Jeff Kennett on sacked gay trainer

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Re: Jeff Kennett: "Having a gay trainer is the same as having a paedophile trainer"

The elephant in the room being ignored by all the left liberal rush to criticism is that the majority of players in the team would probably prefer not to have a homosexual trainer. It may not be what people want to hear but we all know it is perfectly true that young men in footy teams do not want open homosexuality in the changing rooms.

Whether this justifies firing a homosexual is debating but let's not pretend we don't realise there is an issue. As a hererosexual male I would exclude myself from female dressing rooms and perhaps a homosexual male should show the same consideration re males dressing rooms.

You do realise that most people, regardless of their sexual preferences, do not flaunt their sexuality within their workplaces, dont you? They are there to work and be professional, gay or straight.

Kennett's comments are a disgrace :thumbsdown:
lol but how can you find old homosexuals 'invasive', unless they're actually buggering you i don't understand how you find them 'invasive'.

most far right conservatives demand to own the moral high ground. what they have never understood is that it's not there (or theirs) to own, although they will try and use the bible as some kind of evidence, which it certainly isn't (shall we discuss peadophilia in the church?)
Re: Jeff Kennett: "Having a gay trainer is the same as having a paedophile trainer"

The elephant in the room being ignored by all the left liberal rush to criticism is that the majority of players in the team would probably prefer not to have a homosexual trainer. It may not be what people want to hear but we all know it is perfectly true that young men in footy teams do not want open homosexuality in the changing rooms.

Whether this justifies firing a homosexual is debating but let's not pretend we don't realise there is an issue. As a hererosexual male I would exclude myself from female dressing rooms and perhaps a homosexual male should show the same consideration re males dressing rooms.

They may well prefer not to but that confers no right to stop them being there as long as like every other employee they are acting professionally.

As a heterosexual male I find no need for gays to avoid "males" dressing rooms, where do they change then? The "got a dick but not quite a Man" room?
Of course your possibly that attractive (with a pretty penis too no doubt:rolleyes:) the poor gay guy wouldnt be able to keep his hands off you and would seek to ravish you immediately on the spot as your intense masculinity set his feminine side on heat.......

LMFAO you met a lot of homosexuals?
Re: Jeff Kennett: "Having a gay trainer is the same as having a paedophile trainer"

I should stay out of this.......but can't help myself!!!

Ken, i don't agree with entirely with Jeffs comments and don't condone them in any way, shape or form. But you say in the last line that you are only interested in sport? So why don't you just watch it or play it like the rest of us and set up an external remedial massage clinic where people can come to you?:confused:

The team has every right to decide who puts their hands on their players!
I can only go by the fact that if i was in charge of rubbing down a female netball team i would on occasion find myself aroused! I am sexually attracted to females (and athletic ones at that!) so i don't see how i couldn't be aroused no matter how professional i am! In fact i think that it would be my dream job! Does anyone know if netball teams hire men as their trainers???

Also, if it is not an issue, why did they have to tell the U18's team about your sexuality?

Of course they a reasonable extent, in this case what they consider reasonable sounds very 1980's and earlier.

Well I dont think theres a law against that whats your point? Unless you start sticking things (be they excited members or hands) where they arent supposed to go whats the big deal...:(:confused:
Re: Jeff Kennett: "Having a gay trainer is the same as having a paedophile trainer"

I can only laugh at the morons on here who go on about free speech.

No one here is saying he should be locked up in join for his comments. No one is saying that what he said, or his opinion, should be illegal.

We are saying that he has no capacity in any official role with either Hawthorn or Beyond blue after these comments. Free speech exists within society, but NOT within organisations. What would happen to the Coke CEO if he came out and said that Pepsi was his drink of choice? What if a Holden spokesperson came out and labeled his company’s cars as shitboxes?

They would be fired because they are breaching their organisation’s interests.

Same with Beyond Blue. With so many homosexuals suffering form depression, he has directly contradicted their mission. How can a homophobic person possibly have anything to do with this organisation?

And with Hawthorn. What would happen if one of their players was gay? What would happen NOW if the player were to come out?

Freedom of speech indeed.

Of course there's a gay player or two or more at Hawthorn and at every club - odds would support that. Rodney Croome supports that too... but then I don't necessarily trust him as my spokesperson (spokesperson for gay rights in Tasmania).

I don't agree with what Kennett said, I am offended and regardless of what he intended it to mean, he's a fool for thinking he can look all innocent. It's something he should have declined to comment upon.

The fact is the Liberal Party and a lot of the people that have represented it in the past... are bigoted. It is their official stance just ask John Howard about how marriage is only between a man and a woman... and thus discriminating against a significant proportion of the country.

It's not an unusual stretch for anybody with any knowledge about politics to believe that Jeff's views are firmly planted in the Liberal Party ways. As such he would have been smarter saying nothing, that way such outrage whether fair or not... wouldn't have been directed his way.
IN what way?

You are playing semantics in an attempt to defend the indefensible simply out of club loyalty.

Jeff should be drawn and quartered for comparing a solid citizen to a paedophile.

You should be embarrassed for attempting to defend him for no other reason than he’s a representative of your club.
Re: Jeff Kennett: "Having a gay trainer is the same as having a paedophile trainer"

The fact is the Liberal Party and a lot of the people that have represented it in the past... are bigoted. It is their official stance just ask John Howard about how marriage is only between a man and a woman... and thus discriminating against a significant proportion of the country.

It's not an unusual stretch for anybody with any knowledge about politics to believe that Jeff's views are firmly planted in the Liberal Party ways. As such he would have been smarter saying nothing, that way such outrage whether fair or not... wouldn't have been directed his way.

Hang on, its wrong to label all people of one group with a sterotype but okay to do it with another group? And actually if you check his political history, he pushed for "[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]the embracement of the homosexual "community"" when he was in office (

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Re: Jeff Kennett: "Having a gay trainer is the same as having a paedophile trainer"

yeah but that could have also been put down to penis envy eh? ;)
Might be me but I'd have to say I have never studied another mans tackle and gone "strewth that would look good hanging between my legs" Now penis substitute envy I do get occassionally, unless its a Porsche as those things are ugly:thumbsdown:
Re: Jeff Kennett: "Having a gay trainer is the same as having a paedophile trainer"

Hang on, its wrong to label all people of one group with a sterotype but okay to do it with another group? And actually if you check his political history, he pushed for "[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]the embracement of the homosexual "community"" when he was in office (

You're using the LOR as a source? :eek:

They think anyone that doesn't want gays strung up by the neck is a gay sympathiser.

Jeff the politician would never have made the "same as a paedophile" quote.

It's why his comment now is so inecusable.

Regardless, whether Jeff is homophobic or not isn't the issue.

His comments are the issue, not what he may or may not have done more than a decade ago.
You are playing semantics in an attempt to defend the indefensible simply out of club loyalty.

No, I am defending the guy from being slammed by no names for something he actually never said!

Jeff should be drawn and quartered for comparing a solid citizen to a paedophile.

It is semantics to say that he compared a solid citizen to a pedophile. He compared a club dealing with one of THERE perceived risks with how they might deal with another perceived risk. It was a bad example but still not what you and lots on here are saying he said.

You should be embarrassed for attempting to defend him for no other reason than he’s a representative of your club.

If that was the reason I was defending him, I would be embarrased but as he is being wrongly accused and done some many good things for the community in his work with Beyond Blue I personally think he deserves the right to have some one defend him! I am personally touched on a daily basis by someone with depression and before Jeff got involved with Beyond Blue people where almost laughed at when someone said they had depression!
he is being wrongly accused
Maybe we should compare Jeff with a paedophile? Sounds fair to me.

He is being criticised for his words. Nobody elses.

"Wrongly accused" . . . talk about the pot calling the kettle black. :rolleyes:

I am personally touched on a daily basis by someone with depression and before Jeff got involved with Beyond Blue people where almost laughed at when someone said they had depression!

And Jeff would have been one of those people laughing at them until it touched him.

To pass this off as a poor analogy is complete and utter nonsense.

He is questioning the morality and self control of gays.

FFS, could you be any more insulting than to compare anyone as a paedophile?
And Jeff would have been one of those people laughing at them until it touched him.

To pass this off as a poor analogy is complete and utter nonsense.

He is questioning the morality and self control of gays.

FFS, could you be any more insulting than to compare anyone as a paedophile?

That was beyond stupid and it perpetuates (in some incredibly stupid people) the non distinction between gays and pedophiles... I know that may sound stupid to anyone with atleast half a brain but there is that mentality out there.
This is not a new opinion by Jeff.

He accused Brumby of "Sleeping with Boys"

No matter how Jeff tries to disguise his ultra conservative views, he eventually will always stick that well know foot in his mouth at regular intervals.

Kennett is now and has always been a Homophobe.
He is one of life's disgusting individuals
Re: Jeff Kennett: "Having a gay trainer is the same as having a paedophile trainer"

FFA get over it you do gooder pcers, what he said may have been in your eyes silly but this is a free country and he is allowed to say it. Some people are so PC on here it's sickening.

Its not about PC you reactionary fossil, its about basic human rights <sigh>:rolleyes:
Re: Jeff Kennett: "Having a gay trainer is the same as having a paedophile trainer"

So in other words Kennett may or may not know their thinking and you would have no idea?

Using terms such as "the club felt" suggests he did now. I mean who knows how, maybe the AFL briefed its presidents given the legal action.

I love how you leap from the AFL believing that their current position is legally sufficient to "they are homophobes if they don't act on Jeff". Zealots of all kinds are dangerous and not to be trusted - they are generally disinterested in fairness and equity and more about their own agendas.

God, next thing we will hear is homosexuals referring to straight people in derogatory breeders or worse :eek: surely, these paragons of virtue would never become bigots?

LMAO never happen ;)
Re: Jeff Kennett: "Having a gay trainer is the same as having a paedophile trainer"

Yep, and now the interest groups, who are of course all about fairness and equity, are playing the "pulling your sponsorships" card at the Hawks for the (in context) poorly worded but hardly harmful comments of its President (according to Tess anyway).

If only the aboriginals had enough economic power and market power and coined a phrase like "the brown dollar", they would be way further advanced than they are now.

But in this case, the pink dollar has spoken and Kennett must be sacked. No doubt this will all be resolved by a grovelling apology or a Jeff Kennett float in the next mardi gras - accompanied by a suitable financial contribution of course. Seriously, some people just need to relax.
I thought that had died due to lack of interest?
Where does he say that? He doesn't!! Show me, so I can understand. FFS look at what HE said! Show me actual quotes that he ACTUALLY links it. Good bloody luck because you can't without making a leap of face that the IT he refers to is "gay" and not "risk".
Here is the article link again so you can accurately quote him!,21985,24083078-662,00.html

Jesus man, you are one pathetic individual.

F*hrer Kennett said:
"It's the same if you have a pedophile there as a masseur, right?"

Try looking up the meaning of the word "same". I posted a reference earlier in the thread if you're having trouble using a dictionary. :rolleyes:
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