News Lions Board Spill - update: Board Dispute Resolved

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GG, you forgot about inviting himself into the players circle to sing the song first game after shafting Vossy. Knowing how Lethal used to insist on the players having the spotlight after a win, I reckon steam would have been coming out of his ears when he saw that, & that was the moment he decided to act.

Close to the most embarrassing, inept, pathetic, self serving thing I have seen in football.
Do you think before the boys run out today that Angus will gather them around him and announce his retirement saying this is his last game? I hope so :rolleyes:

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There is a clear perception that the Voss situation was handled poorly but the more I think about it the more I struggle to see how.

Firstly the thing that has been forgotten is that there is a difference between being sacked and being told your contract is not going to be renewed. Secondly the whole board, including the ones challenging, agreed not to renew Voss' contract.
Tell the thousands of out of work public servants that.
This week you have a job, don't come next week. Same thing.
Put a bullet in for me too. But please make it quick.

We don't have the budget for bullets. A bread and butter knife through the forehead is the best we can offer.

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We don't have the budget for bullets. A bread and butter knife through the forehead is the best we can offer.

"You don't do the budget Terry..."

I don't think Roo's will coach Melbourne either. All just a stunt for his profile and ego. Used and abused us until Lethal came onto the scene (To scared to pussy foot the old man around Roos?) now he playing with Melbourne. Piece of work he is.

On another topic wouldn't mind seeing Luke Power come onto the board at some stage.
Personally, I think the reason Roos didn't take the job is... his family... he has absolutely no need to lie to anyone - he could say "look, I don't want to coach your club" without a hassle, but he's not done that.

Regardless of his kids, he also has a wife, parents, everything else like that. Who's to say his wife didn't think about it, and ask him not to move to Brisbane. I know my wife wouldn't be keen to move to certain places, particularly if she knows no one there. It looks to me like they were considering it, and they decided against it.
Harvey post-game interview
Harvey described the Lions' season as "difficult in many ways".

"But the club's doing everything it can to try to get things right. Obviously there are decisions to be made in the next month or two and that's important that gets fast-tracked and and solved.
Probably reading too much into it and probably odd for coaching staff to comment on but what do you reckon he's talking about here?
I don't imagine you can "fast-track" the coaching appointment so is he advocating an EGM?
With the season officially over I'm a bit numb how that only just over a month ago we were a fairly, solid united club that was making some strides on the field and off it. Now, to me it feels like the proverbial has hit the fan and we look like a shambles. The uncertainty of a number of things, coach, administration, player retention and others is just not what we need. Especially over the last few seasons the players and coaches and football department have earnt respect back which hopefully isn't pissed away because of some 'suits'. We need to get our house in order!
With the season officially over I'm a bit numb how that only just over a month ago we were a fairly, solid united club that was making some strides on the field and off it. Now, to me it feels like the proverbial has hit the fan and we look like a shambles. The uncertainty of a number of things, coach, administration, player retention and others is just not what we need. Especially over the last few seasons the players and coaches and football department have earnt respect back which hopefully isn't pissed away because of some 'suits'. We need to get our house in order!

Yep, can't disagree with any of that...the events of the past month were all just so unnecessary.

The only positive for mine that could come out of this is that Johnson and a few of his cronies will be pissed off once and for all.

Either way though, the damage is done.
GG, you forgot about inviting himself into the players circle to sing the song first game after shafting Vossy. Knowing how Lethal used to insist on the players having the spotlight after a win, I reckon steam would have been coming out of his ears when he saw that, & that was the moment he decided to act.

Close to the most embarrassing, inept, pathetic, self serving thing I have seen in football.

If you relook at the video. Take a look at the expression on Mark Harveys face . Says it all.

An embarrassing and disgraceful move by Angus.
Time to reinforce the idea that this EGM isn't going to happen by itself. If you want this situation resolved then you must send in the form. If you sit back thinking that it's all over bar the shouting & leave it to others then the required number of forms won't be sent.

This board calamity we find ourselves in must be fixed. The fastest way to do that is to call for an EGM. The opportunity is there, do you care about your club enough to take it?
Time to reinforce the idea that this EGM isn't going to happen by itself. If you want this situation resolved then you must send in the form. If you sit back thinking that it's all over bar the shouting & leave it to others then the required number of forms won't be sent.

This board calamity we find ourselves in must be fixed. The fastest way to do that is to call for an EGM. The opportunity is there, do you care about your club enough to take it?

Yep. Numbers are going to be tight. Can rant all day and night about the club on a message board but it is meaningless unless you back it up with action.

Posting a letter may seem an anachronism these days, but that's the way it has to be. Time to step up.

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News Lions Board Spill - update: Board Dispute Resolved

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