Analysis Lizard people, Trump and other non-corona rabbit holes

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Warning: This thread contains statements and assertions that are misleading, disputed or unverified. You should make your own enquiries concerning these matters to reputable news sources. Believe what you read here at your own risk.

Normal rules still apply to this thread - play the ball not the man.
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Wait wait wait, I've got it. The virus is airborne, so all we have to do is get a giant vacuum, the most beautiful vaccum you've ever seen, and suck out all the air from the world, just until the virus dies.

That's actually better than most of Trumps ideas, we could get rid of the excess co2 as well. just need a big beautiful air purifier.

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Holy cow, just watch that video. I look forward to see how this one gets defended. lol
Heres to a few pages of silence from the sTRUMPets
I very much doubt it.
Turns out you were right Kranky. Colour me amazed! You can't defend the indefensible I guess.

Still, there's a few hours yet left in the day for a Trumpian to tell us we got it all wrong, Trump was misquoted, he has a point, etc...
Turns out you were right Kranky. Colour me amazed! You can't defend the indefensible I guess.

Still, there's a few hours yet left in the day for a Trumpian to tell us we got it all wrong, Trump was misquoted, he has a point, etc...

Well what has everyone one so excited? The pop up sprinklers have come in for some cheap shot including chief coward Dazzler.

Oh I see a quote taken out of context. Where have I seen this before?

He was not infact talking about literally injecting patients of disinfectant. His use of the word 'injecting' was as an alternate word of entering. When a reporter asks if he literally means injecting disinfectant he says no thats for doctors to decide.

There is later one when the question is asked of Dr Bryant Trump clarifies exactly what he means. Funny how not of you include that.

I can't believe this is two pages of you guys deliberating misinterpreting his words. This is beyond pathetic.

But since you guys love your biased sources:

There you go including the later clarifying video.
Motley crue’s drummer:

THIS JUST IN! - "An Open Letter to the president" from the Drummer of Mötley Crüe, Tommy Lee…

Dear ******* Lunatic,

At your recent press conference - more a word salad that had a stroke and fell down stairs, you were CLEARLY so out of your depth you needed scuba gear. Within minutes of going off air your minions were backpedaling faster than Cirque De Soliel acrobats... In India a week ago, i couldn’t get past the bit about your being the most popular visitor in the history of ******* india — a country of a BILLION human souls that’s only 3000 years old, give or take.!!! Trust me - Gandhi pulled CROWDS.. You pulled a cricket stadium and half WALKED out...

Do you know how ******* insane you sound, you off-brand butt plug? That's like the geopolitical equivalent of “that stripper really likes me” — only 10,000 times crazier and less self aware.

You are ******* exhausting. Every day is a natural experiment in determining how long 300 million people can resist coring out their own assholes with an ice auger. Every time I hear a snippet of your Queens-tinged banshee larynx farts, I want to scream!

We are ******* tired. As bad as we all thought your presidency would be when Putin got you elected, it’s been inestimably worse.

You called a hostile, nuclear-armed head of state “short and fat.” How the fu** does that help?

You accused a woman — a former friend, no less — of showing up at your resort bleeding from the face and begging to get in. You, you, YOU — the guy who looks like a Christmas haggis inexplicably brought to life by Frosty’s magic hat — yes, you of all people said that.

You attempted — with evident ******* glee — to get 24 million people thrown off their health insurance.

You gave billions away to corporations and the already wealthy while simultaneously telling struggling poor people that you were doing exactly the opposite.

You endorsed a pedophile, praised brutal dictators, and defended LITERAL ******* NAZIS!

Ninety-nine percent of everything you say is either false, crazy, incoherent, just plain cruel, or a rancid paella of all four.

Oh, by the way, Puerto Rico is still FUBAR. You got yourself and your family billions in tax breaks for Christmas. What do they get? More paper towels?

Enough, enough, enough, enough! For the love of God and all that is holy, good, and pure, would you please, finally and forever, shut your feculent KFC-hole until you have something valuable — or even marginally civil — to say?

You are a fried dick sandwich with a side of schlongs. If chlamydia and gonorrhea had a son, you’d appoint him HHS secretary. You are a disgraceful, pustulant hot stew full of casuistry, godawful ideas, unintelligible non sequiturs, and malignant rage.

You are the perfect circus orangutan diaper from Plato’s World of Forms.

So fu** you Mr. President. And fu** you forever.

Oh, and Pence, you oleaginous house ferret. fu** you, too. You'll be as useful as a chocolate teapot against a medical crisis you Bible thumping **** socket."
I really like motley crue but I'm not going to them for my political advice .

It's like calling a plumber over to assess that growing freckle on my back .
I really like motley crue but I'm not going to them for my political advice .

It's like calling a plumber over to assess that growing freckle on my back .
It's almost like someone believing the words of a narcissist who's main claims to fame were bankrupting businesses and starring on reality tv.
Across the other side of the Pacific, Australia's Chief Medical Officer, Brendan Murphy, was asked for his clinical advice on such a novel treatment.

"I would caution against the injection of disinfection [sic]!" he said as he visibly stifled a laugh.

"They could be quite toxic to people."
BUahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, no farken sh!t. Although Maxxy, if you wanna try, I fully encourage you to do so. Be my guest.

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"Right, and then I see the disinfectant, it knocks it out in a minute, one minute and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning, cause you see it gets on the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs."

And the clarifying video later? Or are you going to continue your falsehood?
You are deliberately promoting a falsehood for a political agenda. I post a second video clarly explaining it and you ignore it because it shows up as a liar.


Quick post a simpson's gif!
You posted a Breitbart article. OMFG, this just gets better! To quote:

Trump used the word “inject,” but what he meant was using a process — which he left “medical doctors” to define — in which patients’ lungs might be cleared of the virus, given new knowledge about its response to light and other factors.

Love how they put quotes around "medical doctors" LOL
Ah there we go, that’s the justification we were looking for.

It turns out when he said “inject” that that was just shorthand for some other, undefined but completely safe and probably beautiful, method of getting household cleaners inside a human body.

Probably asking a lot of Americans in general and Trump supporters in particular to pick up on such nuance though. These are people that have already eaten aquarium rocks after all.
Ah there we go, that’s the justification we were looking for.

It turns out when he said “inject” that that was just shorthand for some other, undefined but completely safe and probably beautiful, method of getting household cleaners inside a human body.

Probably asking a lot of Americans in general and Trump supporters in particular to pick up on such nuance though. These are people that have already eaten aquarium rocks after all.


Its pretty damn obvious he did not mean to inject disinfectant into your body.

But hey continue with your agenda its working great for you.

Its pretty damn obvious he did not mean to inject disinfectant into your body.

But hey continue with your agenda its working great for you.

Even if he didn’t mean literally injecting, even on your own very generous interpretation he’s talking about using disinfectant inside a human body. That much is obvious. He talks about getting light under the skin somehow, then he talks about disinfectant being “injected” or “cleaning” the lungs. That’s the train of thought he follows.

So on any interpretation he’s talking about a dangerous and poisonous substance being used inside a human body, because it’s been successful in cleaning the virus off bench tops. That’s madness.

My agenda is pointing out Trump is a complete and utter ****wit. It’s working great because it’s very little work. He provides all the material on a silver platter.
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