Melbourne Protests:Land Forces 2024 International Land Defence Exposition

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How do you think Australia gets the best tech to have a strong military? Expos like this.

End of the day these riots achieved nothing but get everyone to hate your cause and cost the broke state more money
You don't need a fancy expo in the city. They don't need an expo at all
in which politicans get themselves out there with police escort, actively sitting down with organisers to hear the problem and try and acknowledge there is one, as opposed to a refusal to even hold such a hearing or that there's even an issue - has seen superior results at defusing violent protests worldwide, yet is frowned upon because 'Did you SEE what those ANIMALS did to those poor officers?!'
Protesters can do that now.

If you write or contact your MP/Premier/Prime Minister in a respectful manner you tend to get a much better response.
Protesters can do that now.

If you write or contact your MP/Premier/Prime Minister in a respectful manner you tend to get a much better response.
While true, there's precious small difference in a politician's behaviour on the Gaza-Hamas thing coming from community disapproval.
Let's be honest here.

There is a degree of performative "look at moi" types that attend most of these protests.

I have said for some time now, lots of people are disenfranchised economically, living paycheck to paycheck, in poor quality, dead-end jobs. They find status in "virtue-signaling", because, through no fault of their own, they are unable to find status economically.

That is my 2 cents.
Ahem Anthony .....

Yes Bob ......

The people have spoken ...they need .... sorry they want .... free press ... but they want this freedom press to be impartial

OK and ......

Well this free press the people want have to tell the truth ... report solely on the facts .... and they have to be accurate

OK so ..... these free press people have sit on the fence and be impartial .... they cant be seen to be biased and have any political affliations .... is that possible?

Apparently so .... there are free journalists out there who don't have an opinion on anything .... they don't even vote ..... they just want to tell the truth ... in a factual way.

But how can we as a nation tell if these free press are impartial and not purposely siding with one side or another .... and in fact are being factual and accurate with their reporting?

They want to build an establishment where they all get along and agree with one another .... a big media truth factory

And ... no one can challenge their factual truth reporting?

Well they are going to tell the truth ... they will fact check themselves ..... so I guess not

So we just have to take their word that they are going to be impartial and factual.


And ... who is paying them to tell this factual truth or are they going to do it for free?

They want to do it full time for free .... impartially of course .... no ad revenues .... no funding

Ok lets roll with it .... and see what happens
As much as I enjoy an ellipsis or two - even one of the sacrilegious four dot ellipsis, shock horror - I also appreciate plainness of language, people saying what they mean free of clutter.

If you think a media landscape which does not aspire for discovering the truth is desirable, I don't really know what to tell you. Is it all just smoke and mirrors, bread and circuses to you?
I think you're failing to enunciate or frame the problem correctly. What you're seeing - violent protest - is a symptom of a society whose failsafes for disenfranchisement have ceased operating, and those without a voice cannot be heard unless they scream.

If you want to limit violent protest, actually listen to what they say they want. You don't even need to consider it fully or properly; often, people are content simply with just being heard, their issues acknowledged.

I mean, as you say: violence begets more violence. You turn out the riot cops and the tear gas, people are going to rock up wearing masks and creating makeshift shields from signs or worse.

Opportunists always exist, but to focus purely on those opportunists is the media's purpose in a modern context.

Their job is to disenfranchise the populace away from the protest. Bad for business, bad for the owners of industry and the media.

But the problem remains: the police defending private citizens due to money provided to the government for that specific purpose, and a government choosing to ignore the issues of its citizens violently.

In another context, that'd be called a bribe or protection money.

I have some sympathy for police attacked yesterday; they're in a shit situation, being attacked by what is going on up the chain of command. But the cause of this is a failure of society to adequately listen to protest over a longer period of time than simply the Israel-Gaza war, rather than simply a few bad eggs.

The problem is that people have started to think it is ok to cause chaos, violence and destruction as long as they believe their "cause" is "just and righteous".

We see this all the time. Climate protests for example - people causing absolute mayhem and then excusing their actions because "the world is on fire".

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All i see here is excuses for the appalling behaviour that was on show from those muppets yesterday.
The weapons they're flogging will kill, nothing surer and you're pissed off by the people who object to that?
The weapons they're flogging will kill, nothing surer and you're pissed off by the people who object to that?
Yep just can’t bring yourself to condemn the disgusting behaviour we saw yesterday says a lot about you, military in all countries is a fact of life a few hundred pissants protesting isn’t going to change that.
As much as I enjoy an ellipsis or two - even one of the sacrilegious four dot ellipsis, shock horror - I also appreciate plainness of language, people saying what they mean free of clutter.

If you think a media landscape which does not aspire for discovering the truth is desirable, I don't really know what to tell you. Is it all just smoke and mirrors, bread and circuses to you?
And of course the Truth that you so much desire is anything that fits in with your ideologies :tearsofjoy: ..... and no doubt anything outside of that is .... pure .... made up .... bullshit

How do you like them 4 dot ellipses :kissingheart:
Yep just can’t bring yourself to condemn the disgusting behaviour we saw yesterday says a lot about you, military in all countries is a fact of life a few hundred pissants protesting isn’t going to change that.
You have too shallow grasp on the military companies to make proper comment.
You sound like Tom Elliot on 3AW with all due respect.

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Melbourne Protests:Land Forces 2024 International Land Defence Exposition

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