Podcast Joe Rogan - Tricked again!

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Take the View for example, now the clips I've seen of that show indicate they are nutbags to me and they disseminate misinformation all the time. I think they're batshit crazy but I don't care if they're on air or not, it's the dumb people that believe them that are the problem.

And thanks for the explanation on what engineering is, after my degree and years in the field it is information I did not previously know!
Who is defending or excusing The View?
We all know what your and my opinion would be, of anyone who stans The View.

What you don't seem able to conceptualise, is that you are doing the equivalent of defending, supporting and spreading the deliberate dissemination of disinformation from The View.
And soying out at anyone attacking them.
The defence for The View was bs like "It's and attack on feminism, women, women of colour etc". Because people would just attack 'The View', based on ongoing rhetoric and evidence. Instead of attacking their heavily nuanced point everytime.

And it's easier to represent an attack on a topic/view/representation as an attack on the person verbalising it rather than substantiating the view etc, because it instantly becomes a 'smart off' between pre-existing sides.

I didn't explain what engineering is to you. I just pointed out why I hold you to a a higher level than others.
I don't have podcasts. It was a satirical post highlighting the irreverence about ignoring the substance, matter or content in order to feign indignation about someone seemingly deliberately misunderstanding something.
Who is defending or excusing The View?
We all know what your and my opinion would be, of anyone who stans The View.

What you don't seem able to conceptualise, is that you are doing the equivalent of defending, supporting and spreading the deliberate dissemination of disinformation from The View.
And soying out at anyone attacking them.
The defence for The View was bs like "It's and attack on feminism, women, women of colour etc". Because people would just attack 'The View', based on ongoing rhetoric and evidence. Instead of attacking their heavily nuanced point everytime.

And it's easier to represent an attack on a topic/view/representation as an attack on the person verbalising it rather than substantiating the view etc, because it instantly becomes a 'smart off' between pre-existing sides.

I didn't explain what engineering is to you. I just pointed out why I hold you to a a higher level than others.

I was using it as an example, a popular entertainment show which has stuff said on it I don't agree with, like you with Rogan. And yes I am defending their right to say shit I don't think is true, I just laugh at the clips much like Chief does with Rogan.

And one of those paragraphs started with "Engineering is about...", that sounded like an explanation to me.

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I was using it as an example, a popular entertainment show which has stuff said on it I don't agree with, like you with Rogan. And yes I am defending their right to say shit I don't think is true, I just laugh at the clips much like Chief does with Rogan.

And one of those paragraphs started with "Engineering is about...", that sounded like an explanation to me.

But I read all of your posts.

You shouldn't get upset with my posts because you refuse to read the rest, and you shouldn't get upset with me because I read and remember things you've posted on here.

Disagree, argue or explain why I'm wrong. PLEASE.
But just being emotional and dismissive is very DEI of you.

I know you were using The View as an example. That's why I replied to it as you using it as an example.
See Rogan knows his shit, he's already calling this election fraudulent! Would a man wearing those glasses tell a lie?

There is a concerted effort I've noticed to call the 2024 election fraudulent before it has even happened. Stoking the flames of another January 6 if Trump doesn't win, and Rogan and Musk will be complicit in this if it does happen.
1718257965537.png If you're just patiently waiting, desperate for a laugh, stop crying when I treat some interactions with contempt and memes.

If you can't engage because I'm too far removed from your position/opinion, I get that.

But If I feel I can't engage with a poster, because they are too insane or unhinged, I don't try to laugh or try to tease them
I try to engage with anyone I think is still able to reasonably engage in logical thought.

I think it's pretty standard that if you think you're right or 'winning' on an issue, that you'd pursue it. And that if you can't or realise you're wrong that you will attack the person or avoid engaging.

I'm so triggered by your emoji responses!!! I'm gonna soy out!!!
There is a concerted effort I've noticed to call the 2024 election fraudulent before it has even happened. Stoking the flames of another January 6 if Trump doesn't win, and Rogan and Musk will be complicit in this if it does happen.
Biden is already being viewed as guilty of pardoning Hunter, because it's what's people expect Trump would do, based on his previous actions.

Biden is condemned for what he hasn't done, while Trump is defended for what he has done.
See Rogan knows his shit, he's already calling this election fraudulent! Would a man wearing those glasses tell a lie?

Very disingenuous or flat out dumb, the stuff going on in these clips. I know no one here is holding up Joe as some shining example of intelligence or critical thought, but gee whiz imagine still pretending equivalence now between what Trump did re: election denial in 2020 and Hills in 2016, or Bush v Gore in 2000.

Then he wonders if they're willing to deceive us with the Steele Dossier, Bernie/RFK Jr and primaries, why wouldn't they be deceiving us with elections? Geez Joe, would have thought the fact that you're aware of and discussing dodginess around Steele/Bernie/RFK stuff might be a bit of a clue - I'd suggest the 2020 election had far more scrutiny than any of those, and 4 years and 378 audits, recounts and investigations later not a single shred of evidence even approaching organised fraud has been found.

Truly mind numbing stuff :drunk:
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Talking about Mexico.
Rogan: We live next to a ****ing crackhouse.
Hinchcliffe: That's on fire.
Rogan: Crackhouse on fire, run by a Jew.

Tony Hinchcliffe said Dang was a "filthy little ****ing chink", followed with a series of Asian stereotypes in a mock Chinese accent, and lashed out at audience members who laughed at Dang's jokes, branding them as "race traitors". The video was later shown on Twitter, went viral and received criticism.​

Crazy podcast.

He points out that black people now support Trump more, because Trump is a criminal.
That there is a very specific and deliberate outcome for Mexico, because of (((globalist control))).

For most people, the idea of specifically calling out someone being a Jew as a pejorative, and saying that 'blacks' are automatically supportive and sympathetic of a person with a criminal conviction (Epstein), is clearly bigoted and hateful.

But in the modern age we have to pretend we don't understand the most obvious of things, because it's woke/CRT etc.

It doesn't matter how much hate, violence and terroristic acts have increased against LGBTQ+ in the last decade. Or the global unbalance where there is no major global support for major global influences, because we've been taught that we cannot trust anyone or anything outside of our pre-existing views.

President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election. Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency.
For most people, the idea of specifically calling out someone being a Jew as a pejorative, and saying that 'blacks' are automatically supportive and sympathetic of a person with a criminal conviction (Epstein), is clearly bigoted and hateful.
Another analysis I saw of this was that Trump is proven to be "outside the system" or "attacked by the system" like a lot of people of colour are in the US.

The insane rappers are just getting in for the eyeballs.
Very disingenuous or flat out dumb, the stuff going on in these clips. I know no one here is holding up Joe as some shining example of intelligence or critical thought, but gee whiz imagine still pretending equivalence now between what Trump did re: election denial in 2020 and Hills in 2016, or Bush v Gore in 2000.

Then he wonders if they're willing to deceive us with the Steele Dossier, Bernie/RFK Jr and primaries, why wouldn't they be deceiving us with elections? Geez Joe, would have thought the fact that you're aware of and discussing dodginess around Steele/Bernie/RFK stuff might be a bit of a clue - I'd suggest the 2020 election had for more scrutiny than any of those, and 4 years and 378 audits, recounts and investigations later not a single shred of evidence even approaching organised fraud has been found.

Truly mind numbing stuff :drunk:
That's the problem.

Like Burisma, like Benghazi, like the Laptop, like the 'censoring news', like the Emails, like the Steele Dossier and on and on. there is 'knowing' based on facts and information. And there is 'believing' based on emotions and reactions.
And 'belief' will almost always win over 'knowing' because of the human condition.

No one has the time or desire to explain it all point by point, again.

Everyone currently knows right now, that Biden HAS NOT pardoned his son.
But the ongoing discussion will be inline with the knowledge that Biden is corrupt, because he has/will/did/watevs pardon his son.

And even though we accept that he might, based on the insanity of Trump and the stacked Supreme Court. We still. have more outrage at the idea of Biden doing something like that, than we do at the fact that Trump has done it previously, and would have been supported in doing it if he was in the exact same position.

And while I'm on a JoondalupJ.

Why are we pretending to use Bush et al as a view of the system/swamp that Trump is against?
As if any actions taken during that period of time would have been opposed by Trump?

Lying about WMDs, he'd do that without blinking.
He lied about basic healthcare for Americans, because it stroked his ego.
He was only stopped from extremism through the few systems still in place.
He's done nothing but help the Russian goals to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process and create global uncertainty.
So why do we entertain the bs artists who insist they support Trump because he doesn't represent the dishonest political class of yesteryear?
Another analysis I saw of this was that Trump is proven to be "outside the system" or "attacked by the system" like a lot of people of colour are in the US.

The insane rappers are just getting in for the eyeballs.
I've seen that as well, astroturfing as a legitimate reason for Trump support.

The same people who stood against the BLM movement, and praised murderers like Rittenhouse, are the same people who are now agreeing that the judicial system needs to be reviewed.

And while they can still say that there is no systemic racism etc, they're now also able to say that Trump is a victim of the same generational impacts and inequality as black people, because he's actually been convicted of one of his white collar crimes, while running for President of the USA.
View attachment 2018556If you're just patiently waiting, desperate for a laugh, stop crying when I treat some interactions with contempt and memes.

If you can't engage because I'm too far removed from your position/opinion, I get that.

But If I feel I can't engage with a poster, because they are too insane or unhinged, I don't try to laugh or try to tease them
I try to engage with anyone I think is still able to reasonably engage in logical thought.

I think it's pretty standard that if you think you're right or 'winning' on an issue, that you'd pursue it. And that if you can't or realise you're wrong that you will attack the person or avoid engaging.

I'm so triggered by your emoji responses!!! I'm gonna soy out!!!

I have to be honest, it took all of the self control I could muster to not reply to this post with a laughing emoji!

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Well, we know he can't be held to account by me, evidenced on this thread.

Do you think the JRE can have a negative impact on society, if it actively spreads misinformation?
Do you think the JRE is just a random podcast that triggers the woke?

I don't know why Civil or Structural Engineers would need Laplace. Unless your course just had a basic maths minimum, that you passed.

Engineering is about collecting available information, understanding that information and working out a solution or outcome based on the available information.

A degree in Engineering is passed by knowing what formulas and inputs are needed for an exam.

Do you think I should slap you in the nuts?
Should you give me $10,000?

You must realise how abrasive this line of posting is lol
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Take the View for example, now the clips I've seen of that show indicate they are nutbags to me and they disseminate misinformation all the time. I think they're batshit crazy but I don't care if they're on air or not, it's the dumb people that believe them that are the problem.

And thanks for the explanation on what engineering is, after my degree and years in the field it is information I did not previously know!

I can't hear "The View" and not be reminded of that time Norm MacDonald went on and spent most of his time repeating that Bill Clinton is a murderer while Barbara Walters got increasingly mad at him
I can't hear "The View" and not be reminded of that time Norm MacDonald went on and spent most of his time repeating that Bill Clinton is a murderer while Barbara Walters got increasingly mad at him
One of my favourite interviews of his other than his insane Conan appearances (bet it's spelt BORED), was the radio interview where he says 'black people are poorer than white people' and the chick host is twisted in knots as the co-host laughs. His subtle trolling was so good
One of my favourite interviews of his other than his insane Conan appearances (bet it's spelt BORED), was the radio interview where he says 'black people are poorer than white people' and the chick host is twisted in knots as the co-host laughs. His subtle trolling was so good
I hate that Norm has developed a right wing audience post his death. A lot of idiots out there that have no idea what made him considered as one of the best stand ups of the modern era.

People that think that troll humour is clever or witty need to grow up.
I hate that Norm has developed a right wing audience post his death. A lot of idiots out there that have no idea what made him considered as one of the best stand ups of the modern era.

People that think that troll humour is clever or witty need to grow up.
Go outside mate. Not everything is ****ing political RiGhT wInG shit
I hate that Norm has developed a right wing audience post his death.
Anyone who they think "owns teh libs" is their hero. Unless it's a lefty owning teh libs, then they are "COMMUNISTS EATING THEIR OWN!"
I hate that Norm has developed a right wing audience post his death. A lot of idiots out there that have no idea what made him considered as one of the best stand ups of the modern era.

People that think that troll humour is clever or witty need to grow up.
The only decent American humourist of the right I can think of was PJ and even as a life long Republican he devoted one of his last books to wondering just how the hell we end up with Trump as President.
You have to be a loser of the highest order, like weapons grade loser, to try and turn throw away comments about Norm McDonald into a 'my political team is better' shit fight
It's more pointing out dorks ruining the legacy of one of the great stand ups by turning him into this political figure that he wasn't.

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Podcast Joe Rogan - Tricked again!

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