I was right, Mccartney should have been delisted.

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Originally posted by sandeano
I just got in from the game.

I'm a Richmond supporter and have an utter hatred of North Melbourne.

I am shattered that we lost tonight. Nothing short of devastated.

However, let me congratulate the Roos on their win. Never, for a second did they give up. For that matter, neither did Richmond so I am proud of them.

Having said that, I was priviliged to be at the game tonight to see a truly inspirational hero take the field, overcoming traumas i would not wish upon my worst enemy. At the end of the day, even if North (or Richmond, or anyone for that matter) win the premiership, this will statistically still just count as a game of footy to me and all the supporters who attended, listened to the radio or took note of the result.

We may have taken a lot of interest in the game in the lead up and may either celebrate or commiserate depending on who we support. But for the other 6 and a half days of this week we had jobs, school, life to go on with and football was secondary, at best.

Jason McCartney has spent this year lving for a couple of things - his marriage and to finally step onto the field for the senior Roos team. I cannot imagine the hell he has been through and if I were a thousand times more of a courageous human being I would not be fit to kiss his bootstuds when it comes to determination and spirit.

The effect had had on EVERYONE at the ground was immense. We all willed him on to get through the match. Naturally I wanted him to be part of a losing side (for tonght, only) and I am sure that he would have appreciated that - no quarter given and none taken.

I am sure that tonight he may have given his team just that extra ounce of stamina to get over the line and he most certainly contributed to the winning goal.

As I said I am still shattered after the loss. But forever, in my heart and memory this game will live on.

1% of it as a courageous Richmond loss.

99% of it as a dedication to the spirit of a truly amazing and incomparable man.

Goodbye to a true champion.

You conquered the footy challenge now get on and enjoy your life with your wife and everthing that it brings you. I am sure that no challenge will be a worry from here on in.

Two final things to say ...

Congrats to North. Just too good. McCartney or not, you never gave in.

And Tar? You are an absolute ****.

What a post sandeano. I must say i shead a tear when i read this.
Honestly, sometimes you just wonder how stupid and insensitive people can be, then you come on BigFooty and see posts like the 2 that began this thread. Plunges new depths guys.......give yourselves an uppercut (1 each).


What the ****? what is everyone going off at me for... all I said is that it was a publicity stunt by the Kangaroos and I was right. The Kangaroos waited until they had a Friday night game where they could attract the most exposure and get the most people to come.... and he retired straight after the game.

It was a publicity stunt by the Kangaroos. I never said anything about McCartney.

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Originally posted by Kenny_01
There is no doubt tonight was a bit of a publicity stunt combined with an inspiring comeback, it was a Roos home game and they needed the money. It was a great effort tonight nonetheless, and the memory will remain with Roos supporters for a long long time. How shallow would the Roos would have looked if they delisted him without giving him a chance of returning? He was never going to be delisted. He deserved a chance to play again.
Top post Kenny. Summed it up well.
Nandorlone Stam does not often get emotional, but two things got me emotional tonight:

1. Being at the ground and hearing the news of Macca's retirement.

2. Getting home to see two spineless neanderthals sprouting complete baloney. This of course coming from two individuals who would never have played AFL/VFL football makes it even more laughable.

However, it could be a cry for help from two very lonely and miserable indviduals. A bit of attention is what you crave? There are other ways to get it. Tw@ts.
Originally posted by Chris_Judd
What the ****? what is everyone going off at me for... all I said is that it was a publicity stunt by the Kangaroos and I was right. The Kangaroos waited until they had a Friday night game where they could attract the most exposure and get the most people to come.... and he retired straight after the game.

It was a publicity stunt by the Kangaroos. I never said anything about McCartney.

The Roo's play a lot of friday night games.
You're quite right he should have been delisted, then the Kangaroos wouldn't have won. What a disgrace to the game that they picked him in the team. Life is all about draft-picks and lack of sentimentality. I'm on your side in this Tar.

BTW, is tar what occupies what is laughingly referred to as your brain? Or are you just posting this **** in an effort to gain attention. What a pathetic excuse for humanity you are. I'd suggest it would be a mistake to ever identify yourself to anybody on these boards, and I'm totally opposed to violence.
Originally posted by Chris_Judd
What the ****? what is everyone going off at me for... all I said is that it was a publicity stunt by the Kangaroos and I was right. The Kangaroos waited until they had a Friday night game where they could attract the most exposure and get the most people to come.... and he retired straight after the game.

It was a publicity stunt by the Kangaroos. I never said anything about McCartney.

What breed of guide dog leads you to the computer keyboard?

This response is so disingenuous as to be risible.
It is strange....

...at least once a week or so there are posts on this board (and they are warranted) regarding the human, grassroots, emotional touch being taken out of football.

There are many of us who truly believe that the game is at the mercy of money, numbers and statistics and that there now seems to be no room for emotion in the modern version of footy.

And yes, that is right.

Having just got in from the game and knowing little about the post-match postmortems, I don't know how aware the Roos management was of McCartney's decision or whether it would have had an effect on him be listed this year.

And I don't care.

For here was what footy can be all about. In the end just a bunch of blokes booting a lump of pigskin around a field in the hope of getting a cup in September...but to one man it meant almost everything and we were all brought in to it.

A strange case of there being far more to life than football but at the same time football being something that helped save a man's life.

I don't need to say it because many have already, but to the knockers of McCartney and North for sticking by him, well geez, you are very, very small people indeed.

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Originally posted by goaldrush

No not when there is a footy player involved.

Yes I must admit that I have been known to be insensitive but I don't think that I am being hypocritical either in this thread.

BTW, I have reported Tar and his comments to the mods

(removed - out of place, irrelevant, garbage.)
Mods, please don't dump this thread. This turkey should continue to be exposed for his total lack of right to be considered human.
you guys can't think objectively and are caught up in the emotion of the day. The fact is another guys football career has been put on hold because of some emotional event.

Sad Sad that you sheep don't want to think.
Originally posted by Tar
you guys can't think objectively and are caught up in the emotion of the day. The fact is another guys football career has been put on hold because of some emotional event.

Sad Sad that you sheep don't want to think.
When you grow up...you`ll know better.
Jason McCartney was and is no charity case. He earned his spot in the team and has been among our best players in the reserves the past month (inc BOG & 27 touches 2 weeks ago).

And to the arsewipes calling this a publicity stunt you obviously know nothing about footy or life in general and I suggest you crawl back under that rock you came from you phucking low life scum.
After what Jason McCartney has gone through the last 8 months he deserved to play one last senior footy match.
To the surprise of many he returned much sooner than expected.

He survived when and where others lost their right to live.
I believe he should be seen as inspiration to all of us, with the last rights for his own life hanging on his head he didn't give in.
The game wether we like it or not is fundamentaly about making a dollar.
The game for greater or lesser is money driven and making the bottom line. Through all this need to succeed and need to create revenue it is nice to see that compasion still exists in the AFL.
Yes if you look at it in Black and White he should have been delisted and another player drafted. Sure Roos may have missed out on a potential draftie or someone is stuck on the rookie list but frankly I dont care.
Its games like tonight that make me follow footy and keep coming back. Its the peoples game and the roos supporters wanted him to play. Not to mention the inspiration it will supply his team mates.
Tar people who said he should have played are not sheep they merely see the bigger picture. For kids out their and even older poeple its nice to see the heros still exist, Im not talking about players that can kick bags or goals or win games. I am talking about people like McCartney who can face death, become a skeleton and in 8 months turn it around.
This life lesson for the rest of us is far more valuable than maybe an extra 4 points or whatever insignificant positive thing could have come out of freeing up one more spot on the list.
Originally posted by Tar
you guys can't think objectively and are caught up in the emotion of the day. The fact is another guys football career has been put on hold because of some emotional event.

Sad Sad that you sheep don't want to think.

Bugger that, we aren't supporters because we are objective, we support our clubs because we have a passion for the team. McCartney was playing good footy last year and before the Bali bombings would no doubt have still been on the roos list this year. In terms of his injury it's no different to a club standing by a required player even if there is no guarantee that they will be as good on their return.

The bloke had the guts to put in the hard work and actually prove to himself that he could come back and make it to the top level again. I admire the guy because he is symbolic of all those people in the bali bombings who strive to overcome the adverse effects of such a tragic event.

As for another players career being put on hold because of some emotional event, I think that’s a load of bollocks. You are assuming that the roos would be able to pick up a player late in the draft that would have had more value than McCartney in playing terms. I think you also underestimate the importance of having an experienced bloke around there to guide the young kids coming through. Either way if the current rookie list players at the roos are good enough, they will now have a chance to step up.

It was great stuff by McCartney to make it back and a disgrace that some people denounce his comeback as emotional rather than taking into account the blood sweat and tears that finally got him there.
I have just read through this thread, and I cannot believe anyone would have a problem with Jason McCartney playing.

I am NOT a Roos supporter, but I was absolutely inspired by watching Jason McCartney play for the Kangaroos tonight. It was absolutely amazing to think that he could come back just 8 months after Bali. And he earnt his spot by playing good footy for Port Melbourne and no other reason.

I watched the game on TV, and even from my lounge room, I couldn't help but get a little emotional watching it.

Well done Jason McCartney for your inspirational story and good luck for your future.

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I was right, Mccartney should have been delisted.

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