Melbourne Protests:Land Forces 2024 International Land Defence Exposition

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Laughing at this human thumb guy being interviewed inside the bomb conference:

"We all have views and opinions, and everyone is entitled to protest. But we are also entitled to go about our business, and we do it peacefully. And the use of force in a peaceful protest I find an interesting moral conundrum."

In frame over his shoulder is some **** off big multi-barrelled cannon, I presume he is selling, used to kill people because of their views and opinions. No moral conundrum there :D
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You realise the suppliers of both sides are attending this expo. You can buy drones, RPGs and Guns "as used in Ukraine" "as used in Middle East" etc.

The Chinese suppliers of Russia are there right alongside the US and EU suppliers of Ukraine. The war profiteers don't care to take sides. It's just the buyers.

The reason for the protest is that these are the people supplying weapons to a current genocide. If the genocide wasn't happening, the protests would be a lot smaller.

Wasn't in the office on Wednesday, but went down to have a look on Thursday at how scary it was........

Here's the quakers against genocide. Not scary at all.

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I didn't get a pic of the police barricade, but there was two dozen of them trying to be intimidating and nearly completely blocking the bridge to South Wharf DFO.

Here's about 3 dozen of them taking a break. And there were police stationed all the way up to Collins Street. Because some scary Quakers were around. What a complete and utter shambolic waste of Government resources. They say it'll bring in $60m to the economy over 5 years, but it costs then $15m every year for the police (including paying flights and accom to NSW police) to protect. Sounds like typical ALP budget maths.

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Perfect, they had a peaceful protest on Thursday, unlike the violent mob on Wednesday.

Good for them.

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From what I've seen and heard of the Wednesday events. Both sides were more than happy to escalate. One to create a scene, one to crack skulls.

Couldn't be a more apt description for the Israeli Genocide. Cops falling right into the violent protesters' trap of firing weapons and putting reporters in hospital.

And the usual suspects who want to claim there's a clear line of good and bad side. I'm just waiting for the police commissioner to tell us we have the most moral police force in the world.

I suspect the only reason the horses are even brought out any more is to draw protesters into doing stupid things then the police fire rubber bullets to protect the horses. WTF are they bringing horses to protests any more? Just to supply horse poo for protesters? The reporters were saying that when it got too dangerous they had to get the horse to safety?! What was the f'ing point of them being there?
From what I've seen and heard of the Wednesday events. Both sides were more than happy to escalate. One to create a scene, one to crack skulls.

Couldn't be a more apt description for the Israeli Genocide. Cops falling right into the violent protesters' trap of firing weapons and putting reporters in hospital.

And the usual suspects who want to claim there's a clear line of good and bad side. I'm just waiting for the police commissioner to tell us we have the most moral police force in the world.

I suspect the only reason the horses are even brought out any more is to draw protesters into doing stupid things then the police fire rubber bullets to protect the horses. WTF are they bringing horses to protests any more? Just to supply horse poo for protesters? The reporters were saying that when it got too dangerous they had to get the horse to safety?! What was the f'ing point of them being there?
Yeah man, those pesky cops standing there doing their job 'incited' people to be violent.

If these 'protesters' are too braindead to not assault an idle animal then they deserve a rubber bullet.

Do you people even read what you post?
Let's be honest here.

There is a degree of performative "look at moi" types that attend most of these protests.

I have said for some time now, lots of people are disenfranchised economically, living paycheck to paycheck, in poor quality, dead-end jobs. They find status in "virtue-signaling", because, through no fault of their own, they are unable to find status economically.

That is my 2 cents.
The alternative is that lots of people with day jobs and responsibilities see the value in peaceful protest, but cannot spare the time to do it. They get a lot more people to weekend protests than they do these weekday ones. Which indicates MOST protesters have jobs.
Yeah man, those pesky cops standing there doing their job 'incited' people to be violent.

If these 'protesters' are too braindead to not assault an idle animal then they deserve a rubber bullet.

Do you people even read what you post?
Are you so myopic that you can't fathom that it was the police who might have first engaged the protesters? You realise the powers they granted themselves means they could legally stop, search and frisk anybody within the vicinity of the protests? Even on the north side of the river?

So the police briefing at the start of the day goes something like "We're not going to tolerate anything, there's 1,800 of us and 1,500 of them and we've got rubber bullets and horses.

Of course the police aren't punching bags and the protesters aren't innocent at all, but they didn't start vomiting or getting their hands on horse poo before the tear gas was fired and horses deployed.
So if Xi doesn't want war, explain his aggression towards his smaller neighbours especially Phillippines and why he has been conducting the largest military buildup in history (outside the world wars) since 2017. Japan, Korea all think there is a threat from Xi (not China as it is dictatorship and he has undone the great work of his predecessors who started to free the people and work with the world)

I agree with your much earlier comment about why the expo shouldn't happen though, we have procurement processes and don't need the sale event and parties that go with it.

Ps. you should be proud of the way you stand up for minorities and oppressed peoples but why do you not have a problem with Xis treatment of minorities and desire to invade/suppress the Taiwanese, Philippinos, Bhutanese etc

On SM-A136B using mobile app
All countries in history with that economic power have had a big military. Doesn't mean they will ever invade Australia.
It's all a beat up for political purposes.
Are you so myopic that you can't fathom that it was the police who might have first engaged the protesters? You realise the powers they granted themselves means they could legally stop, search and frisk anybody within the vicinity of the protests? Even on the north side of the river?

The police moved the protesters on, because they were blocking the entrance from delegates entering, as the police are supposed to do when people block public access to a building.

Protesters then proceeded to set shit on fire, throw bags of faeces and vomit on protesters and journalists, as well as throwing bolts, padlocks, etc at police horses.

If they'd been out the front, not obstructing anyone and peacefully chanting then police would've done nothing, just like the prop-Palestine protests that happen weekly in the CBD(unless some grub gets violent).

So the police briefing at the start of the day goes something like "We're not going to tolerate anything, there's 1,800 of us and 1,500 of them and we've got rubber bullets and horses.

Police aren't going to just start shooting rubber bullets into a peaceful crowd. Use your brain.

Of course the police aren't punching bags and the protesters aren't innocent at all, but they didn't start vomiting or getting their hands on horse poo before the tear gas was fired and horses deployed.

They had bags of shit and vomit, according to journos reporting on the event. You think people just stop mid protest to vomit in a plastic bag and hurl it at cops? Even if they did, they deserve a whooping. That's completely feral.
Laughing at this human thumb guy being interviewed inside the bomb conference:

"We all have views and opinions, and everyone is entitled to protest. But we are also entitled to go about our business, and we do it peacefully. And the use of force in a peaceful protest I find and interesting moral conundrum."

In frame over his shoulder is some **** off big multi-barrelled cannon, I presume he is selling, used to kill people because of their views and opinions. No moral conundrum there :D

Where do I start?

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Yeah it would be good to see the lifetime of little man syndrome that led to this outburst.
Personally, I'd love to see what the bloke who was trying to front up to a cop was doing in the minutes leading up to being pushed.

If it was some drunk yobbo that'd been ejected from a nightclub, trying to square up to a bouncer and the same thing happened, most would think that person was an idiot.
It's pretty obvious bootlickers have never been to a protest before and fail to understand how much the cops love setting themselves up in a situation to smash skulls and then have the media completely misinterpret what really happened

ACAB all day every day - imagine being a stooge for the military industrial complex
I'm not sure how much I'd trust Tiny Tim here to keep the peace.

Perfectly justified use of force. That guy is lucky he wasn't arrested.

Thr guy was clearly trying to stand over the police officer - obviously passive aggressive. I'm a harsh judge of the police - but seeing that guy go flying has made my day.
Why is there no need to have the best military tech?
That isn't what I said... How much of that stuff is manufactured here? Why on earth are we hosting it? It's not like it's going to result in increased economic activity (outside of a potential sugar hit during the expo, which is basically cancelled out by what the government feel they have to spend on extra policing).
The people arrested, whose backpacks were searched, were found to be carrying bottles of red paint, and bags of marbles and small rocks. Drugs and at least one flick knife were also found.

Irritant liquid was sprayed up horses' nostrils and they were hit with large plastic trays.

One moron concreted her arm to the back of a car parked in a place that blocked access. I always think they should just be left there for the day but they had to move the vehicle so the police used hammers to break up the concrete - "Police Brutality!" They gave her a milk crate to sit on (she'd been crouching on the ground) and a mask and protective goggles while they worked, the cruel b*stards.

Only about half a dozen noisy ones there at 9am, maybe more have turned up since.
The people arrested, whose backpacks were searched, were found to be carrying bottles of red paint, and bags of marbles and small rocks. Drugs and at least one flick knife were also found.

Irritant liquid was sprayed up horses' nostrils and they were hit with large plastic trays.

One moron concreted her arm to the back of a car parked in a place that blocked access. I always think they should just be left there for the day but they had to move the vehicle so the police used hammers to break up the concrete - "Police Brutality!" They gave her a milk crate to sit on (she'd been crouching on the ground) and a mask and protective goggles while they worked, the cruel b*stards.

Only about half a dozen noisy ones there at 9am, maybe more have turned up since.
Yeah... but... If police didn't turn up with protective riot gear on, then they would not hav brought this stuff along!
Don't you understand that?:unamused:
I suspect the only reason the horses are even brought out any more is to draw protesters into doing stupid things then the police fire rubber bullets to protect the horses. WTF are they bringing horses to protests any more? Just to supply horse poo for protesters? The reporters were saying that when it got too dangerous they had to get the horse to safety?! What was the f'ing point of them being there?
This is a good question. One could argue an animal cruelty line here. First and foremost on the protesters that actively harm them, but police knowingly taking them into a confrontation, I mean come on.

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Melbourne Protests:Land Forces 2024 International Land Defence Exposition

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