Message to OZ- IR is over

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Lay off Premier. Of all the Irish fans to have their two-bobs worth, he/she (I'm not sure, sorry :)) has been remarkably fair and honest in his (her?) assessment of the game. For the most part, I am inclined to agree.
Pretty sure Premier is a he, given he stated that he plays hurling in another thread.

And yes, he has been probably given the most honest and unbiased comments of anyone so far regarding IR. He doesn't deserve to be laid into at all.
Australia won because they were faster and stronger than the irish and if IR cont.'s they will always win beacuse of this. the game has evolved into basketball (short hand passes) and one kick to infront of the goal for a mark and then a score. the irish are not fit enough to do this for the whole game.

there as been alot of stupid comments about the irish starting the fights and been sore losers and not being able to finish them. to correct everyone the fights started before the thrown in of the ball. the australian mindset was to physically assult the irish players from the start. the irish know they are physically weaker than you so there is no point in them starting anything. Shoulders (like you did in the warm up)are excepted as a welcoming to a match but the australian team used open fists accross the chests of irish players and elbows.

the irish reaction was disgraceful, i didn't see the knee in back or the headbutt but the kick by shane ryan was awful and the refs should have send him of for that. the irish cannot meet you like for like they are not strong enough, they are amateur sportmen not pro's in the gym everyday and they resorted to dirty tactic after initial australian aggression.

the gilbee incident was all his own making, he tackle the irish man from behind, then when the irish guy tried to defend himself by putting his hand above his head and bringing up his knees to push Gilbee off him he contacted with gilbee's head. that was was not intentional but is what gilbee deserve for trying to rough up Geraghty.

they is alot of macho talk on here, mouthing off about how the irish are weak and cry babies and where did they get the fighting iriish from (it;s from america not ireland) and i take exception to all the above, if you put professionals out against ametuers the pros should always win if you wanted to come over and play hard men and fight with them we could have sent out professional rugby players to fight but Gaa Players will never be as strong as afl players but that doesn't make them weak. you are not comparling like with like.

also this is not our game it is a mix of your and our game. so you didn't beat us at our game. With some practice i believe you probably could beat us at our game as you have some great players who adapted to the round ball very easily (pearce, hall and O'keefe).

finally on the issue of the round ball it is way easier to adapt to a round ball then to adapt to the tackle, the irish are not physically stiong enough to tackle your guys and when they do your guys can still get rid of the ball easily, while when you tackle the irish with you take ball and man to ground.

what is a sook? (smart answers like i'm one are not funny)
there as been alot of stupid comments about the irish starting the fights and been sore losers and not being able to finish them. to correct everyone the fights started before the thrown in of the ball. the australian mindset was to physically assult the irish players from the start. the irish know they are physically weaker than you so there is no point in them starting anything. Shoulders (like you did in the warm up)are excepted as a welcoming to a match but the australian team used open fists accross the chests of irish players and elbows.

Nobody said they didn't start before the bounce of the ball :confused:

Did the people claiming the Aussies started it all watch a different game than us? I watched it a couple of hours ago and all the footage from just before the fights started showed Irish players niggling their Aussie opponents and getting in their faces.

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what is a sook? (smart answers like i'm one are not funny)

Technically it means to cry, but it refers to whinging.

I don't think you are a sook. Unfortunately Boylan represents your country and when he has a sook that reflects poorly on all Irishmen. That's just the way it is I'm afraid.

It is up to us realise that not everyone is like Boylan, and it is up to the Irish to distance themselves from his behaviour.
sheedy and nearly everone in this thread said the irish started it, they didn't start it, the australian did and when they did should they irish just let them hit us of cousre they tried to hit back, the irish then got dirty as they are not a match for the physical professional players of the afl. the ref's should have shown red card's to firsdt tow offenders one from each team that would have stopped it.
i think boylan reacted as i would have, he was concerned for his players and he lasted out. there was no need for the australians to be so physical they had the beating of the irish at the game, he had just seen 3 or 4 of his players injured in the 1st 1/4 from rough australian play. it was a natural reaction i'd say he regrets it now. he managed Meath who were probably the roughest team in ireland for a number of years so he wasn't used to being on the receiving end of it.

does it mean that the austrlians were sooks for citing Geraghty for doing nothing more than defending himself against a tackle from behind from gilbee?:)
i think boylan reacted as i would have, he was concerned for his players and he lasted out. there was no need for the australians to be so physical they had the beating of the irish at the game, he had just seen 3 or 4 of his players injured in the 1st 1/4 from rough australian play. it was a natural reaction i'd say he regrets it now. he managed Meath who were probably the roughest team in ireland for a number of years so he wasn't used to being on the receiving end of it.

does it mean that the austrlians were sooks for citing Geraghty for doing nothing more than defending himself against a tackle from behind from gilbee?:)

The "Australians" didnt cite Geraghty (the umpire abusing, racist) for anything. A member of a panel specifically set up to review such incidents referred an incident for further review i.e. made a report. The matter was investigated and no action was warranted. This is a reasonable process which is followed every week in the AFL.

But you blokes with your "victim" mentality cant see it for that - its gotta be a conspiracy to "get your man". Gerraghty is clearly a complete ********wit and he got ko'd in a tackle that happens 20 times a game at AFL level. He was tackled by a skinny kid. He is soft.
the aus. person cited him the two irish saw no need but the aus. guy made them go ahead with the farce. by a kid the guy tackle fairly for AFL, they were playing IR, the tackle was outside of the rules.

But i have no problem with that tackle, i have never said i did, it was an accident but i'd say there was extra pressure used because it was geraghty. It doesn't make him soft thought. when a Professional lets say rugby player tackles an amateur rugby player you are asking for trouble as they amateur doesn't know how to protect himself in an more agreesive tackle. Just like Geraghty had no idea how to defend/fall correctly to avoid getting his injury.
the aus. person cited him the two irish saw no need but the aus. guy made them go ahead with the farce. by a kid the guy tackle fairly for AFL, they were playing IR, the tackle was outside of the rules.

But i have no problem with that tackle, i have never said i did, it was an accident but i'd say there was extra pressure used because it was geraghty. It doesn't make him soft thought. when a Professional lets say rugby player tackles an amateur rugby player you are asking for trouble as they amateur doesn't know how to protect himself in an more agreesive tackle. Just like Geraghty had no idea how to defend/fall correctly to avoid getting his injury.

So he wants to be the hard man and plays a game that invoves tackling but hasnt bothered to learn how to take a tackle - from a skinny kid????

Surely you jest?

Gerraghty is a cheap shot merchant who racially abuses people and hits umpires - have I missed something?
Seeing as Boylan's main point of contention was Pearce's tackle, these two comments seem to be somewhat contradictory.

He is a poor down trodden Irishman and therefore not subject to the laws of logic and reason.

Of course you are right but dont wait around too long for his concession.

i'm not on here to defend geraghty's past actions, he has always been a player that attracts the media's attention,. i just thought i point out that he would not be as used to the tackle from a professional AFL player no matter what size that player is and therefore it would be more dangerous for him.

if i was boylan and had not see it on tv and had been on the sideline responsible for the players i would of reacted the same probably but i wasn;t and therefore my opinion of it was that it was outside of the rules was harder as geraghty was involved but his injury as a result of the tackle was not done on purpose.
Reading through this thread just brings it home even more how this series has absolutely no future. Kevin Sheedy and his psychopathic approach to winning by all means has killed it stone dead and that's a shame.

A common theme in this thread is that the Irish started it. We certainly put in a few low blows which everyone in Ireland has no problem acknowledging (even the RTE TV analyst remarked that the two worst hits in the game were perpetrated by Irish players - we have no problem admitting when we're in the wrong but a few guys on here and especially your coach would want to take a few lessons in that regard).

The nub of the issue is that you guys maintain we started it, and you finished it. That is not the case. Consider the following:

Since last year, Ireland have been on a footing to expect more dirty Aussie tackles, it's dominated the discussion all year and at the least we were determined to defend our pride if anything went off

In the lead up to the second test, Gilbee explicitly said Geraghty would be targetted and that some of the Aussie players were hoping he'd play for that expressed purpose (which doesn't even mention the fact that Gilbee was trying to rough Geraghty up off the ball in the first place and then got cut but let's not mention that). There were other comments about 'open slather' and so on and so forth.

Sheedy dodged all questions in the run up to the game regarding physicality, instead giving us some blarney about how 'exciting' it would be. The writing was on the wall all week

Before throw in, Geraghty was picked out by a number of Aussie players and warned in no uncertain terms about what was going to happen him

Before throw-in a number of flare-ups started off the ball and given that the Irish know they'd lose a brawl match it's unlikely to have been them starting it. It's more likely that the Aussie squared up and the Irish, determined not to lose face like last year, gave it back. It's difficult not to believe given the lead-up all week and Sheedy's record, as well as last year's displays from Australia, that this early roughing up was not a deliberate ploy on the part of the Aussies.

Now bearing all this in mind, and the fact that the Irish KNOW that if they start a fight they have no hope of winning against physcially tougher opponents, how anyone can say the Irish deliberately kicked it all off is against all common sense and shows how far the Aussies will go not to accept reposnsibility. Yes we hit back with some very bad tackles but only in retaliation to the Aussie aggression that they had PROMISED all week and DELIVERED on even before the ball went up. A few weeks ago on here, Irish players were criticised and ridiculed for not fighting back last year and called sooks - this year we were determined at the very least not to roll over. We didn't. But guess what - we still 'started it' and we're still sooks. No matter what the Aussies do, they're always right it seems.

You can revel in how easily you crushed us physically all you like but it's not a level playing field. Put Irish pros out against Aussies pros, with the same levels of gym work done etc and you'll quickly find that Irish manhood is more than a match for the toughest Aussie. And what's more, the Aussie won't take the same liberties he does against the amateur with no bulking up done.

Finally, Sheedy's comments afterwards about Ireland starting it and about us being conmen were absolutely disgusting. We know his form over here from his approach with Essendon and nobody is having a bar of what he's saying. More propaganda like last year.

Overall, we're better off without each other. Irreconcilable differences I believe is the expression, and from both our points of view, it seems to be a case of 'good riddance.'

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Put Irish pros out against Aussies pros, with the same levels of gym work done etc and you'll quickly find that Irish manhood is more than a match for the toughest Aussie.

Interesting point.

Rugby Union we have a 72% winning record v Ireland.

Soccer - How did you go in the World Cup?
yeah eagle who did you beat to get to the WC. but it is not about winning it is about being soft and sooks that has nothing to do with 72% win rate, that means you are better at rugby than us, but does not mean our pro's are not as strong as your pro's.
You can revel in how easily you crushed us physically all you like but it's not a level playing field. Put Irish pros out against Aussies pros, with the same levels of gym work done etc and you'll quickly find that Irish manhood is more than a match for the toughest Aussie. And what's more, the Aussie won't take the same liberties he does against the amateur with no bulking up done.

You complain about us being thugs and then in the same post you brag about it:confused:

If you want to become professional that's up to you. We have no say in that.
no he doesn't brag about being a thug, he says if its pros against pros your players wouldn't take liberties when matched with men with the same level of strenght like do what they play against amateurs.
no he doesn't brag about being a thug, he says if its pros against pros your players wouldn't take liberties when matched with men with the same level of strenght like do what they play against amateurs.

I would have thought if you are upset that the Aussies are too rough, it would not be a sensible time to brag about being tougher.
And typically selective, diversionist Aussie replies that pick out a minor aspect of my post and highlight it rather than deal with the substantive theme of my post in the first place.

irishguy has hit the nail on the head with his two replies there's no need for me to repeat.

I tried to be reasoned and calm but all I get back in retort is feeble-minded word-twisting. Depressing and that's why our two countries simply cannot co-operate on a sporting hybrid because of this rank lack of integrity from Australia.
I would have thought if you are upset that the Aussies are too rough, it would not be a sensible time to brag about being tougher.

Read it again and stop trying to make it into something it's not so as to distract from the original post will you?

I'm saying you guys might want to stop calling us pansies, pussies and weak sooks and bear in mind it's gym-honed 24/7 professionals against amateur weekend sportsmen. Send out the Irish pros who have trained similalry and you'll see that Ireland's sportsmen can easily be your physical equals (never said better, just equal) on a level playing field and far from weak sooks. You can't put an amateur boxer in the ring with a pro heavyweight and then have the heavyweight call the amateur a weak sook when he predictably beats seven shades out of him. This is the reason why the Irish would never start the biff, it's sheer lunacy on our part to do so and we have no interest in it. However, when it's put up to us, our pride, that you guys said we had none of last year, is questioned. So we stand up to you this year with unfair means in response to your own (as we all admit no problems) and lo and behold we're still sooks who started it all!!
And typically selective, diversionist Aussie replies that pick out a minor aspect of my post and highlight it rather than deal with the substantive theme of my post in the first place.

irishguy has hit the nail on the head with his two replies there's no need for me to repeat.

I tried to be reasoned and calm but all I get back in retort is feeble-minded word-twisting. Depressing and that's why our two countries simply cannot co-operate on a sporting hybrid because of this rank lack of integrity from Australia.

It was a long boring one sided post. I didn't want to bore people with a long boring one sided reply. I just wanted to point out the irony that you talk tough when it suits you, yet you complain when it doesn't.:)
You can revel in how easily you crushed us physically all you like but it's not a level playing field. Put Irish pros out against Aussies pros, with the same levels of gym work done etc and you'll quickly find that Irish manhood is more than a match for the toughest Aussie. And what's more, the Aussie won't take the same liberties he does against the amateur with no bulking up done.

Another option would be to put Aussie rules players from amateur competitions around Australia up against the Irish GAA amatuers.

It would be interesting, given that there are a lot more hard nuts who love to the go knuckle in our amateur leagues than there are in the AFL. They might be "fitter" in the AFL but some of the blokes in the amateur and country leagues over here are a hell of lot bigger and tougher than the AFL youngsters who made up most of the touring party this year.

I'm sure our amateurs would take more "liberties" against your guys than the our proffessionals did this year. It's not the size of the players of the players that causes you guy to lose the fights, it is the nature of your game. Ours is more physical, so our players are more physical at all levels.
Read it again and stop trying to make it into something it's not so as to distract from the original post will you?

I'm saying you guys might want to stop calling us pansies, pussies and weak sooks and bear in mind it's gym-honed 24/7 professionals against amateur weekend sportsmen. Send out the Irish pros who have trained similalry and you'll see that Ireland's sportsmen can easily be your physical equals (never said better, just equal) on a level playing field and far from weak sooks. You can't put an amateur boxer in the ring with a pro heavyweight and then have the heavyweight call the amateur a weak sook when he predictably beats seven shades out of him. This is the reason why the Irish would never start the biff, it's sheer lunacy on our part to do so and we have no interest in it. However, when it's put up to us, our pride, that you guys said we had none of last year, is questioned. So we stand up to you this year with unfair means in response to your own (as we all admit no problems) and lo and behold we're still sooks who started it all!!

After the game Boylan said the refereeing was a disgrace, the Aussies were thugs and bad sports and that he didn't want to play with us anymore. If that's not sooking then tell me what is?
this may be a bit off topic but its in regards to people who say that Australia would beat us in any sport ie Rugby, soccer, IR etc.

Question (Kennelly used to do this for his articles on
What is the population of Ireland?
Whatever excuse or glad-handling responses you might make Grimreepah, you have singularly failed to answer any of the issues I have raised in my posts from the first one to the last. Very telling if you ask me.

From Sheedy/Stynes at the top to you at the tail end, a refusal to deal with the facts with integrity in an honest manner does your nation no credit whatsoever and is the key reason why Ireland will wash its hands of Australia and the IR concept.

You'll predictably call us all sorts of names etc. but frankly we're way passed caring as any respect we ever had for you guys has flown out the window in the last two years of this competition. Blame one man - Sheedy. We just see and do things differently when it comes to sport, we think we're right, you think you're right, never the twain shall meet so good luck and good riddance.

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Message to OZ- IR is over

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