Autopsy Port overrun Dogs 66-64

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I think the problem for me is how weak the club is. I know that’s a loaded word but I’m not sure how else you explain this.

24points in the first half of the first quarter, then 40 points in the rest of the game. And we ******* kicked straight and still f’ed it up!!!!

The last month of footy has been nothing short of embarrassing and I’m ******* fed up. This last few weeks has been unbelievably bad.

My problem, like I suspect many of you, is that I'm so heavily invested emotionally in this club, that results like tonight actually affect my mental state for the entire weekend, or if I'm honest, the entire week. I'm reminded of it even if I try to avoid it - tv news, social media posts. I thought 2016 had resolved the mental anguish of a lifetime of supporting this club. In fact, the relative failures since 2016 has almost made it worse.

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19 out of 23 rounds we were in the top 2 - three weeks later we are on the verge of losing the double chance. I just don’t get it.

Port made us look second rate after quarter time. Why Bevo refused to shut down Amon who created so many score involvements is beyond reprehensibl. He drives me insane when he refuses to stop opposition players who are running hot.
i won’t be able to sleep tonight.
We're not sacking a coach, despite the debacle, who coached us to 15 wins and either the best or the second best percentage in the league.

We lost, but get a grip people
Even a shank kick to the corridor with an open 50 and someone waiting in the goalsquare - if we can somehow get it over the top once we win the ground ball - was better than his option - take 6 whole seconds to decide to kick to English, who, if he marked, still would have been 55m from goal with the added disadvantage of Port players finally flooding back.

Speed and recognising the open forward 50 where we literally had 3 against 2 was the critical thing there. Risk the turnover, risk going down by 9 points, to get the goal.

There is no nuance in his game right now. Its all run hard and blindly kick long.
Bont has been poor for the last few weeks and this has coincided with our drop in form.

Do you think he is carrying an injury that is inhibiting him?
he is over running the ball lately, I picked it up a few weeks back...wonder if he has a bad back
Honestly what would it take to coax Clarkson? The list is full of talent and right in the frame…

I’m done with bevo. What a roller coaster this year has been.

Even if we offered Clarko 337 million dollars a year he would not knife Bevo.

The man is straight down the line and wouldn’t even entertain the notion.
Being the team that ends Essendon finals losing streak is going to be fun...

Wood is completely cooked. Absolutely liability with ball in hand. The least composed player I've seen.

Dunkley doesn't even want the ball. If he does end up with it he fires off the quickest dumbest handballs.

Treloar two missed tackles late in the game. Cost us goals.

Bont 15 touches. 15.... Wasn't even being tagged. Unbelievable. Wines nearly had that in the last quarter alone.

Keath about the only positive. Smashed Dixon.
I'd say that is a very, very accurate summary of what I just witnessed.
“We don’t have a dominant ruck....we go to the well most weeks.....we knew about Lycett but there’s nothing we could do, we couldn’t stem the tide.”

Bev in the presser.

Also sounds like he’s not going to play Martin in the final as he’s not fit enough.
I'm going to try to be measured but feel i am ready to explode.
The arrogance of Bevo for weeks now.
Try years, mate, 5 years to be exact.

He has thumbed his nose at the ruck position since 2017 and refused to acknowledge it, like a ****ing child having a tantrum bc his (3rd man up) toy was taken away. He has wasted the best midfield our has seen on a 5 year tantrum.
He dismantled the list, traded premiership heroes, fell out with Dalrymple, completely changed our style and began experimenting in 2017!!!! Our premiership defence turned into a ****ing rebuild!!!!. When I dared mention this in 2018 I was pelted with rocks and banished. I won't name names, but I sincerely hope you show your faces.

His team selections border on professional negligence. His pig headedness in selecting favourites, omitting players who are clearly better footballers and the ruck issue alone should see him stood down. His insistence on playing multiple roles, 18 medium half back flankers and doing away with any sort of mongrel means when the game gets hot we go to water

And don't get me started on his faux emotional empathic bullshit smoke screen. Ever watched his press conferences, he's a bully, straight up! Empathic people are not bullies, empathic people take criticism well and seek to get better, this guy does the complete opposite. He doesn't talk to players on the outer and they're left to float out to sea, Empathic people don't do this, they keep dialogue going, especially when it gets uncomfortable. If you don't agree with him then you're as good as gone, Empathic people don't do this.

2016 was an an anomaly.

Don't @ me.

I'm out

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My problem, like I suspect many of you, is that I'm so heavily invested emotionally in this club, that results like tonight actually affect my mental state for the entire weekend, or if I'm honest, the entire week. I'm reminded of it even if I try to avoid it - tv news, social media posts. I thought 2016 had resolved the mental anguish of a lifetime of supporting this club. In fact, the relative failures since 2016 has almost made it worse.
Yeah I'm the same.

I'll pretty much avoid anything footy related for days after this. Just can't bear it.

It's taxing.
“We don’t have a dominant ruck....we go to the well most weeks.....we knew about Lycett but there’s nothing we could do, we couldn’t stem the tide.”

Bev in the presser.

Also sounds like he’s not going to play Martin in the final as he’s not fit enough.
Nothing we could do… how about getting an AFL standard ruckman on the list. Only had 5 years to do it.
He better not. There's literally millions of people in lockdown, and most of them aren't entitled c****s getting well paid to swan around the country.

Exactly. Nobody wants to hear his b****** about lockdown or feeling sorry for people or whatever.

There are a hell of a lot of people who support this club who live week to week, who battle, and their only joy is the club and the last three weeks they would have been embarrassed and ashamed.

What they wanted, what we all wanted tonight was for our team to scrap like their lives depended on it, to fight and to win and they failed miserably again.

Couldn't be more disgusted.
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If the issue is that the cupboard is bare for ruckmen, then part of that also falls on Sam Power's shoulders. Bringing in a cooked Stef Martin for a few games hasn't cut it.
Talk about players being cooked, I don't know about you guys but I'm just about cooked myself for this season. I'm mentally wrung out after that game and if we get knocked out next week, which I expect we will, it will almost be a relief. The Dogs have done me in.
A lots been said already that I agree with but maybe a different perspective

- Young was OkK and not the worst but he doesn't play with any confidence only at the end did he start going for marks - he won't win the tapouts but must take marks around the ground. Martin would have played if he was Ok unfortunately Sweet has not shown any better - so may not have a better option

- Wood was very poor until right at the end. He, Dunkley and VDM have not come back in form - Richards may be an alternative. Defence was otherwise pretty good. Williams looks so slow compared to earlier in the year. Heath, Daniel, Duryea were very good and Dale was ok but dropped off a few tackles that hurt us.

- We lost because our mids were beaten - Bont, Libba, Smith and Dunkey all very poor. macrae and trelor were Ok. Smith has not had a good game for a while and has gone back to panic football and running the wrong way in a blind turn. Hunter and R.Smith were ok. Bont must be injured at most of the crucial centres he was playing forward - we needed him there and put Dunkley forward or play Lipinski or Wallis

Forward line didn't work - needed JUH - to stop the crowding - Hannan did.some good locking it in but can't kick goals...

Interesting week at selection time.

Very good assessment.

Young was quite competitive in the ruck, but the midfield was just beaten up.

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Autopsy Port overrun Dogs 66-64

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