Social Science Morally corrupt things you do

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Not sure where this lies, I applied for a job earlier in the week, got an unexpected call on Wednesday for an interview. He says I'll send you the link for Teams, I go my computer is about 12 years old and needs updating. Thing is I bought a new computer in January so I've got the old one and the new one side by side on my desk. He's calling me back next week so him and his offsider can fly down from Sydney for a face to face interview. I just don't want to download Teams and do a computer interview.
He must be very keen to interview you!

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Excellent stuff. Bugger Metro. If I underperformed like they did I wouldn't have a job.

When I did it, it would have saved me close to $2k I reckon.
I essentially only touch on when going to Melbourne Central. Only one exit and it's usually crawling with AOs. If I'm not going into the city, 9/10 times I don't bother. Southern Cross, there's almost always a gate wide open for accessibility reasons. Flinders Street I usually just duck around to the back subway where there are multiple single gates and no one patrolling, and just smoothly jump over. I used to feel self conscious, but all the shame has left my body at this point.

To make it clear, I never feel any sort of guilt to the corporation. They can get ****ed for the amount of times I've been placed on a bus without warning and had 30 minutes added to my trip. I just feel for other customers who haven't caught on to how easy it is ;)
PT is ridiculously expensive. When my car was out of action i had to catch it- just 4-5 stations I had to travel and the cost of that was basically $10 for the day. So $50 p/week, $200 a month. Compared to $50 a month petrol in the car (yes i know, thats not incl other costs of the car).

Luckily I was able to get lifts like 60% of the time, so that reduced my costs alot, otherwise that is what I would have paid.
I essentially only touch on when going to Melbourne Central. Only one exit and it's usually crawling with AOs. If I'm not going into the city, 9/10 times I don't bother. Southern Cross, there's almost always a gate wide open for accessibility reasons. Flinders Street I usually just duck around to the back subway where there are multiple single gates and no one patrolling, and just smoothly jump over. I used to feel self conscious, but all the shame has left my body at this point.

To make it clear, I never feel any sort of guilt to the corporation. They can get ****ed for the amount of times I've been placed on a bus without warning and had 30 minutes added to my trip. I just feel for other customers who haven't caught on to how easy it is ;)
Yeah I don't blame you at all.

I talked myself out of a fine, but boy was the adrenaline running.

I had touched on with my concession card. Officers got on, I gave them the full fare card knowing full well I didn't touch on with it. The officer (who in fairness was not a bitch), said it wasn't touched on. I said I didn't undertand how given I got on at Parliament, then spat out some bullshit excuse that maybe cos I was rushing I might have just placed it on the reader and gone straigt through behind somone.

She gave me the benefit of the doubt and just said make sure I touch on next time. I used my full fare card from that point on, but I had an excellent run. I used to get off at Strathmore and I think I only saw officers there twice, so I just got off at Oak Park instead.
PT is ridiculously expensive. When my car was out of action i had to catch it- just 4-5 stations I had to travel and the cost of that was basically $10 for the day. So $50 p/week, $200 a month. Compared to $50 a month petrol in the car (yes i know, thats not incl other costs of the car).

Luckily I was able to get lifts like 60% of the time, so that reduced my costs alot, otherwise that is what I would have paid.
It's insane. I find it hard to justify considering I've only just finished tertiary study and am not earning any more than what you'd expect of someone my age.

Weirdly though, I can completely justify skating risking a $270 almost every time I board public transport. In my head, I've saved so much money that I can essentially write it off.
It's insane. I find it hard to justify considering I've only just finished tertiary study and am not earning any more than what you'd expect of someone my age.

Weirdly though, I can completely justify skating risking a $270 almost every time I board public transport. In my head, I've saved so much money that I can essentially write it off.
Imagine if I had had to go a few stops further and go into Zone 2 as well as Zone 1! Back in the old days of pricing. It would have been ridiculous.

And I know they dont have short trips anymore- OR you dont get the benefit of closer to 3 hours yeah? Like back in the old system if you clocked on at 3.10pm, you would in effect get until 6pm on a 2 hour? Now it's bang on 2 hours you get, and then it moves into daily.

Do they still do the 6pm saver on a Friday night? I think that quietly disappeared as well.
It's insane. I find it hard to justify considering I've only just finished tertiary study and am not earning any more than what you'd expect of someone my age.

Weirdly though, I can completely justify skating risking a $270 almost every time I board public transport. In my head, I've saved so much money that I can essentially write it off.

IIRC when I was in London the penalty for not having a valid ticket was 10 pounds.

I'll repeat that again.

I used to purchase concession tickets to finals to save money. Got stopped and asked for my concession card at the v West Coast prelim?, almost had a heart attack.

Pulled out a performance like you Cruff "Oh no- its in another bag at home, im so sorry".

I got in.
Used to do a similar thing a couple of years ago using my MCC with a mate. We'd get him through on a kids ticket, which was about a quarter of the price compared to a fairly extortionate full price. Stopped doing this after a few times because it wasn't really worth the stress anymore. Definitely a lot more to lose than a couple hundred bucks.

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IIRC when I was in London the penalty for not having a valid ticket was 10 pounds.

I'll repeat that again.

What year was that?? I don't think it's anywhere close to 10 pounds (or the equivalent of) anymore. Was studying abroad at the end of last year in London though, and their Underground is pretty expensive. I'm pretty sure it was around $8 at least each way to head into central London (I was near Putney, which relatively speaking is quite close).

In any case, their system is absolutely incredible in comparison to ours. And yet they still complain about it when they miss their train and there's one LITERALLY 2 minutes later!
Used to do a similar thing a couple of years ago using my MCC with a mate. We'd get him through on a kids ticket, which was about a quarter of the price compared to a fairly extortionate full price. Stopped doing this after a few times because it wasn't really worth the stress anymore. Definitely a lot more to lose than a couple hundred bucks.
Before they got the scanners at the Adelaide Oval you could any mate who wasn't a member in as long they bought an outer ticket and you'd just pass your ticket through the fence or go out and meet them with someone else's ticket for them to use to get in. Worked for years, they never checked.
Before they got the scanners at the Adelaide Oval you could any mate who wasn't a member in as long they bought an outer ticket and you'd just pass your ticket through the fence or go out and meet them with someone else's ticket for them to use to get in. Worked for years, they never checked.
To be fair, it's not exactly like airport security going into the MCC. I only put an end to that sort of thing because I'd heard some horror stories of people trying the same thing and they either lost their membership entitlements, or going reprimanded in some way. It wasn't worth the anxiety and paranoia before entering.
Moral corruption is being enough of a bootlicker to pay for public transport. Your moral obligation is to be part of the greater collective - they can't catch us all.

I do admit that stealing something from the supermarket every time I go is a bit morally corrupt. I don't even know why I do it. It's not a cost of living thing, it's just that if I'm using self serve and saving them money, I should get something, right? Usually I'm only talking something that "goes missing" in the bottom of the shopping bag with some plausible deniability - a lip balm, a hommus, a little orange juice - but it's very deliberate.
Used to do a similar thing a couple of years ago using my MCC with a mate. We'd get him through on a kids ticket, which was about a quarter of the price compared to a fairly extortionate full price. Stopped doing this after a few times because it wasn't really worth the stress anymore. Definitely a lot more to lose than a couple hundred bucks.
I honestly dont know what would have happened had I been refused entry. I'm assuming I could have "upgraded" the ticket and paid to get an adult one? Anyway I used to do the same at Etihad, but never got stopped there.

I dont do it anymore, even adult tickets to prelims arent even that expensive if you get Category 4 or whatever the cheapest cat is.
To be fair, it's not exactly like airport security going into the MCC. I only put an end to that sort of thing because I'd heard some horror stories of people trying the same thing and they either lost their membership entitlements, or going reprimanded in some way. It wasn't worth the anxiety and paranoia before entering.
This was years ago, back when the members was about a quarter of the size it is now and the Chappell Bar would have been shut down for breaking every responsible service law there is.
What year was that?? I don't think it's anywhere close to 10 pounds (or the equivalent of) anymore. Was studying abroad at the end of last year in London though, and their Underground is pretty expensive. I'm pretty sure it was around $8 at least each way to head into central London (I was near Putney, which relatively speaking is quite close).

In any case, their system is absolutely incredible in comparison to ours. And yet they still complain about it when they miss their train and there's one LITERALLY 2 minutes later!
Ah many years ago. Still- even back then I was shocked at that.

And yep, I stayed with some mates while over there. "Omg I had to wait 10 minutes for a train!!!"

Poor Tom Elliot on the radio yesterday: "It's so confusing these speed limits changing, i just do 40 now even when it's 60".


God he's a legit moron

My car displays the speed limit on the dash.
I used to purchase concession tickets to finals to save money. Got stopped and asked for my concession card at the v West Coast prelim?, almost had a heart attack.

Pulled out a performance like you Cruff "Oh no- its in another bag at home, im so sorry".

I got in.
Been doing that in wa forever, even at the new place.

Never been checked once even when they have come out and individually scanned it.

Worst thing that could happen anyway is that you are made to go over to the ticket area and upgrade it to adult.
I used to purchase concession tickets to finals to save money. Got stopped and asked for my concession card at the v West Coast prelim?, almost had a heart attack.

Pulled out a performance like you Cruff "Oh no- its in another bag at home, im so sorry".

I got in.
We used to buy kids tickets in really good seats at AO and photoshop them to say adult (when printing tickets was way more common)

Get in the main gates, gate lights up a different colour but no security cared. They don't get paid enough I guess, get the odd hero but 9/10 times walk in with ease plus its busy.

walk to our stand and security would check tickets to point you in the right direction. Obviously if they see 'child' it could be a problem so this is why we changed it. Got $400 WC cricket tickets for $60ish from memory and many $5 footy tickets

Childrens footy was so much cheaper if you got caught at the main gates you could walk to another gate buying a kids ticket on the way and still save money. Usually $40+ saved

Social Science Morally corrupt things you do

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