I was right, Mccartney should have been delisted.

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Originally posted by skilts
Mods, please don't dump this thread. This turkey should continue to be exposed for his total lack of right to be considered human.

Originally posted by ozzult
This threads a ****ing joke, someone delete it, it's ****ing pathetic.

Some people (like myself) are I think reading this thread and the replies and seeing just how wonderful an achievement Macca's game represented on more levels than just sport. Personal, representative of many that were at Bali (and their loved ones), the nation (of which McCartney spoke after the game) and how the act of terrorism affected us as a nation.

Some probably view it as Ozzult (my initial thoughts as well) as a low low troll act of reprehensible thoughts that are of no benefit to being allowed on the board.

After reading the replies here and seeing just how the nature of those replies are and in what regard the initial two posters are being held up to the ridicule, disregard and utter contempt for which they not only deserve and are being held up towards but for how they believe they can foster upon (McCartney and in effect all Bali victims as last night was truly 'greater than the individual) others, I think the thread should stay.

Perhaps by allowing it to remain this may allow them some small hope that they may actually learn something about the nature of loss, dignity and triumph of spirit over adversity.

I kind of doubt it but its a hope worth having.

Well played Jason McCartney, have a great life in whatever the future holds for you from now.
this is what last night meant to me:
one man,s inspirational effort to not only put his life on the line and his true fighting spirit when even the doc,s gave up on him to the road of recovery and the caring of his other fellow victims in which the final chapter of jason,s book was written last night.
normally i would tape over the game after a loss however this one will not.if ever my kids are down on themselves or somthing similar this tape this man is just the tonic.

congratulations to jason.

Re: Re: Re: I was right, Mccartney should have been delisted.

Originally posted by footyman
It's taken a while, but suzi - I agree with you.

Jason McCartney said last night that the decision to retire was only made a few weeks ago. Up until then I get the feeling he intended to play on after this game.

The Kangaroos can promote a rookie now. Don't know what the quality of rookies are like, I know J Clayton already is up from the rookie list.
The fact is that we don't need negative comments about a player who has 50% burns to his body due to the Bali Bombs.

Tar and Chris_Judd are disrespectful scum and both of these trolls are going on my ignore list.

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I am so bitterly disappointed that Tar and Chris_Judd, should choose to post such despicable material in these circumstances and

I ask that the moderators remove these two people from Big Footy forever

How dare they try to besmirch what will be remembered as one of the great events in Australian history.

Last night was much much more than just about footy, it was about life and death and in this instance the celebration of life over the deliberately planned death of a number of people.

What Jason did in returning to football, on his own merits, will I am sure be of immense inspiration to other injured Bali victims and indeed also sends a message to the faceless bombers who wreak their shocking acts on innocent people, that good can triumph over evil. Please keep in mind the people who bombed the Sari club, more than likely bombed that location because they knew a large number of AFL footballers would on balance of probability be there and they wanted to get some high profile people.

Jason was not retained by North as some sort of publicity stunt, he was retained out of compassion and human decency to give him a chance to get back. Until 4 weeks ago he did not intend it to end this way, but that calf injury gave him a chance to see how much easier it would be if, having achieved his goal, having done more than anyone could have done for the other Bali victims, he stepped on to the next chapter in his life, healing his own physical and almost certainly emotional state.

There is no doubt that emotionally he must be one of the toughest, strongest and most courageous people going around yet sooner or later he must take a spell and think about his long term wellbeing.

Though it brought tears to my eyes last night at the game, that having done the hard work, having got back to play, he is now hanging up the boots, I have no doubt he has done the right thing. Even the act of announcing his retirement at the end of the game, was an act of great courage in itself. Others might have just walked off and announced it at a later time.

Well done Jason McCartney, the end of a very good career, all the very best in the future, you will always be a hero in my eyes.
Originally posted by harrykewell
Tar is absolutely 100% correct. Jason McCartney is a complete and utter loser. Any other club in their right mind wouldve delisted him but it was very clear that North saw this as a money making opportunity and nothing more.

Good to see where the priorities lie at North Melbourne. Money and pleasing sheep rather than being successful on the footy field.

Looks like we have a new winner in the biggest wa nker award for bigfooty.
Originally posted by Tar
The fact is another guys football career has been put on hold because of some emotional event.

Whose career has been put on old because of McCartney ?
If you took your head out of your arse for 5 seconds,you'd realise he has actually been playing good footy in the VFL and earn't a senior recall.
Not everything in life has to revolve around money. THis is such a case where one man's struggles have inspired a nation...well, most of the nation.

And the idiots can't even get their story straight. Even if it was a money making scheme, the Kangaroos have lost out. Compare how much they made from the game, and how much they paid McCartney this year, and I'm sure the Roos would have lost money.

This match was important for McCartney, his family, Bali survivors, Bali victim families and all Australians. In the words of mastercard, it was 'priceless'.
Can I just say to anyone who has been bagging the Roos for keeping Jason McCartney and playing him last night, who I won't even name, because they aren't worthi it, are completely heartless and completely stupid if they cannot see what an inspiring story that Jason McCartney completed by playing last night.

He earnt his spot by playing for Port Melbourne and repeatedly being in their best players week after week. And this is after being badly burnt in Bali to 50% of his body. He even had to receive last rites, he was that bad.

If you could not be inspired by his story and his achievement by playing last night, then you obviously can't be inspired by everything.

Once again, Well done and congratulations Jason McCartney on your aw inspiring effort.
Deleting this thread hasn't been considered.

The same can't be said about a few of the contributors.

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And why is that exactly? Because my opinion doesn't match yours? How dare you even call this a forum, its nothing more than a place for a bunch of pathetic moral do-gooder sheep to gather and express opinions as long theyre all the same and acceptable by the wider community... or your posts get removed.. thats not a forum is it?
I stand by everything I said. If you school kids don't like what I say I couldn't care less. Looks like this place is turning into communist russia with all the censorship.

Fact is Mccartney is not siginificant as many of you suggest. Someone here said it was the greatest moment in football ever?

That little imbecile has forgotton about all the wars australian footballers have faught in AND DIED IN. Put it in perspective instead of carrying on like it is the greatest moment in football ever.

The AFL was wrong for giving him permission to change his jumper.
what the f@#k am I being abused for??? All I said is that tonights events were a publicity stunt by the Kangaroos. I didn't say a ****en thing about Jason McCartney.... and I challenge anyone to prove to me that tonight was anything but a staged stunt by the Kangaroos ona Friday night game to get more people to go to it and a national tv audience.

If you think thats worthy of having me banned from this footy board then I would think 90% of the morons who troll these boards and their comments would be banned as well.
Originally posted by Chris_Judd
If you think thats worthy of having me banned from this footy board then I would think 90% of the morons who troll these boards and their comments would be banned as well.

Well in theory you are right there. But you see most of them share the same opinions as each other and as the moderators, so it won't happen.

Is this board run by Saddam or something?
Originally posted by Tigerbob
Tar I hope your not a Tiger supporter, if so im embarrassed for the both of us...

As it stands im embarrased that your a human being.

I suppose you mean "You're". At least I can use correct grammar school kid.
Originally posted by sandeano
I just got in from the game.

I'm a Richmond supporter and have an utter hatred of North Melbourne.

I am shattered that we lost tonight. Nothing short of devastated.

However, let me congratulate the Roos on their win. Never, for a second did they give up. For that matter, neither did Richmond so I am proud of them.

Having said that, I was priviliged to be at the game tonight to see a truly inspirational hero take the field, overcoming traumas i would not wish upon my worst enemy. At the end of the day, even if North (or Richmond, or anyone for that matter) win the premiership, this will statistically still just count as a game of footy to me and all the supporters who attended, listened to the radio or took note of the result.

We may have taken a lot of interest in the game in the lead up and may either celebrate or commiserate depending on who we support. But for the other 6 and a half days of this week we had jobs, school, life to go on with and football was secondary, at best.

Jason McCartney has spent this year lving for a couple of things - his marriage and to finally step onto the field for the senior Roos team. I cannot imagine the hell he has been through and if I were a thousand times more of a courageous human being I would not be fit to kiss his bootstuds when it comes to determination and spirit.

The effect had had on EVERYONE at the ground was immense. We all willed him on to get through the match. Naturally I wanted him to be part of a losing side (for tonght, only) and I am sure that he would have appreciated that - no quarter given and none taken.

I am sure that tonight he may have given his team just that extra ounce of stamina to get over the line and he most certainly contributed to the winning goal.

As I said I am still shattered after the loss. But forever, in my heart and memory this game will live on.

1% of it as a courageous Richmond loss.

99% of it as a dedication to the spirit of a truly amazing and incomparable man.

Goodbye to a true champion.

You conquered the footy challenge now get on and enjoy your life with your wife and everthing that it brings you. I am sure that no challenge will be a worry from here on in.

Two final things to say ...

Congrats to North. Just too good. McCartney or not, you never gave in.

And Tar? You are an absolute ****.
That's a great post Sandeano. And there's plenty of others in your position - while most situations are fair game for barrackers, the conduct of the Richmond fans in applauding McCartney's entrance to the game shows a great sportsmanship that makes our game great.
Of course everyone always wants their team to win, and of course the Richmond fans would be disappointed to lose. But football's more than just one team and how they go - this was a man who was at death's door 8 months ago returning to the game he loves. And a true supporter of the game, not just of any one club, would appreciate that.

And to Tar, when you suggest there's no room for emotion in the game - McCartney may have only got 3 touches; but one of them was a goal, and it's 3 more touches than the terrorist bastards wanted him to get. And the inspiration he provided, plus the goal, got the Roos over the line by a kick. That touch could well be the difference between the Kangaroos making the 8 and missing out.
i'm gonna find out where u pricks live and hunt you down!!!!!

dunno why i'm wasting my breath but F**K! Have u any respect for a bloke that was half dead over 8 months ago and played AFL football last night.

I hope you get hit by a F**CKING mac truck!!!!!

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I was right, Mccartney should have been delisted.

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