Multiculturalism - Should we change for others, or should they change for us?

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What a rant! Understanding road signs is part of a drivers test, regardless of whether the questions are written in English or some other language. If you don't understand road signs, you will fail the test.

And the qualifications for running a small public service business - taxi, are not the same for driving oneself around.

The term 'illeducated, ingnorant, small minded redneck hicks' springs to mind
Jim Boy said:
What a rant! Understanding road signs is part of a drivers test, regardless of whether the questions are written in English or some other language. If you don't understand road signs, you will fail the test.

And the qualifications for running a small public service business - taxi, are not the same for driving oneself around.

The term 'illeducated, ingnorant, small minded redneck hicks' springs to mind

What an absolute joke, there is no reason why someone should live in an English speaking country and not know English, just as there is no reason why someone should live in a Non-English speaking country and expect everyone to understand English. Requiring people to be able to speak the official language of a country is hardly racist.
Monkster said:
What an absolute joke, there is no reason why someone should live in an English speaking country and not know English, just as there is no reason why someone should live in a Non-English speaking country and expect everyone to understand English. Requiring people to be able to speak the official language of a country is hardly racist.
This is where you xenophobia (and you should look that up in the dictionary, it doesn't seem as if your level of English is sufficient to comprehend the nuances of our language) shines through. Actually there are plenty of reasons why people don't speak the language of the country they live in the biggest three being;1. work has taken them there 2. they have come over with a family member or 3, they are a refugee (less than human in your eyes probably). Given time the great majority of people will learn English.

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medusala said:
As for jingoistic nationalism go and watch a soccer game in Melbourne. Multiculturalism and nationalism go together very well indeed.

I would've thought 18,000 people of every ethnic background under the sun packing into Olympic Park wearing the state colours of Victoria and singing up for Melbourne Victory is actually a pretty good advert for Multiculturalism.
Monkster said:
What an absolute joke, there is no reason why someone should live in an English speaking country and not know English, just as there is no reason why someone should live in a Non-English speaking country and expect everyone to understand English. Requiring people to be able to speak the official language of a country is hardly racist.

Or maybe that just don't want to.

How should that stop them from living here.

Is that you Pauline?
Jim Boy said:
This is where you xenophobia (and you should look that up in the dictionary, it doesn't seem as if your level of English is sufficient to comprehend the nuances of our language) shines through. Actually there are plenty of reasons why people don't speak the language of the country they live in the biggest three being;1. work has taken them there 2. they have come over with a family member or 3, they are a refugee (less than human in your eyes probably). Given time the great majority of people will learn English.

That is completly uncalled for and frankly as you are a mod i'm disgusted.
Murray said:
But racism doesn't disgust you?

Love your value system!!!!

Love how you know nothing about me except that I expect people to know the Official Language of the country they move to but you can call me a racist.
Monkster said:
Love how you know nothing about me except that I expect people to know the Official Language of the country they move to but you can call me a racist.

You are a racist- and I will tell you why.

You are picking on a group or groups of peoples because they are not like you.

That, sunnyboy, makes you a racist.

Get it?
Murray said:
So even this site is not immune from the racists - who attempt to disguise their hatred as 'public interest'.

Not everyone commenting on migrant taxi drivers is a racist. My record is in my previous posts if you happen to have any doubts about me (even though I married a migrant :D ). I have a number of friends who have great difficulty with the language and they have to find an occupation in which that difficulty does not diminish their professional performance. Would we be happy if these people were our schoolteachers or newsreaders? No, it's horses for courses. Unquestionably, the language difficulty does cause some problems for taxi customers but those who are complaining are surely critics of their being allowed to do the job as opposed to criticising the unfortunate drivers themselves. After all, it aint their fault!
This is where these conversations always run off the rails. One group calls another racist and thats the end of the discussion.

Murray annd JB... whether its racist to want an immigrant to have a basic understanding of English is not the point. The point is that a standard must be met..whether that is identifying of street signs or the ability to read a street directory. Most of the signs in use are symbols and as such most can be read and understood by anyone.

To me, its about MY safety. I expect , when I get in my car, that as I drive past a give way sign, that the other person has some idea of what the sign says, whether that person was born here or overseas. I would drive in England and the US but I would hesitate to drive in Hong Kong or Russia. Not because I have little faith in my driving..but I would have little faith in my ability to process all the required information SAFELY.

If you wish to scream racist..thats fine by me... but I will be an alert and alive racist who wont have to worry about the other driver not comprehending a street sign and running into me.
Murray said:
You are a racist- and I will tell you why.

You are picking on a group or groups of peoples because they are not like you.

That, sunnyboy, makes you a racist.

Get it?
Murray this is a bit silly. Does this mean that because I perceive Collingwood supporters as being different to me I am racist? Or intelligent :p

Whether I pick on dwarves or tall people or redheads or albinos or Lebanese or Swedes... they ARE different to me... its how the world goes round.If a dwarf couldnt speak English I would still pick on them.Not because of their height but on their lack of English

I think Monkster was picking on their lack of English speaking skills ..not their race. If you asked Monkster( and looking at some of his posts) you would find he welcomes people from anywhere in the world. Like me, he has a concern over their processing of information.
Murray said:
You are a racist- and I will tell you why.

You are picking on a group or groups of peoples because they are not like you.

That, sunnyboy, makes you a racist.

Get it?

"The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others"

No, THAT, sonny boy is racist.

If speaking the language of the land is considered racist what does that mean when I expect that I would know (for example) Greek if I wanted to move to Greece? That I think the Greeks are better than Anglo-Saxons? would that be reverse racism?

Perthcrow: thank you for that, that's exactly what I'm saying, learn the language of the country you move to, I never said be the colour or if you are from another country don't move.

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PerthCrow said:
Murray this is a bit silly. Does this mean that because I perceive Collingwood supporters as being different to me I am racist? Or intelligent :p

Whether I pick on dwarves or tall people or redheads or albinos or Lebanese or Swedes... they ARE different to me... its how the world goes round.If a dwarf couldnt speak English I would still pick on them.Not because of their height but on their lack of English

I think Monkster was picking on their lack of English speaking skills ..not their race. If you asked Monkster( and looking at some of his posts) you would find he welcomes people from anywhere in the world. Like me, he has a concern over their processing of information.

OK I should have added 'based on their race' ie not english speaking. But I took that as a given because that was what we talking about - not which football team someone supports.

To highlight differences based on their race ie non english speaking, is racist but I admit he attempts to disguise it well

And he welcomes them only as long as they speak his language.

And please someone tell me.
Why should they speak English - what difference does it make?
Murray said:
But racism doesn't disgust you?

Love your value system!!!!

The word you are looking for is culturalist. Or is the "race" card the only one you have to play? You can consider yourself Australian and have any colour skin you like and will be accepted as an Australian. Otherwise, you will be considered as being part of the <insert culture here> minority.

The majority prefer not have to cater for cultural sensitivites/requirements of minorities to the extent they are now as they shouldn't need to and because as a young nation, we would like to start building a national identity the majority consider to represent themselves without the constant upheavals and fragmentation that comes with excessive pandering to preserving migrant cultures. Minorities don't wish to adopt the ways of the majority so as to preserve their culture. This is due to migrants seeing their culture as superior and possibly one that they would like to see dominate this country in future generations.

If you wish to preserve your culture, here's a simple solution - don't migrate here. Most are here by choice because we are seen as being soft and without a culture that the majority adhere to, which we are reminded of everyday by supporters of multiculturalism/social destruction/hatred of the West.
Murray said:
You are a racist- and I will tell you why.

You are picking on a group or groups of peoples because they are not like you.

That, sunnyboy, makes you a racist.

Get it?

And you are picking on a group of people(the racists) because they are not like you.

That me old mucka, makes you a hypocrite.

Get it?
AndSmithMustScore said:
And you are picking on a group of people(the racists) because they are not like you.

That me old mucka, makes you a hypocrite.

Get it?

Hello, somone shook the idiot tree and look what fell out.

Tell us again how the aboriginal flag does not represent anyone.
section8 said:
The word you are looking for is culturalist. Or is the "race" card the only one you have to play? You can consider yourself Australian and have any colour skin you like and will be accepted as an Australian. Otherwise, you will be considered as being part of the <insert culture here> minority.

The majority prefer not have to cater for cultural sensitivites/requirements of minorities to the extent they are now as they shouldn't need to and because as a young nation, we would like to start building a national identity the majority consider to represent themselves without the constant upheavals and fragmentation that comes with excessive pandering to preserving migrant cultures. Minorities don't wish to adopt the ways of the majority so as to preserve their culture. This is due to migrants seeing their culture as superior and possibly one that they would like to see dominate this country in future generations.

If you wish to preserve your culture, here's a simple solution - don't migrate here. Most are here by choice because we are seen as being soft and without a culture that the majority adhere to, which we are reminded of everyday by supporters of multiculturalism/social destruction/hatred of the West.

No, I know what words to use, and racism is the word.

Now you never did answer my question as to what section8 means - mentally unstable isn't it?
Murray said:
And please someone tell me.
Why should they speak English - what difference does it make?
There is no problem if they dont speak English. But if they wish to immerse themselves in the Australian community, then I believe they should. I understand age and circumstances dictate that some will never learn the language, but I would expect anyone who holds a degree would have the ability to communicate with English-only speaking Australians. I , as I have explained, also hope that to drive a car some understanding of English is apparent.

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Multiculturalism - Should we change for others, or should they change for us?

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