas a horrible looking kick off the boot but it went through the middle two posts and there's no arguing with results. Good coaching move by Scotty to have him float down for a minute or two and really stretch the Lions' defence for height.

Parf was good all night. Ditto Blitz.

Ablett... what more can you say. The end is close but his disposal inside 50 is superhuman and even now he only needs a couple of kicks to be a matchwinner.

Umps. Utterly wretched in the first half. It was as though they wanted a Lions win more than the Lions, and only Gill wanted a Lions win more than the umpires. Second half was far less noticeable. I thought we might get some evener upperers but, apart from missing the Dangerthrow, they did absolutely nothing. Which is OK with me.

I reckon part of the reason our defense holds up well even when the opposition get a quick break is that guys like Merrick, Stewart, Henry and even Kolo are fast for their size and Stewart in particular reads the play accurately and early.
I loved it. Similar to Jack throw to Dusty last year. Managed to go a year licking those salty tears from lions supporters. Your turn now.
I didn’t see last years one so can’t comment, I know it’s a blatant free but this is the even upper of the Menegola non call that resulted in Hipwoods goal
Time to put an end to this

Hope this stat overrides that one -

Every season Richmond has won a final by 6 points, they've lost the grand final.

If both teams go with an unchanged side here’s the changes from round 17









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