Certified Legendary Thread Hamish Mclachlan and wikipedia - a must read for every footy fan - now going nuts on the interwebz

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Re: hamish mclachlan and wikipedia - a must read for every footy fan

May I suggest the following edit:

Hamish Mclachlan was recently discovered to have frequently edited his own wikipedia page under the alias "rompingwings".

With a link to this thread of course.

haha, but even though that's true, unless we replicate Hamish's writing style it will be edited out. So how about:

Hamish's media influence extends outside of the boarders of television as he now finds himself publishing more and more of his work online.

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Re: hamish mclachlan and wikipedia - a must read for every footy fan - now going nuts on the interwe

If anyone grabbed the YouTube video, I urge you to upload them, for the good of the world.

How could BigFooty possibly top this start to the season? Definitely top of the ladder right now.
I'm glad to see the writer who recorded the many wonderous feats of Kim Jong Il has found steady work in the West.

Hamish visited the closed military regime of North Korea on a peace-keeping mission after winning gold medals for Australia in 15 separate events at the Beijing Olympics. He participated in the North Korean World Masters Golf Championship and placed second only to the glorious esteemed leader Kim Jong Il who has never been beaten at golf, or any other sport or activity, expect self editing of autobiographical Wikipedia pages.
Re: hamish mclachlan and wikipedia - a must read for every footy fan

Can't help wonder whether the name Ignorant Masses, who has been editing Walter Mitty's page today is a back hander at all those whose family connections don't allow us to get high paying jobs within the AFL. Is that you too Hamish?
Re: hamish mclachlan and wikipedia - a must read for every footy fan

Someone give me cliffs (summary) for reps (admiration) brahs

Hamish McLachlan owned a horse called Rompingwins. A wiki user named Rompingwins was found to be the only one updating Hamish's wiki page (which was filled with far too many little details and self indulgent crap). He was updating it multiple times per week, really meticulously caring about his wiki page. Likewise, a Youtube account called Rompingwins feautured a lot of footage of Hamish taken from his phone, it was clearly his account.

Bigfooty found it, made it viral, media outlets questioned Hamish, he's back pedalling and claiming he wasn't the one who wrote the most self indulgent wiki page of all time. Claimed Rompingwins is his friend's account. Hilarity ensues.
Re: hamish mclachlan and wikipedia - a must read for every footy fan - now going nuts on the interwe

Have been reading and not posting so just wanted to leave my impact on an amazing thread. Questionable for PM. :thumbsu:

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Re: hamish mclachlan and wikipedia - a must read for every footy fan - now going nuts on the interwe

Thread needs to be stickied with Hamish man-glue
Re: hamish mclachlan and wikipedia - a must read for every footy fan - now going nuts on the interwe

What happened with Fevs story?
Re: hamish mclachlan and wikipedia - a must read for every footy fan - now going nuts on the interwe

A couple of years ago Hamish ran over Cotch's dog and then sped off leaving Cotch on the side of the road.



Re: hamish mclachlan and wikipedia - a must read for every footy fan - now going nuts on the interwe

We all love you Hamish, join up and give us your case.

If the Meltdown Gods smile upon us and this does eventuate, i'd like to request that the admin's bestow HHH with mod powers...I think he's more than proven his commitment to editing.

BigFooty's been crying out for a new subforum (Hammer's Harem) where posters can discuss which footy player is going out with a teamate's sister and other menial factoids that preferably relate to afl players' childhoods.

I also offer up my username to the H one. I can never do it the justice it deserves.
Re: hamish mclachlan and wikipedia - a must read for every footy fan - now going nuts on the interwe

Once again Bigfooty triumphs, it's been a dog of a day for Hamish.

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Certified Legendary Thread Hamish Mclachlan and wikipedia - a must read for every footy fan - now going nuts on the interwebz

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