Space Traveller
Yes. As I said, it's not only in NT, it's nationwide. Social media HAS to be recognised as playing a big part in the motivation of young people to gain status by doing risky things, like stealing cars and speeding away from the police. Can we take away their access to smartphones? Probably not. Not now. That ship has sailed. It's too late for today's teenagers but parents still can (if they want to) restrict their young children's access to phones for as long as possible.Nice essay.
But it's the same as everything else.
Everyone keeps telling us how to ( ? ) fix it long term. With effing ZERO success so far. But it doesn't stop 'em all trying, and fair enough. Try what you think will work long term.
Me - the fifty-seventh time I hit the end of my utensil with a hammer and act surprised that it hurts again I try something different.
What needs to happen is a greater disincentive to the s**t they're committing in the short term.
This thread has degenerated into the same circular s**t that's happening in sections of the community now.
I'll leave you all to it - I think I've made my feelings known.
There was another article I read recently proposing just this. If you don't agree with it, don't shoot the messenger