Political Discussion part #2 - Let’s go out for 10 Big Macs at the Engadine Maccas!!

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Just once I'd like to see those in office who oversee these Class A ****ups held accountable.

And it's easy to start. Jack Snelling and Jay Weatherill, you presided over this cluster****, so no golden-edged pension and life-time benefits for you until we recoup our $2.4 billion. It's not much, but it's a start.
The design faults are all due to one of the highest paid bureaucrats (DP) who "managed" the nRAH planning by travelling the world looking at other hospitals, coming up with an unrealistic utopia for patient flow... initially ignoring any clinical input from senior clinicians who would actually work in the new facility. There was no plan B if the EPAS didn't work properly. Hence the clusterf##k. When it came to crunch time (sorting out the mess) & taking millions of taxpayers money, he went into the private sector.

Not only are we the taxpayer paying for the most expensive building in the Southern hemisphere, we are going to have to pay more to remedy it.
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I actually agree with this. A Royal Commission will get the truth out once and for all.
You don't know the half of it...

Wait til it becomes public the rate of return we are guaranteeing the consortium. It's like the privatisation of ETSA all over again.
Barnaby Joyce you are a ******* disgrace, a $150k tell all about your sex life.

Just leave you selfish w***er.
Should be used to go towards his bi-election costs.

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When you don't consult the experts who would work in a project such as this, you are heading for disaster. But what would they know, right?
Oracle GL
Nursing System replacement (scraped after pilot site failure)
EPAS (should have been scrapped after pilot site failure)

There is a common theme at SA Health that they arrogantly exclude those who know best at the coldface & then proceed to screw up projects.
Oracle GL
Nursing System replacement (scraped after pilot site failure)
EPAS (should have been scrapped after pilot site failure)

There is a common theme at SA Health that they arrogantly exclude those who know best at the coldface & then proceed to screw up projects.

Would you say it's the dog wagging the tail?
Ah, the old right wing nutjob insult, wouldn't worry about it too much there's plenty in this thread that would qualify for left wing nutjobs status but of course they're centrists in their own eyes. At least we admit we lean to the right and wear it proud.
What is a centrist?

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I'm starting to get a handle on a majority of politicians from all parties and how I like or dislike them. Whilst I can't stand her, there's even somethings Pauline Hanson says I find myself agreeing with.
Elite Crow Vader

This is seriously not a good look for the ALP especially after the recent "Shanghai" Sam dalliances with the Chinese Communist Party and their $$$$ buying influence in Australian Politics. Although Carr's denying it Fairfax seem pretty sure of their facts to go to print with these allegations? Kristina Keneally involved, might be a case of "if you lie down with dogs like Eddie Obied and Ian McDonald you get up with fleas" ?


Bob Carr enlists Labor in new China influence row
Agreed. Carr is almost as bad as Dastyari. Almost. Not quite - but it's damn close.
Go for it, I'll start with my 3 and see if you agree Kim Carr, Doug Cameron and Bill Shorten.

Nice hand.

Must admit I wasn't much of a fan of Mick Atkinson, Jack Snelling sorta lost the plot in his last year, and the less said about Leesa Vlahos the better.

How about 3 from your side you don't like?
Nice hand.

Must admit I wasn't much of a fan of Mick Atkinson, Jack Snelling sorta lost the plot in his last year, and the less said about Leesa Vlahos the better.

How about 3 from your side you don't like?

I agree with your triple

Mick Atkinson - no thank you, i'd say more but he might sue
Jack Snelling - no, just no
Leesa Vlahos - dangerously unqualified

In the interest of being a centrist, i will add that i'm slowly becoming a fan of Corey Wingard, despite his last name; he actively works for the community in the area. I haven't looked into it so he's probably a climate-denying nutjob or something, but he's not useless, which i think these days is an important quality.

Also, can i add Hon Russell Wortley into the useless pile?

He's been in for 12 years i think, i can't remember a thing he's done. Nothing. President of the MLC because


Screams w***er to me. And he needs to fix his parliamentary photo.
I agree with your triple

Mick Atkinson - no thank you, i'd say more but he might sue
Jack Snelling - no, just no
Leesa Vlahos - dangerously unqualified

In the interest of being a centrist, i will add that i'm slowly becoming a fan of Corey Wingard, despite his last name; he actively works for the community in the area. I haven't looked into it so he's probably a climate-denying nutjob or something, but he's not useless, which i think these days is an important quality.

Also, can i add Hon Russell Wortley into the useless pile?

He's been in for 12 years i think, i can't remember a thing he's done. Nothing. President of the MLC because


Screams w***er to me. And he needs to fix his parliamentary photo.

Your comments about Wingard surprise me, given how much he’s struggled on the front bench so far. Maybe I’m factoring his lacklustre career at channel 10 in that as well though, and he may be more suited as a backbencher serving his local electorate (ala Frances Bedford in Florey).

I don’t rate Dana much either. Not sure whether it’s because I’m thinking of Russell when I think of her though.
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