I wouldn't venture down that path, myself. Australia's been a willing cohort in more than a few examples of belligerent U.S foreign policy decisions but to view Ash Wednesday (1983, South Australia, Victoria) Black Saturday (2009, Victoria) or Black Summer (2019-20, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Australian Capital Territory, South Australia) as some sort of 'divine punishment' is, even going beyond the debate over the existence of the 'divine' in and of itself, a bit shit.I was reading the news this morning and a thought came into my head that maybe there is a firey and vengeful god, dealing out justice.
Nobody of consequence is ever harmed by these events, only ordinary folk and the wildlife that call the bush home. If The Divine can throw lightning bolts at will why do the guilty escape harm continuously?
And THEN you get to this kind of social commentary
US pastor, who believes floods are God's punishment, flees flooded home
Tony Perkins and his family escapes the Louisiana floods in a canoe after huge natural disaster.
Yeah nah. F*ck that for a game of soldiers.