Oppo Camp Non-Eagles Discussion

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Of course Dangerfield the AFLPA president/poster boy gets his ban overturned for pinning both arms and slamming Walsh’s head into the turf. Cheered on by the same predictable VFL media boosters who openly sneer at non-Victorian teams every time any discussion of fixture equalisation comes up.

Yeah we suck at the moment but I also feel like the AFL machine is as crook as it has ever been - the rule changes, the absolutely bewildering umpiring, the nonstop sports betting promotions, the halfwit commentators, the obvious desire through fixturing etc to give teams like Carlton and Collingwood the best chance of making and hosting finals, the refusal to admit mistakes. I love this club so I’ll keep watching but it’s pretty ****ed
Don't know why I bother ? Actually I do. A lot of you crew are getting the gist of what is going on in the league. The only reason I stay here is for the comments from a few good posters and a very few who have very good opinions. The new generation will come through and will think of this as the norm. Maybe I'm getting old , but this comp is so compromised .

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The only reason I stay here is for the comments from a few good posters and a very few who have very good opinions.
Sometimes I feel like i spend too much time on this website and that I should do something more productive with my life. But then comments like yours remind me that I do have a purpose, and that my posts do have a positive impact on others. Thank you for your kind words!
Let's wait and see.

The cynic in me is fully aware that Dangerfield...
1. plays for Geelong and not WC; and
2. has been one of the protected gods for years; and
3. has avoided sanction time and time again from infringements that others get suspended for etc.

I have my expectations, but let's wait and see.

Edit - one match offered.
How is it not the same grade as Harley?
Will Geelong appeal?
Will he get off?
All this and more will be answered in the next thrilling installment of 'what will he get' lotto.
I have my expectations
, but let's wait and see.

I don't want to be the bellend that said 'I told you so', but sometimes you just can't help yourself.

I told you so.
The Tribunal agreed with his evidence finding Dangerfield had acted reasonably despite Walsh’s head making contact with the turf, with chair Jeff Gleeson saying Dangerfield had taken “considerable care”.

Oh well good to know how all players can now treat each with ‘considerable care’. Makes it sound like it was almost touchy feely from Danger.

Oh, and is calling him Danger the Aussie irony at work - like calling a giant ‘Tiny’?
Mixed views on this. But for the pinning of the arms, the tackle was fine and Danger did nothing wrong. But I thought once the arms were pinned and the tackled player had no opportunity to protect themself, the onus was on the tackler to make sure their head didn't hit the ground. A bit like bumping. The onus is on the tackler/bumper to prevent head high impact.

The problem I have is the complete shit show the AFL and tribunal are on this issue. No injury but potential to cause injury in a tackle (with secondary head high impact, if any) and you get suspended for some players, but for others, its "you're a good guy" or showed "considerable care" and you get off. What a flipping joke of a comp.
I don't mind him getting off (I want cats to bear Ess)

But Harley should've too

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Gotta wear the right jumper and be mates with the right people.

Corrupt organisation, suckling on the teat of human misery with their addiction to gambling money. Gotta love our national game! Pretty much the only reason to bother with it is the faint hope that a Brissie, GWS or Eagles side can piss into their weet-bix bowl every so often. All the "Blood's Culture", "South Melbourne" nonsense when Sydney get up curdles my appreciation for them taking the flag.

There's a huge anti-AFL sentiment in WA at the moment, going to an AFL game is horrifically expensive and COL pressure is through the roof. If the WAFL could get some sort of cash injection and the right marketing plan together to resonate with this sentiment I really think it's the best chance they have had in a couple of decades to garner more eyes on the game and more bums in seats. WA pride, sentimentality (stand where grandad stood type of thing), anti-corporatism/big business, anti-gambling, community, history, rebuilding/rebirth and participating in that - without taking a second mortgage out. There's a stack of good themes to work because there is a stack of great things about the WAFL and the core product - the football - is actually pretty bloody good quality and would resonate with a lot of people as "Australian rules footy" in a way the AFL really struggles to.

Gotta wear the right jumper and be mates with the right people.

Corrupt organisation, suckling on the teat of human misery with their addiction to gambling money. Gotta love our national game! Pretty much the only reason to bother with it is the faint hope that a Brissie, GWS or Eagles side can piss into their weet-bix bowl every so often. All the "Blood's Culture", "South Melbourne" nonsense when Sydney get up curdles my appreciation for them taking the flag.

There's a huge anti-AFL sentiment in WA at the moment, going to an AFL game is horrifically expensive and COL pressure is through the roof. If the WAFL could get some sort of cash injection and the right marketing plan together to resonate with this sentiment I really think it's the best chance they have had in a couple of decades to garner more eyes on the game and more bums in seats. WA pride, sentimentality (stand where grandad stood type of thing), anti-corporatism/big business, anti-gambling, community, history, rebuilding/rebirth and participating in that - without taking a second mortgage out. There's a stack of good themes to work because there is a stack of great things about the WAFL and the core product - the football - is actually pretty bloody good quality and would resonate with a lot of people as "Australian rules footy" in a way the AFL really struggles to.


Agree,I used to watch at least 5 AFL games every weekend, now I only watch 1 [the Eagle's games] maybe with a quarter of another if it's a close ending. I will; however; watch East Perth at colts level and WAFL level, and prefer that to the AFL now.
Gotta wear the right jumper and be mates with the right people.

Corrupt organisation, suckling on the teat of human misery with their addiction to gambling money. Gotta love our national game! Pretty much the only reason to bother with it is the faint hope that a Brissie, GWS or Eagles side can piss into their weet-bix bowl every so often. All the "Blood's Culture", "South Melbourne" nonsense when Sydney get up curdles my appreciation for them taking the flag.

Unfortunately when Brisbane win too it’s “Old Roy Boys” and Fitzroy wank from the Vics. Needs to be the SA or WA teams winning flags for it to really kick them where it hurts.

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Mixed views on this. But for the pinning of the arms, the tackle was fine and Danger did nothing wrong. But I thought once the arms were pinned and the tackled player had no opportunity to protect themself, the onus was on the tackler to make sure their head didn't hit the ground. A bit like bumping. The onus is on the tackler/bumper to prevent head high impact.

The problem I have is the complete shit show the AFL and tribunal are on this issue. No injury but potential to cause injury in a tackle (with secondary head high impact, if any) and you get suspended for some players, but for others, its "you're a good guy" or showed "considerable care" and you get off. What a flipping joke of a comp.
I really think we need to approach our tribunal appeals as PR exercises and ditch the QC completely. This is not a court of law and precedents don't apply, so why are we pretending that it is?

Instead, let's mount an argument on how bad the AFL will look if our guy doesn't get off. With Harley, we should have gone through some examples of the same style of tackle that attracted no weeks, as well as some that were far more dangerous. We should also have thrown in things like punches to the head which get nothing. Back the AFL into a corner where they have to let him off or the uncomfortable questions start getting asked.
Danger gets off because he's silver tongued, had 40mins(?) to express his case, knows the jargon, knows his way around the AFL and Tribunal better than nearly anyone. Compare that with some shy rookie.

And Charlie Cameron(?) gets off on the 'good bloke' defence.

And Steven May fans made much of him being 'really embarrassed'. So what?

And Rowbottom exactly the same sling as Reid yet not even cited.

No wonder fans are up in arms.
What shits me is the way our challenges are dismissed. I honestly thought we had a good argument to get Reid's down to 1 week. History of other dangerous tackles that didn't concuss anyone suggested it was a week.
Yet no concession just "nup its 2" is the response.
Big Vic player gets the whole humanitarian treatment and good guy "look at that hang dog expression he knows he did wrong...let's get him a present"

Last year when De Goey took out Hewett the news about the apology and how sorry he was that the incident happened etc. He got 1 more week than Reid for lining someone up and taking them out after they disposed of the ball as opposed to a tackle with the ball in hand.
What shits me is the way our challenges are dismissed. I honestly thought we had a good argument to get Reid's down to 1 week. History of other dangerous tackles that didn't concuss anyone suggested it was a week.
Yet no concession just "nup its 2" is the response.
Big Vic player gets the whole humanitarian treatment and good guy "look at that hang dog expression he knows he did wrong...let's get him a present"

Last year when De Goey took out Hewett the news about the apology and how sorry he was that the incident happened etc. He got 1 more week than Reid for lining someone up and taking them out after they disposed of the ball as opposed to a tackle with the ball in hand.
And this has absolutely ****ed me off for a few years now. Basically since NicNat got done for lack of 'duty of care' because he was bigger than the guy he tackled.

You just know the result in advance.
Protected favourite = guaranteed to get off or significant downgrade.
WC player = no new evidence presented, no change.

The NicNat tackle, the Reid tackle. You just know there would have been no penalty if it had been Dangerfield, or Joel Selwood, or Patrick Cripps or ...

I honestly have reached the point where I wonder why we even bother to appeal anything. Waste of time and money.
I'm surprised none of our players have ever been given a week in GF week.

Oh that's right, we were playing the ball.

Can't even do that now.

Expect guys to get 1 week suspension in the prelim then let go Tuesday of GF week for the story *if it's Vic club

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I'm surprised none of our players have ever been given a week in GF week.

Oh that's right, we were playing the ball.

Can't even do that now.

Expect guys to get 1 week suspension in the prelim then let go Tuesday of GF week for the story *if it's Vic club

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The timing of the release of the Willie Rioli ban?

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