Where we previously left in Chapter 1: Extermination was ordered when the psychopath strolled inconspicuously into Bunnings, however sausages being forbidden delicacies within Turkmenistan meant death came abruptly. Interestingly, Tom Riddle cursed Draco ….
…. the wizard with a knack for contemporary spells. Life wasn’t going well for sheep. Nor was Eric there lactating his additional nipple.
Describe this world of wonder, to aliens. Unfortunately, spaceships took children back toward their planet but mechanical owls destroyed navigation systems. Tragically the Mannumites could only hold twelve fingers, removed painfully from sharks bowels. The Mannumites fed their chickens nutritional sandgropers. Before Frederico_WA unbelievably devoured eleven adult brown snakes. Frederico_WA felt MP_ ’s bulging wallet full to point with buttplugs.
Meanwhile, nineteen homeless caterpillars found a brothel filled with ketchup and pulsating dildos. It looked grim, thousands of antique chainsaws lay broken beneath five little penguins. Amazingly the first duck arrived invitro dancing towards ladles, saucepans, ‘KABOOM’! “WTF how did dinosaurs manifest there? Time-travel! Yes. How did time-travelling occur when the Mannumites were mentally superior despite their mutated River Phoenix opposition. Fortunately, many Canines were also time-travelling dinosaurs! Everything went really well until Jesus slaughtered the shit out of the sweetest time-travelling children statues. Distraught mothers carried their placentas wax-sealed and imbued whilst fermenting jalapenos for a delicious Chinese taco. This was the final straw, except there was a surprise arrival: King Ligmaballs of Assupland. He wasn’t amused that his testicles were fluorescent and tingling and fetchingly from rabbit stomachs. The gargantuan cyclops chortled at swashbuckling Cruyff14 , while spanking his lil monkey using his tweezers to cripple the ripples.
“HOLYFORKINGSHIRTBALLS! In. Space.” Unicorns teleported buttons from Carlton hoping for a turnip. When nostrils enlarge they absorb radiation from Japanese flatulence disorders. Percival Longbottom of Glastonbury Cathedral investigated his case. Forgery and reckless homosexuality transpired between head, luckily, 80 inches of pepperoni non-binary pizza hookerboots were schoolies favourite choice. Bro got egged by Jakethemuss the tiniest dwarf pony. Despite his temper, he romanticised about MyLittlePony rainbows, cupcakes, fairy-floss, and hairy snails.
Lifeguards condemned homeless seagulls that drowned in flailing marmalade puddles.
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