Peoples thoughts on Craig Hutchison?

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I think he is one of the better journalists around,but quite often he crosses the line. Eg: Chasing Ben cousins to LA and humiliating Jonathon Hay the footy show. The sooner he cuts this out the better journo he will be and the more respect from the players he will get.

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Far more interested in sensationalism than journalism and IMO believes his own hype. Egotistical tool who looks like he's about to cry when put back in his box and has zero journalistic credibility.
I think he is one of the better journalists around,but quite often he crosses the line. Eg: Chasing Ben cousins to LA and humiliating Jonathon Hay the footy show. The sooner he cuts this out the better journo he will be and the more respect from the players he will get.

Some of you need to read a bit more if you think this ____ is a good journalist. Judging by the misuse of the words 'here' and 'hear' on this site today my feelings are probably justified.

What's wrong with using the word t_rd... maybe faeces is better...
Hate his guts. He is only interested in getting people in trouble in terms of losing their job, eg club directors, coaches, and players. He is a pathetic interviewer, always ask people to predict the future, (eg when will you play in the finals, etc) and if they predict wrong he is the first to give them the shits.
so he isn't allowed to have a different opinion on extra time?:rolleyes:

I have no problem with him and i stated in another thread i know a couple of people who have had dealings with him and they said he was a really nice bloke.

He is a very popular figure on here to bag and people jump on that bandwagon like flies on a a piece of crap.

My brother went to school with him down here. The mere mention of his name fires him & the whole town up. I'd say the Beijing Torch Relay would be more popular than him.:)
Not to fussed on his work on the footy show or footy classified.
As for a human, nothing but a smart mouthed coward. Played indoor footy at west gate, was so full of himself, until he copped a ripper of a head butt from a lebo one night.... that shut his trap!
thats the way to play sport,headbutting.
he must be a good bloke
Funny you should say that.I played at Westgate as well and seen a bloke clip him as
well.A big mouthed smartarse who turns coward pretty quick dont worry about that.Also known as a lagger by some blokes down Port way ive heard after an incident in a Sth Melbourne Hotel a few years ago.Bloke is a ________ and it would also seem, a human punching bag.;)
no CM he didn't lag,get your facts right.a couple of prominent ex AFL stars caused the problem not hutchison.
one has been big in the tabloids and abc recently and the other might now be close to hutchison.

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The guys a complete tosser! He tries to make himself part of the story and keeps letting everyone know how he broke a story. He obviously has little man syndrome and needs to remind everyone of his own self importance.

I don't mind people having an opinion however this tool only shows no respect to others opinions and can't accept it when others don't agree with him.

Good journos don't chase stories, good stories come to them.
Charming, humorous, trusting and more importantly a true family man. Known for his heart stopping honest reports on players misdemeanors puts him in the highest order of fans and pla-

He's a w***er.

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Peoples thoughts on Craig Hutchison?

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