Where we previously left off in Chapter 2: Lifeguards condemned homeless seagulls that drowned in flailing marmalade puddles.
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The day intuitiveness caught salmonella from unsweetened cabbage fermented inside whiskey-soaked armadillos. Surprisingly Amazonian ferrets backflipped joyfully holding crusty underpants worn inside-out and sexily. Incidentally, Lord Fallulahcheese anticipated backlash, dragons, and flying crumpets that were determined to obliterate munchkins.
Meanwhile, in a land far from normality, werewolves gathered carcasses of evil children's clothes around burning pubes. Bigfoot farted in unicorns breakfast poos. Unnoticed hobbits pilfered cantankerously around Gondor searching irresponsibly for girlfriends that wore thongs to their fraternity party. DJ OsamaSpinLaden played a banger techno haircut, and filthy toenails that release ammonia spores. Penis Jugglers Anonymous (PJA) have possession of illegal VHS’s of Gralin eating discharge patients and waffles. The majority of iguanas sleepily sang the baritone part perfectly, but failed dismally due to unforeseen navels of chipmunks oranges paraded around the ringleader. Chipmunk collected relatives old toenails. Excitingly, farts blared loudly across Chipmunk friends grandma. Wow! She exploded in great Northern Himalayan green trousers. Next, bloodhound ladies guffawed as discombobulated jolly pirates. Peglegs erupted in to apropos breakdancing with Yoshi Yakimoto’s teriyaki fingers. Finally sushi appeared first when fireworks bounced from cards found beneath sleeping dogs105 fleabags on united testicles without hair or support from crabs or buzzing beetles.
Escaping the Mohicans was a sexual rendezvous that Central Park Rangers who apprehended feral hippies wearing kaftan turbans smelling of roses and lentils marinating in rancid, pungent, fermenting pastrami. Nonna, delighted by her overalls filled with tomatoes filled the onions stolen from Woolworths with meatballs. Jerome didn’t care if his fantasy friend hated other fantasy baseball players. He took eleven dwarves by hunting hippopotamuses deep in Tanzania’s forests. Zoologists from Stanford University fornicated beneath overgrown mulberry trees before urinating everywhere except Nonna's bolognaise which had a protective dictionary hidden amongst olives, picked by the piper playing her bagpipes stolen human aardvarks, now badgers bait. Tallulah dysregulated the illegal cannabis and cockfighting syndicate across Victoria. Tallulah’s horrendous piercings located within her flabby and glacial overbite according to Tallulah’s hamster. Tallulah, who regularly drank fluids from skulls late into necrophilia, forbidden pancakes dripping excrement from dogs105 from cerebellum. Without brains, dogs105 greatly enjoys licking bitumen glazed ham, Nonna’s favourite lettuce, iceberg, chopped 19 times effortlessly with Damascus spoons moist from Natalie Portman's brow. Meanwhile, my spleen screamed "Frederico_WA why me you creepy son stalking bitch!”
Momentarily projectile dangleberries were flying upwards into dangerous suburbs of Omron Dildos, NSW. Benny Rodriguez gambled heavily, winning sugar mummas tulips, chocolates, lampshades, and a Blow-up 8008 model of a Playstation. Bells rotated through gonorrhea infested wombats that plagued Europe. Meanwhile, you politely declined seconds of diverticulitis treatment because money spurted infrequently down the Anus of Mesopotamia. Drunkenly yet Ben Cousins …
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