POLL - Do you support KNEELING?

Do you support the kneeling?

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What you mean again?

Several points keep coming up:

1) It doesnt do anything to help!
2) They were forced to do it by the AFL!
3) Keep politics out of sport!

You see the blurb posted about that was released by the players explains 2).
It keeps the focus on an issue that the nation has been silent on for far too long. Even if its a generational change, hopefully the youth that continue to see stuff like this take it in and don't grow up to be garbage human beings.

Why is it such a bad thing to want our nation to stop killing indigenous people?

People won't listen when the message is being delivered in the wrong way. Look at how people are not SOCIAL DISTANCING now!
There’s a saying in Ireland : “An Irishman never forgets, but an Englishman never remembers.”

If you’re one of the many Aussies who sympathises with Ned Kelly and claims Irish ancestry that phrase might resonate with you.

“A blackfella never forgets, a whitefella never remembers”

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No, the protest should have been player driven and on their accord. Not announced by the AFL in advance like it was a promotion to watch.

How the hell do you know the players didnt approach the AFL first?

Do you have evidence of this?

Or are you...assuming the AFL made the call and then the players supported it afterwards, simply because of the timing of press releases?

Or did you want the players to justify it before the AFL announced it?
Several points keep coming up:

1) It doesnt do anything to help!
2) They were forced to do it by the AFL!
3) Keep politics out of sport!

You see the blurb posted about that was released by the players explains 2).
Well to be honest I thought they were forced to do it. Given they chose to do it I have no issue with them doing it
The leader of the Toronto chapter.
Right so one person in 2017.

the mother of cherry picking right here.

you’ve gone from seemingly not caring because “leave politics out of footy” to revealing a pretty terrible stance Haro. It’s no coincidence you’re all over these threads you don’t give a shit about, like a ****ing rash.

there’s a lot more like you that use weird reasons to hide what they’re actually thinking and you’ve just slipped up 😂
Well to be honest I thought they were forced to do it. Given they chose to do it I have no issue with them doing it

See, you have done what a lot of people dont want to do: You have taken all relevant information in, made a more informed decision and have decided "Eh. I have no issue with it."

And that is honestly the stance that is the easy one to take here, but people are choosing to say NO! because...they feel they are taking a stand if they do.
People won't listen when the message is being delivered in the wrong way. Look at how people are not SOCIAL DISTANCING now!

That they even took a knee shows that people are finally listening.

As for the social distancing that you're insinuating to, the fact that many indigenous people are more afraid of dying at the hands of police and corrections than they are from a deadly virus is a sad indictment on our country.
What do you think would have happened to one of those players had they refused?

So you care about what would happen to a player that chose to refuse to take a knee, but you draw the line at them doing it in the first place?

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See, you have done what a lot of people dont want to do: You have taken all relevant information in, made a more informed decision and have decided "Eh. I have no issue with it."

And that is honestly the stance that is the easy one to take here, but people are choosing to say NO! because...they feel they are taking a stand if they do.
Because people don't like to be told how to feel, in Australia we have always had freedom to believe whatever we want and how to feel
Right so one person in 2017.

the mother of cherry picking right here.

you’ve gone from seemingly not caring because “leave politics out of footy” to revealing a pretty terrible stance Haro. It’s no coincidence you’re all over these threads you don’t give a shit about, like a ******* rash.

there’s a lot more like you that use weird reasons to hide what they’re actually thinking and you’ve just slipped up 😂
Yeah, it is cherry picking.

The response says a lot more. Did anything happen to her? No. Was there any backlash? No. Did people defend her? Yes.

I can’t even begin to imagine what these people say in private if that’s what she posts on social media.
Because people don't like to be told how to feel, in Australia we have always had freedom to believe whatever we want and how to feel

depends who you are
Because people don't like to be told how to feel, in Australia we have always had freedom to believe whatever we want and how to feel

And they can, but when you are provided with a signficant about of information that clearly shows your position as redundant at best or out right misinformed at worse and you DOUBLE DOWN, then thats a problem.

Freedom to believe, but also freedom to change that belief when presented with more information.
Imagine if some of the players felt like they ‘had’ to take a knee just because everyone else was doing it!

Imagine if you’re an Indigenous person singing the 2nd verse of our national anthem and you ‘have’ to do it just because everyone else is doing it!

Imagine living every day of your life in some weird la la world where history doesn’t exist and we should just all get along !
Yeah, it is cherry picking.

The response says a lot more. Did anything happen to her? No. Was there any backlash? No. Did people defend her? Yes.

I can’t even begin to imagine what these people say in private if that’s what she posts on social media.

Have a look around man. Apply that logic to some other scenarios. I didn’t think you were this dense.
That they even took a knee shows that people are finally listening.

As for the social distancing that you're insinuating to, the fact that many indigenous people are more afraid of dying at the hands of police and corrections than they are from a deadly virus is a sad indictment on our country.

They're clearly never going to get the message across 44 players kneeling on a sporting ground does nothing to change things :)
And they can, but when you are provided with a signficant about of information that clearly shows your position as redundant at best or out right misinformed at worse and you DOUBLE DOWN, then thats a problem.

Freedom to believe, but also freedom to change that belief when presented with more information.
That's called stubbornness
How the hell do you know the players didnt approach the AFL first?

Do you have evidence of this?

Or are you...assuming the AFL made the call and then the players supported it afterwards, simply because of the timing of press releases?

Or did you want the players to justify it before the AFL announced it?

I meant that the whole protest itself was sanctioned by the AFL and used as a promotion. If the players just knelt on their own accord it would have been different. And actually more powerful. The whole coverage of it just looked like an ad for the AFL.

You seem to be picking the wrong fight. If OP created a third option "Yes, if they allow all protests" then I would have selected that. The AFL can't sanction this protest and use it for adveristing but then shut down another protest because it doesnt suit their agenda.
Kneeling before criminals and terrorist organisations is disgraceful.

I agree, they shouldn’t allow any members of the US government to attend any more ANZAC games.

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POLL - Do you support KNEELING?
