Northern Football League Division 2 - Part IV

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I dont believe in umpires cheating, but some bad calls were made on both ends, but Diamond Creek recieved alot more and i think ended up with something like 7 or 8 goals from free kicks, free kicks that wouldnt normally be payed, and we had the ball taken off our forwards several times after legal marks...Umpires do play a big part in the game but i wouldnt say the result would change if we had more experienced umpires. I believe the Stars can beat the top 3 teams (Diamond Creek, Macleod & Mernda) on any day and not just on our best day.

It good to have belief....I think Macleod was woeful and Fitzroy played out of their skins when they met a few weeks ago. If thats the best they can dish up, then I look forward to the next contest so you can get a reality check.
I thought I would show you where you went wrong.

Sorry Walker & Connie, I will start writing my posts in maltese and then when you cannot understand them, I will complain of rascism. I find it quite funny that none of you have mentioned the incident which I'm SURE you know about between one of your players and the poor water girl during the Mernda V Stars reserves game. (Violence against women does not have to be physical) I won't go into details because I am certain the Stars guys will just go tit for tat with me on it. They know what im talking about and I'm sure they would rather it left unsaid.

LL not denying that took place, hence he no longers plays and copped a few weeks because of it:thumbsu:

I was an observer at the game between Diamond Creek and Fitzroy Stars and for the most part enjoyed a good hard contest

however the game has been overshadowed by these alleged racist remarks. I know i am setting myself up to cop it here but strongly feel it must be said that Fitzroy Stars seemed very quick to jump up on their high horse about this issue

At half time i heard a woman from Fitzroy come and around and abuse the Diamond Creek under 19s for allegedly making racist remarks. Now i can tell you that i was sitting in this vicinity (no i am not one of them) and whilst their was the usual sledging, none of it was of a racial nature. She also threatened to have all "the boys" come around and deal with them.

Now if they wished to perhaps the creek under 19s could kick up a fuss about this comment? perhaps they felt threatened by it?

Racism is often portrayed as being a one way street however it does occur towards white people as well. I just hope Fitzroy are happy to be such moral crusaders if one day one of their supporters "allegedly" says something to a white person

So you obviously heard my son who plays at Diamond Creek have a crack at one of his team mates for being racist? bloody beautiful:cool::thumbsu: and now i understand were your coming from. And you would've of seen him jump up and heard what he said to that lady? that i play for the stars?

Which university did you go to, and what course did you undertake?
I’ve been to La Trobe and Melbourne, a BA & a GRAD DIP ED.

Unfortunately I said I have a higher intelligence then you, I did not say I had a higher education. I have worked in a hospital for 3 years and let me tell you that I have met doctors, nurses and the like that are complete dimwits when it comes to anything outside their field. Kind of reminds me of your good self.

Besides sarcasism being the lowest form of wit, a person has reason or an agenda to be sarcastic…perhaps racism, which you’ve denied or to poke fun at people who may have the social skills that is considered the “norm”, the disabled perhaps. So if a person is an NQR, you poke fun at them??? You must be a nice bloke mate. Let’s hope you never meet people with intellectual disabilities. Why poke fun at people, can’t you just accept people as they come?

I'm not entirely sure what this "Sarcasism" is that you speak of...Must have been apart of your further education.

As I mentioned, I have worked in a hospital for over 3 years. On a daily basis I help the intellectually, physically and mentally disabled, most of the time going out of my way to give them the extra care they need. I will form my own opinion of people as I see fit. You see me as a racist, I see you as a racist. That is our own opinions and we are both entitled to it.

“he”…that’s another sort of ism.. perhaps it could be construed as sexism…..

Any chance you are a relation of Germaine Greer? That what the possibly the biggest waste of a sentence I have seen on this forum and that takes some doing.

All I said was “and lets hope moose's comments were not meant to be racist...could be construed as such”. Get the could be…don’t be so touchy feely, and loosen up or do you have a problem that needs treatment? Are you racist, sexist or just one of those rednecks that thinks your superior to the rest of us????

See you the next time my team plays you guys…there will be a cheer squad.

"The rest of us"
There you go again attempting to play the race card. You are no different to I or anyone else on this planet. We are all to be judged as individuals. If anyone has a problem I believe it is you, I see your true colors with the "Redneck" reference. For someone who believes aboriginals have been disadvantaged due to socio-demographic stereotypes I cannot believe you would use give such a blatant racist stereotypical remark.

I do look forward to playing against you guys, the reserves game was some great kicking practice last time and I have no doubt that one of your thugs will be given my number and due to your ignorance I will be labelled as a "racist" :eek:

My good friend Connie is non indigenous:eek::thumbsu:
For the record i am not the white man who prevented you getting an education, so why am i and every other white man villified as having done you wrong ... that is reverse rascism !
Secondly i can only hope there is one company called pvc air in Diamond creek otherwise with your partial identification you may have caused hurt and suffering to some poor unsuspecting guy running a business .....apparently respect and thoughtfulness only matter when they go against you
Thirdly your message is correct - there is no place for rascism - but be wary how you send that message or you will end up alienating those you wish to educate
Finally to construe moose's message as rascist well i am sorry but i believe you are being a little too sensitive to read that into it , the only thing moose knows about education is that schools have canteens
good luck for the rest of the year stars
probably not the best way to direct that, with the business thing? Bongpocket i totally understand where your coming from. It's all in good humour hey.

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It good to have belief....I think Macleod was woeful and Fitzroy played out of their skins when they met a few weeks ago. If thats the best they can dish up, then I look forward to the next contest so you can get a reality check.
Your a good man Imastar, you better go change your undies:thumbsu: you clean man you:)
For the record i am not the white man who prevented you getting an education, so why am i and every other white man villified as having done you wrong ... that is reverse rascism !
Secondly i can only hope there is one company called pvc air in Diamond creek otherwise with your partial identification you may have caused hurt and suffering to some poor unsuspecting guy running a business .....apparently respect and thoughtfulness only matter when they go against you
Thirdly your message is correct - there is no place for rascism - but be wary how you send that message or you will end up alienating those you wish to educate
Finally to construe moose's message as rascist well i am sorry but i believe you are being a little too sensitive to read that into it , the only thing moose knows about education is that schools have canteens
good luck for the rest of the year stars
It's racism people's:):thumbsu:
Just thought id do a cut and paste dictionary check for every one part of my Cross cultural training:D


əm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [rey-siz-uh
m] Show IPA
–noun 1.a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.2.a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.3.hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
The Bears notched up another win vs Hursty. D3 is something We down at Lower are doing whatever we can to avoid.

Was close early, Lower pulling away before half time though. Hursty kept the scoreboard ticking over but had no where near the amount of ball that Lower had. I think we kicked 21.21, alot of misses that need to be converted into goals if we wanna match it with the good sides!!

Tough game this week vs the Stars, looking forward to being back at the Cave!
Some positive news

Tigers in major Indigenous partnerships

Richmond Indigenous Coordinator Luke Murray with former Tiger Michael Mitchell and Tyson and Troy Austin from the Fitzroy Stars.

Sun, May 31, 09 Richmond has announced two key Indigenous community partnerships, as part of its planned Institute of Indigenous Learning and Skills Development at Punt Road. The Tigers have joined forces with the Fitzroy Stars, one of Victoria’s oldest Aboriginal football clubs, and Worawa Aboriginal College in Healesville. “Fitzroy Stars is more than a football club – it also focuses on education, training and employment opportunities for young Indigenous people in the inner-Melbourne area,” said Richmond’s CEO Steven Wright. “They are a perfect community partner for our Institute.” The Fitzroy Stars will have access to the new oval and football training facilities at Punt Road, when they’re completed in 2010. Worawa Aboriginal College provides a multi-faceted and holistic program, catering for the academic, social, cultural, emotional and physical well-being of its students. “We believe that Worawa has many synergies with our Indigenous Institute, which will be opening at Punt Road Oval late next year,” Wright said. “One of the prime objectives of the Institute is to create the next generation of Indigenous leaders through training and education. “The Institute will comprise some very innovative programs. The Club’s recently appointed engagement officer, Luke Murray, will ensure all these programs are developed in consultation with Indigenous groups and communities. “And, one of the key groups we’ll be working closely with, is Worawa College, who we’ve entered into a formal agreement with. “We look forward to building an excellent relationship with them, and the Fitzroy Stars.” Richmond is also delighted that its co-major partner, Dick Smith, has thrown its support behind the Club’s Indigenous program in Central Australia – “Tigers in the Territory”. Tiger players and officials travel to the region three times a year, to run the program. So far, the Club has visited around 10 communities and schools. “Dick Smith has advised us that it is keen to become involved in our Central Australia programs, under the banner of “Technology in the Territory”,” Wright said. “With Dick Smith’s support, we will be able to utilize the latest technology, such as web-cams, to keep in regular communication with communities and schools in the region. We’ll also use the technology as a way of encouraging improved literacy rates in the region.” Dick Smith also has provided football jumpers and clothing to the Barkly Tigers, from Tennant Creek, who will competing in the upcoming under-16 Territory championships.
Some positive news

Tigers in major Indigenous partnerships

Richmond Indigenous Coordinator Luke Murray with former Tiger Michael Mitchell and Tyson and Troy Austin from the Fitzroy Stars.

Sun, May 31, 09 Richmond has announced two key Indigenous community partnerships, as part of its planned Institute of Indigenous Learning and Skills Development at Punt Road. The Tigers have joined forces with the Fitzroy Stars, one of Victoria’s oldest Aboriginal football clubs, and Worawa Aboriginal College in Healesville. “Fitzroy Stars is more than a football club – it also focuses on education, training and employment opportunities for young Indigenous people in the inner-Melbourne area,” said Richmond’s CEO Steven Wright. “They are a perfect community partner for our Institute.” The Fitzroy Stars will have access to the new oval and football training facilities at Punt Road, when they’re completed in 2010. Worawa Aboriginal College provides a multi-faceted and holistic program, catering for the academic, social, cultural, emotional and physical well-being of its students. “We believe that Worawa has many synergies with our Indigenous Institute, which will be opening at Punt Road Oval late next year,” Wright said. “One of the prime objectives of the Institute is to create the next generation of Indigenous leaders through training and education. “The Institute will comprise some very innovative programs. The Club’s recently appointed engagement officer, Luke Murray, will ensure all these programs are developed in consultation with Indigenous groups and communities. “And, one of the key groups we’ll be working closely with, is Worawa College, who we’ve entered into a formal agreement with. “We look forward to building an excellent relationship with them, and the Fitzroy Stars.” Richmond is also delighted that its co-major partner, Dick Smith, has thrown its support behind the Club’s Indigenous program in Central Australia – “Tigers in the Territory”. Tiger players and officials travel to the region three times a year, to run the program. So far, the Club has visited around 10 communities and schools. “Dick Smith has advised us that it is keen to become involved in our Central Australia programs, under the banner of “Technology in the Territory”,” Wright said. “With Dick Smith’s support, we will be able to utilize the latest technology, such as web-cams, to keep in regular communication with communities and schools in the region. We’ll also use the technology as a way of encouraging improved literacy rates in the region.” Dick Smith also has provided football jumpers and clothing to the Barkly Tigers, from Tennant Creek, who will competing in the upcoming under-16 Territory championships.
go away no one cares
Some positive news

Tigers in major Indigenous partnerships

Richmond Indigenous Coordinator Luke Murray with former Tiger Michael Mitchell and Tyson and Troy Austin from the Fitzroy Stars.

Sun, May 31, 09 Richmond has announced two key Indigenous community partnerships, as part of its planned Institute of Indigenous Learning and Skills Development at Punt Road. The Tigers have joined forces with the Fitzroy Stars, one of Victoria’s oldest Aboriginal football clubs, and Worawa Aboriginal College in Healesville. “Fitzroy Stars is more than a football club – it also focuses on education, training and employment opportunities for young Indigenous people in the inner-Melbourne area,” said Richmond’s CEO Steven Wright. “They are a perfect community partner for our Institute.” The Fitzroy Stars will have access to the new oval and football training facilities at Punt Road, when they’re completed in 2010. Worawa Aboriginal College provides a multi-faceted and holistic program, catering for the academic, social, cultural, emotional and physical well-being of its students. “We believe that Worawa has many synergies with our Indigenous Institute, which will be opening at Punt Road Oval late next year,” Wright said. “One of the prime objectives of the Institute is to create the next generation of Indigenous leaders through training and education. “The Institute will comprise some very innovative programs. The Club’s recently appointed engagement officer, Luke Murray, will ensure all these programs are developed in consultation with Indigenous groups and communities. “And, one of the key groups we’ll be working closely with, is Worawa College, who we’ve entered into a formal agreement with. “We look forward to building an excellent relationship with them, and the Fitzroy Stars.” Richmond is also delighted that its co-major partner, Dick Smith, has thrown its support behind the Club’s Indigenous program in Central Australia – “Tigers in the Territory”. Tiger players and officials travel to the region three times a year, to run the program. So far, the Club has visited around 10 communities and schools. “Dick Smith has advised us that it is keen to become involved in our Central Australia programs, under the banner of “Technology in the Territory”,” Wright said. “With Dick Smith’s support, we will be able to utilize the latest technology, such as web-cams, to keep in regular communication with communities and schools in the region. We’ll also use the technology as a way of encouraging improved literacy rates in the region.” Dick Smith also has provided football jumpers and clothing to the Barkly Tigers, from Tennant Creek, who will competing in the upcoming under-16 Territory championships.

you've got a thread for this stuff.
Very dissapointing all this racial stuff found its way to bigfooty and wasnt left at the ground and left for the board to speak to Diamond Creek or the NFL. The incident wasnt pleasent, but bringing it to a public forum isnt going to solve the matter, and all it has resulted in is a back and foward argument.

I cant make it stop, but can i ask for WalkertoBetts and LLMoose to leave this issue where it is, and move on?, this is in the best interest for everyone involved in the forum.
Very dissapointing all this racial stuff found its way to bigfooty and wasnt left at the ground and left for the board to speak to Diamond Creek or the NFL. The incident wasnt pleasent, but bringing it to a public forum isnt going to solve the matter, and all it has resulted in is a back and foward argument.

I cant make it stop, but can i ask for WalkertoBetts and LLMoose to leave this issue where it is, and move on?, this is in the best interest for everyone involved in the forum.

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Very dissapointing all this racial stuff found its way to bigfooty and wasnt left at the ground and left for the board to speak to Diamond Creek or the NFL. The incident wasnt pleasent, but bringing it to a public forum isnt going to solve the matter, and all it has resulted in is a back and foward argument.

I cant make it stop, but can i ask for WalkertoBetts and LLMoose to leave this issue where it is, and move on?, this is in the best interest for everyone involved in the forum.
lets get back to laughing at whittlesea:D
lets get back to laughing at whittlesea:D

Whittlesea will struggle as the season unfolds but please do not blame the coach or the players the problem l believe is the so called footy dept, you do not lose over 30 players in one season with some of these decisions{selection} were made were a joke, so this is where the problem is the coach will get the sack but the same backroom boys will be there selecting relatives and the same probs will emerge in future seasons.
Very dissapointing all this racial stuff found its way to bigfooty and wasnt left at the ground and left for the board to speak to Diamond Creek or the NFL. The incident wasnt pleasent, but bringing it to a public forum isnt going to solve the matter, and all it has resulted in is a back and foward argument.

I cant make it stop, but can i ask for WalkertoBetts and LLMoose to leave this issue where it is, and move on?, this is in the best interest for everyone involved in the forum.

Agree 100% :thumbsu: and don't jump back on to Macleod's back.
Let's all try and write positive threads for a week.
I'll start : I love you all.:D
Whittlesea will struggle as the season unfolds but please do not blame the coach or the players the problem l believe is the so called footy dept, you do not lose over 30 players in one season with some of these decisions{selection} were made were a joke, so this is where the problem is the coach will get the sack but the same backroom boys will be there selecting relatives and the same probs will emerge in future seasons.
spot on,nothing ever changes up there.the current pres seems to have put the club back many years.maybe the pres and football department should stay away from football related decisions and stick to what they do best which is rorting the club.
It's racism people's:):thumbsu:
Just thought id do a cut and paste dictionary check for every one part of my Cross cultural training:D


əm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [rey-siz-uh
m] Show IPA
–noun 1.a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.2.a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.3.hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Get over it Stars.There's always some reason why you guys lose and it's starting to sound a bit like sour grapes.Just accept that you got beaten by a better team on the day.
Just thought i would like to add my two cents worth.

I played in the twos on saturday at creek and watched the seniors and have to refute the 'diamond creek is racist' calls.

I think it is unfair to mention a club as racist on the backs of remarks made by two young lads with a gut full of the tough guy juice. A large proportion of big footy users (and society as a whole) would have said things they have regretted when hyped up at a sporting event. The prevalance of such actions would increase once alcohol is involved. The boys would have felt extremely bad after the game but to label our club as some sought of skin head cult is a bit wrong.

I see diamond creek as a club who has a culture of embracing all types, a thought i am sure your son (whom i have pinned 'my boy') would agree on walker to betts.

The actual games of footy were played in good spirits i thought. The umpiring was ordinary but that is something we are going to have to cop because at the end of the day we play division 2 local football and anyone who half shows some talent as an umpire does division one. True?

Happy to debate anything as long as it is half intelligent.

Just thought i would like to add my two cents worth.

I played in the twos on saturday at creek and watched the seniors and have to refute the 'diamond creek is racist' calls.

I think it is unfair to mention a club as racist on the backs of remarks made by two young lads with a gut full of the tough guy juice. A large proportion of big footy users (and society as a whole) would have said things they have regretted when hyped up at a sporting event. The prevalance of such actions would increase once alcohol is involved. The boys would have felt extremely bad after the game but to label our club as some sought of skin head cult is a bit wrong.

I see diamond creek as a club who has a culture of embracing all types, a thought i am sure your son (whom i have pinned 'my boy') would agree on walker to betts.

The actual games of footy were played in good spirits i thought. The umpiring was ordinary but that is something we are going to have to cop because at the end of the day we play division 2 local football and anyone who half shows some talent as an umpire does division one. True?

Happy to debate anything as long as it is half intelligent.

Well said TK and my apologizes its wasn't my intentsion to brand the club regardless of win/lose. I'm also aware of the great things Diamond Creek football club do for Indigenous football teams/communties and the naming of the ground across the road. I think a meeting was on tonight down at the club and the boys shook hands:thumbsu:

Totally agree with spirit of the game from both sides:thumbsu: umpires:mad: i don't know what they are thinking sometimes, i just had to laugh:p, if they just let the game go a bit! It would be more enjoyable win or lose:thumbsu:
Has there been any official word on outcome of the "swine" affected fixture between Swine Morang & EpPIG??

Morang had asked for the fixture to be postponed until long weekend whilst I understand the pings had asked for it to be classed as a forfeit and for it to be awarded the 4 premiership points.

The pending result has a massive impact on whether one or both clubs will be fighting for chance to remain in 2 divvy.
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