Nicks sums it up in most of what he says. It's about working harder, not changing up how you do things. He has consistently displayed fundamental beliefs that he will not deviate from that our list does not provide. In his rush to try and attain a core group of experienced players he has lowered the standards of what he's willing to accept in the belief that effort will overcome the lack of talent in guys he's selecting. But to suddenly change gears and go less experienced is not something Nicks will do because it goes against his deep held beliefs on how to build a team.If I'm trying to save my coaching career I'm trying everything.
Murphy would be out. Taylor to come in. I'd rotate him in the middle.
Laird out of the middle for good.
Flip of the coin between burgess and gollant. I'd prolly choose gollant.
Bring in curtin. See ye later smith. Winning is more important than your feelings
I wouldn't risk rankine unless his hammy is 100% right.
He wont do any of this though.
The fear now will be the club sells out it's long-term future to get some short term wins (like overpaying to get a Petty or Luko) to try and eleviate the pressure they're feeling.