News Lions Board Spill - update: Board Dispute Resolved

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I'm calling it that, I know the correct term thanks. Now it should be called extraordinary if it happens this year general meeting.

Yeah right. Wouldn't want to lose face and show your complete ignorance on this topic....
I think you completely misunderstand the process.

It is 600 signatures from the 11,000 voting Brisbane Lions members. No way are there 600 Brisbane Lions members with voting rights milling around Southbank on a Saturday morning.

Also, who will get the signatures? Who will collate, check for double ups/validity, etc? Who is paying the lawyers? Who will pay the significant $$$ that is needed to be lodged with the EGM papers?

Can't see how this relates to the Lions being an amateur club as it is the rival ticket that needs to organise it.

You can bitch and whine all you want, but unless you are prepared to put your money and time on the line, get a grip. At the very least it would take 2 business days for Victorian members to post their forms in (if they printed and signed them straight away and not counting the time to draft them, etc) and your crying about what is about 4 business days as being a delay? Grow up.

You're just full of excuses aren't you? 600 signatures is not a hard task, let's not pretend it is.

Leigh confirmed his ticket acceptance on August 26th, did they not realise there we're steps to take after this?

Is there no e-mail up there or something - why the need for a long process through the mail system?

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You're just full of excuses aren't you? 600 signatures is not a hard task, let's not pretend it is.

Leigh confirmed his ticket acceptance on August 26th, did they not realise there we're steps to take after this?

Is there no e-mail up there or something - why the need for a long process through the mail system?
I believe it has been made pretty clear that the Williams/Matthews ticket tried to persuade Johnson and Co to walk before deciding to call for the EGM. The EGM takes time, resources and $$$$ (not the 50c it costs for your stamp, but tens of thousands of dollars for the requistioners) so it would have been foolish of them to go down the path of the EGM unless absolutely necessary.

Also, for someone who isn't ignorant of the process, you should know that there is a legal requirement that the original signed forms be that might be why they are using the mail system.
Care to explain why it's such a difficult task to get these signatures to the relevant parties in a timeframe that better represents the urgency of what they are doing?

Not really. It has been explained on this thread repeatedly.

Contact Paul Williams or Leigh Matthews if you have an issue.
Care to explain why it's such a difficult task to get these signatures to the relevant parties in a timeframe that better represents the urgency of what they are doing?

So far you haven't suggested one possible method of getting the signatures that is valid that could have done this. Care to explain why it is so easy?
Panthera educate yourself about the actual process, not the imaginary one that exists in your head. Start with the club constitution and the Corporations Act.

Then come back and post actual suggestions as to how the process could be expedited. Your posts so far have just shown a complete lack of understanding of the process. That is fine in that it is complex and rather boring stuff, but at least temper the criticism until you understand it better.
So far you haven't suggested one possible method of getting the signatures that is valid that could have done this. Care to explain why it is so easy?


So now you've switched your criticism to member for not forking out the money for an express post envelope? Anyone else you want to try to have a crack at, since it seems to change with every post.

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Williams/Power/Matthews had the manners to allow Johnson and Co to consider the situation and resign without the EGM taking place.

That 'wasted' a number of days.

Panthera, you make it sound like its organising a Mothers Group for coffees after the kindy drop off next Thursday morning..... I have no 'mates' involved in this process before you make some other whacky assumption. There are legalities and formalities and organisational matters to sort out - rather than a "just send me a text if you want in" sort of scenario.

As an outsider, I'm delighted with the how they've gone about it, in terms of corresponding and organising. I'm talking about the Liors Roar people in offering their assistance as the mid point for receiving info from those wanting to organise an EGM, and offering their assistance as the mid point to both parties if they wanted formal notification of their positions put on the website (which Johnson and Co didn't take up). I'm also talking about the comprehensive form that crossed i's and dotted t's organised by the Willaims/Power/Matthews ticket. I'm talking about the PO Box. I'm talking about everything. It is not an "easy" talk as you seen to be thinking it is. It could be done half-ar$ed, but that may not deliver the 600 required, or may not deliver them in the correct and official manner, or may not deliver them in the necessary legal format to warrant the call of an EGM and thus giving the other ticket an opportunity to slither out of the calling of the EGM.

The timing so far has been absolutely acceptable based on the circumstances and requirements.
On another note I'd be hesitant to send the forms off to the board if they only have the minimum 550-600 simply due to the fact that despite the communication I'm sure that they're likely to get a few forms from people who don't have the correct membership type to actually cast a vote. I doubt that they would have a mechanism to be able to check, they'd be relying on the people mailing in the forms and there could very well mistakes made by some.

Hopefully they get well above that mark so there's no issues

There are significant costs associated with Express Post as well as people having to go out and find time to buy one and, as POBT pointed out, at most this saves 1 day. However, I'm sure some people would have done this.

If you're so excited to whinge about the 'delays', were you one of them?
You all seem to be having a crack, and that's more than fine - no issues there.

Answer me this; If Collingwood sacked Nathan Buckley (same situation), do you think they'd have the same issues calling an EGM? A notice would be delivered to the board before Eddie had a chance to turn purple.
On another note I'd be hesitant to send the forms off to the board if they only have the minimum 550-600 simply due to the fact that despite the communication I'm sure that they're likely to get a few forms from people who don't have the correct membership type to actually cast a vote. I doubt that they would have a mechanism to be able to check, they'd be relying on the people mailing in the forms and there could very well mistakes made by some.

Hopefully they get well above that mark so there's no issues

But...Southbank and stuff...
Answer me this; If Collingwood sacked Nathan Buckley (same situation), do you think they'd have the same issues calling an EGM? A notice would be delivered to the board before Eddie had a chance to turn purple.

So now the issue is that we aren't Collingwood?

Again, make an ACTUAL (feasible) suggestion as to how the process should have been done differently or quite frankly... shut up.
You all seem to be having a crack, and that's more than fine - no issues there.

Answer me this; If Collingwood sacked Nathan Buckley (same situation), do you think they'd have the same issues calling an EGM? A notice would be delivered to the board before Eddie had a chance to turn purple.

When Essendon sacked Kevin Sheedy, a group of supporters with significant media exposure took weeks to get signatures. This is getting embarrassing for you.
So now the issue is that we aren't Collingwood?

Again, make an ACTUAL (feasible) suggestion as to how the process should have been done differently or quite frankly... shut up.

Yes, Brown Dog, always deflecting off topic as per usual...the issue is we're not Collingwood :rolleyes:

Here's a thought; speak to the people on the ticket, get the necessary funds for what is needed by both parties to call an EGM: 2 envelopes per voting member, paperwork, lawyers etc. and 72hrs later you have what you need :thumbsu:

Or is that too difficult?
When Essendon sacked Kevin Sheedy, a group of supporters with significant media exposure took weeks to get signatures. This is getting embarrassing for you.

And they only needed 100...

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News Lions Board Spill - update: Board Dispute Resolved

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