Autopsy Hawthorn v Geelong - "they weren't trying"

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So shitting themselves and kicking into touch was part of a greater plan.

If they have a secret plan, its even worse bias from the umpires, if thats at all possible

Its probably escaped sam but recent top of the table clashes have wide swings in momentum. Us v the cats, the swans port etc etc

In some ways its how you go when the momentums against you which determines the outcome. Only once have we dropped our bundle this year

North melbourne
I was just watching the footy show and listening to SJ say how he though Geelong held back and it got me wondering how much of a difference Stevie J would've made to Geelong, I was thinking he was a two or three goal difference by himself and would that've put them over the top and too far to come back from at half time?
I was just watching the footy show and listening to SJ say how he though Geelong held back and it got me wondering how much of a difference Stevie J would've made to Geelong, I was thinking he was a two or three goal difference by himself and would that've put them over the top and too far to come back from at half time?

Johnson is a brilliant player, even if he is an arrogant prick, but his form before his latest injury wasn't anything to write home about. Although, he may have lifted for us.

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So SJ and Sammy both are saying that Geelong could have beaten us and held back to let us kick 10 straight goals.
Geez I hate that mob more now than ever before!
FFS you blue and white gay hoop boys cry babies have at least a tiny bit of acknowledgement that you were for once beaten by a team that wanted a win more than you lot just like in the elimination final last year!!!

Sam Newman is an idiot. You only have to listen to his views about the Essendon saga to prove it.
So SJ and Sammy both are saying that Geelong could have beaten us and held back to let us kick 10 straight goals.
Geez I hate that mob more now than ever before!
FFS you blue and white hoop boys cry babies have at least a tiny bit of acknowledgement that you were for once beaten by a team that wanted a win more than you lot just like in the elimination final last year!!!

edit- ahh Newman. Enough said lol.
Sam Newman is an idiot. You only have to listen to his views about the Essendon saga to prove it.

Doesn't he also say on a fairly regular basis that he rarely watches any games these days and then continues to open his trap on numerous issues as though he is some authority on the game.
So SJ and Sammy both are saying that Geelong could have beaten us and held back to let us kick 10 straight goals.
Geez I hate that mob more now than ever before!
FFS you blue and white hoop boys cry babies have at least a tiny bit of acknowledgement that you were for once beaten by a team that wanted a win more than you lot just like in the elimination final last year!!!

Who cares, the game didn't matter. Two weeks time matters. Interesting Bartel is trying to reignite the curse with the staging/diving/being called soft stuff.
What's going to be their excuse in 2 weeks time.....THEY WERENT TRYING ...AGAIN...

What a weird bunch of supporters, players and coach...Anybody listen to Bartel's narrative on why he dived...summed them up pretty well...
..and I always wondered why they USED to call them the handbaggers...
I was just watching the footy show and listening to SJ say how he though Geelong held back and it got me wondering how much of a difference Stevie J would've made to Geelong, I was thinking he was a two or three goal difference by himself and would that've put them over the top and too far to come back from at half time?

Johnson = Rioli

And neither might be phisically up to it
Who cares, the game didn't matter. Two weeks time matters. Interesting Bartel is trying to reignite the curse with the staging/diving/being called soft stuff.

Pity it was his own old team mate who called him out
Come on. If it was Gunston doing the same you'd be lauding him for giving it back to the fans.

Hawkins would of been copping it from the cheer squad. All he did was grin, could of done a lot more.

I don't like the guy much but it's just part of the theatre
Firstly, Gunston would never do that. Secondly, if you're gonna have a go back at a cheer squad, you need to aim higher than a smartarse facial expression as a comeback. A crotch grab sends a much clearer message and makes the result of the game much more important.
Sorry for invading..

God I hate Geelong, I really hope we get to knock them out the finals at some point this year but if you guys do them in I'll still be happy. Between Sucky Ducky Selwood, Stevie V-jay jay and Bartel's 'I didn't dive' comments how can you not dislike them.

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Yet he rivalry has turned.

The respect we (our club more than our fans) showed through those 11 losses and grace we showed in the finals wins (prelim and 08) was magnificent. Led by Clarkson, followed up by every player in every interview.

These guys sooked it up after the prelim. (Selwood)
And now we've got a guy doing soccer-grade staging and lying about it, a coach saying they wanted to lose (mission accomplished) and an injured guy saying they held back.

Absolutely no class, and I think it's a sign they're worried, as a club, that they're slipping off the perch.
Yet he rivalry has turned.

The respect we (our club more than our fans) showed through those 11 losses and grace we showed in the finals wins (prelim and 08) was magnificent. Led by Clarkson, followed up by every player in every interview.

These guys sooked it up after the prelim. (Selwood)
And now we've got a guy doing soccer-grade staging and lying about it, a coach saying they wanted to lose (mission accomplished) and an injured guy saying they held back.

Absolutely no class, and I think it's a sign they're worried, as a club, that they're slipping off the perch.

They certainly did sook it up...I was watching my recorded ch7 pre-GF footage where Chris Scott is interviewed and he says something like 'we feel we should be here' not much acknowledgement of his opponent!
Yet he rivalry has turned.

The respect we (our club more than our fans) showed through those 11 losses and grace we showed in the finals wins (prelim and 08) was magnificent. Led by Clarkson, followed up by every player in every interview.

These guys sooked it up after the prelim. (Selwood)
And now we've got a guy doing soccer-grade staging and lying about it, a coach saying they wanted to lose (mission accomplished) and an injured guy saying they held back.

Absolutely no class, and I think it's a sign they're worried, as a club, that they're slipping off the perch.

Hammer. Nail. Head. Perfectly executed statement. In diving parlance, I give you a 9.6, which puts you in silver medal contention, just behind J. Bartel, who scored a 9.8 for an incredibly complex dive that was apparently not soft at all.
I can accept that the Cats weren't going at 100%, since the result didn't mean a lot and they wouldn't want to give away too much prior to the finals. But Cats supporters don't then consider that our blokes were not going at 100% in the first half when they got their lead (as clearly evidenced by us putting on 10 goals when we game out to play after half time).

I wouldn't read too much into the second half, but it also wouldn't be smart to read much into the first half.
Umpires will think twice if Jimmy suddenly starts falling forwards in a contest. To be sure!
Absolute rubbish!!

He is a handbag, therefore the umps will give him ever more frees to prove that it wasn't a dive.

Anybody who knows how protected these handbag drug cheating flooding scabs are know he is a diver.

It'd take me all of 30 seconds to find hours of footage of him diving and getting frees to waste peoples lives with, but I can't be bothered because he will get even more protection now this has dared been said, as nobody can ever question a handbag, it has always been this way, they have always been protected on the field by umpires and off it within the media.
Yet he rivalry has turned.

The respect we (our club more than our fans) showed through those 11 losses and grace we showed in the finals wins (prelim and 08) was magnificent. Led by Clarkson, followed up by every player in every interview.

These guys sooked it up after the prelim. (Selwood)
And now we've got a guy doing soccer-grade staging and lying about it, a coach saying they wanted to lose (mission accomplished) and an injured guy saying they held back.

Absolutely no class, and I think it's a sign they're worried, as a club, that they're slipping off the perch.

Never forget they used the stretcher for some soccer style time wasting last year (joel corey). Everyone around us in the crowd was genuinely concerned because of the amount of time it was taking

Next minute, hes up and about happy as larry in a rousing version of the team song

Campaigning roseberrys !!
I can accept that the Cats weren't going at 100%, since the result didn't mean a lot and they wouldn't want to give away too much prior to the finals. But Cats supporters don't then consider that our blokes were not going at 100% in the first half when they got their lead (as clearly evidenced by us putting on 10 goals when we game out to play after half time).

I wouldn't read too much into the second half, but it also wouldn't be smart to read much into the first half.

If they put the cue in the rack at half time and can player 4 quarters like they did in the first they will do us. It reminded me of the game vs North we could not get near it. Only thing is I don't think the Cats can.
If they put the cue in the rack at half time and can player 4 quarters like they did in the first they will do us. It reminded me of the game vs North we could not get near it. Only thing is I don't think the Cats can.
The Cats' third quarter fade-outs this year are quite telling. Of a possible 21 quarters they have managed to win just 7. They are fairly even for wins and losses in final quarters. Is it the engine no longer finds its next gear, or are they slow in matching an opponent's changed game plan after half-time, or are the old codgers and new chums physically fading away? Surely, they are no longer using the 'hard training loads' excuse. I believe that was trotted out three or four weeks ago. I guess we'll find out in a couple of weeks.
The Cats' third quarter fade-outs this year are quite telling. Of a possible 21 quarters they have managed to win just 7. They are fairly even for wins and losses in final quarters. Is it the engine no longer finds its next gear, or are they slow in matching an opponent's changed game plan after half-time, or are the old codgers and new chums physically fading away? Surely, they are no longer using the 'hard training loads' excuse. I believe that was trotted out three or four weeks ago. I guess we'll find out in a couple of weeks.
You're right. The match followed a similar pattern to so many of their games this year, yet their arrogant coach is trying to say it's part of the plan, their players are saying it was a deliberate lack of effort and jimmy suggesting his diving was legitimate.

They're in club wide deflection mode.
I can accept that the Cats weren't going at 100%, since the result didn't mean a lot and they wouldn't want to give away too much prior to the finals. But Cats supporters don't then consider that our blokes were not going at 100% in the first half when they got their lead (as clearly evidenced by us putting on 10 goals when we game out to play after half time).

I wouldn't read too much into the second half, but it also wouldn't be smart to read much into the first half.

Exactly, we didn't show all our cards we just showed that when we want to we can kick Lots of goals in a hurry!
My question to Mr Scott is did they not show all their cards to Freo when they gave up a 28 point final term lead to fall over the line by 2 points. ??
Bunch of disrespectful cry babies who have never given Hawthorn any credit dating back to the 89 GF!
Hope Clarko and boys take offence to these cocky cry babies and pile on anther 10 straight goals in the QF!!!

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Autopsy Hawthorn v Geelong - "they weren't trying"

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