Roast How diabolical is our midfield?

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I haven't seen too many fast diagonal kicks this year, we're not using the angles, just running straight lanes or switching slowly at right angles or backwards.

When we predictably kick it long down the boundary line, we make it so easy for the opposition to structure up and strangle our movement, create a turnover and counter attack

When you play with heightened fear/anxiety you stop taking risks.

Nicks needs to instill confidence by backing the team, not publicly blaming players for being out of form or fumbly, they will believe it, it will become their attribution theory to constant losses.

If you drop intensity only a few percent, the opportunity for social loafing across the team will increase and the slump will continue.
Spot on... this gets back to our game plan has reverted back to the slow one...

If we don't get back to being brave with quick ball movement (with decent skills/execution), we will continue to lose games.

It really is that simple.
I've thought this for a while that Nicks coaches via Champion Data analytics, even when he is on the boundary line you'll often see him huddled over looking at laptops (clearly looking at stats)

Nicks has mentioned before that "we're looking at all the data trying to work out how to get better", how about just opening your eyes and actually watching the game?
Nicks actually needs to get back in the coaching box for a game or so, to actually get a big picture view as to how bad out ball movement is.

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I honestly believe that Nicks has heard some stat once that was something along the lines of sides that go +10 in contested possessions, +5 in tackles and +5 in centre clearances win 70% of games so he literally believes that's what you need to do as a coach to win.

So he loads up numbers around the ball and as long as they're hitting those numbers he thinks they'll win 7 out of 10 games.

I've heard no footy smarts at all from Nicks other than him babble on about data and numbers.

Problem with trying to reduce outcomes to numbers on a spreadsheet is then….. anybody can do it…
Is anyone else optimistic Schoenberg makes it?
I've given up on him and Berry.

Would rather invest games into Dowling and Edwards.

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I've given up on him and Berry.

Would rather invest games into Dowling and Edwards.
I've heard good things about both Dowling and Edwards.

Dowlings highlights seem great.

Shoey has played 57 games, I'm not writing him off just yet. I'm hoping we see him prior to the bye, but in the guts
I've given up on him and Berry.

Would rather invest games into Dowling and Edwards.
I mean I'm not entirely sold that they (Berry and Schoey) are duds but I also think that we need a big block of games from the 2 you mentioned - just for comparison
Shinboner did an analysis where combination of Crouch and Laird resulted in terribly low distance gained from possessions. But this improved with the different combination eg. Laird, Dawson and Soligo etc.

As many have observed, Laird and Crouch are two similar players whose collective output deteriorates significantly when combined together. It's up to Nicks to separate these two.
They're one in the same as far as I know

Pretty sure that Champion Data are the official statisticians for the AFL and provide all the live stats and data to the AFL and coaches etc on matchdays.
They're not exactly the same. You are correct that Champion Data provide the stats for the AFL website, but they have quite a lot of other stats that aren't publicly available.

Things like effective metres gained, the different forms of pressure acts and score sources (how much teams are scoring from turnover/kick ins/stoppages) are probably the bigger examples.
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Shinboner did an analysis where combination of Crouch and Laird resulted in terribly low distance gained from possessions. But this improved with the different combination eg. Laird, Dawson and Soligo etc.

As many have observed, Laird and Crouch are two similar players whose collective output deteriorates significantly when combined together. It's up to Nicks to separate these two.
Amazing that nearly everyone except our coaching "brains" trust know this

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