Toast Round 1 = Geelong 103-125 Collingwood

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still dont know what the 50 was for. With my pies one eye, it looked like it was a consolation "you missed the first time, so lets give you another go.... but right in front now, to make sure you dont miss".

This whole "protect the umpires" has gone a bit too far imo. Theyve been given authority to be judge jury and executioner now, when its often as a result of players being emotional at poor decisions. So you cop a bad decision, then you get penalised even more for speaking the truth. pay the umps more, amd tell them that they need to be thicker skins. Expecting players to be robots in one of the most emotionally charged sports in the w

yep, was more influential than Smith imo. Bit of nepotism there from Geelong
Just be Jeremy Cameron. Flat out tell the umpire his decision is bullshit for not calling a deliberate out of bounds with no consequences. If a Collingwood player had done that they’d have probably got a double 50 😂
Just be Jeremy Cameron. Flat out tell the umpire his decision is bullshit for not calling a deliberate out of bounds with no consequences. If a Collingwood player had done that they’d have probably got a double 50 😂
Yeah I noticed that too actually said “f•••••g bs” so should of definitely been a free for abuse and the arms out too but nothing
Yeah I noticed that too actually said “f•••••g bs” so should of definitely been a free for abuse and the arms out too but nothing
Yeah if “THATS ****ING BULLSHIT” with arms out isn’t dissent, then they should just scrap the rule altogether tbh.

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LOL read on the Geelong board and apparently Esava was horrible, and caused turnover after turnover. On here, he was their best player, just about ended McStay’s career and the coaches are giving him votes!
Yeah I was driving to the airport on Friday night and listening to SEN. A bunch of callers saying he was one of their worst. All I was thinking was "Wow wouldn't it have been great to have a monster like him bolstering out backline". He was indeed one of their best. That ground-level spoil against a missile to McStay was superb.
Was running around all proud of himself too after that dog act he’s a massive flog I agree

You don’t need a particularly vivid imagination to picture Chris Scott training that behaviour
Rather than just talk about a select few decisions, let’s discuss them all!
Or just move on to the Port preview thread, to each their own.

Geelong free – holding the man. Fair call.

Collingwood free – high contact in ruck contest. Stanley clumsy. Fair call.

Geelong free – Adams holding the ball as tried to fend off. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Downfield as Noble bumped after kick. Fair call.

No free paid – Hill slid in, lowered body raised arm causing high contact. Play on, disposed of ball could not really tell on vision if clear handball. Geelong player a moment later tackled and again disposed of it somehow. Okay with these non-calls.

Collingwood free – Quaynor disposed of ball, tackle continued. Fair call.

Geelong free – Mihocek high tackle. Fair call.

Geelong free – Illegal disposal against Adams. Looked like he almost got a fist to it, no complaint and umpire close by. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Holding the ball. Fair call.

No free paid – Ratugolea collected ground ball. Close to a drag in but I think just okay as both he and ball in motion at time of gathering and tackled immediately for ball up.

No free paid – Stewart injured. McCreery going for mark, it does look like Stewart clips/slaps McCreery’s arm impacting marking attempt, but not to level of arm chop. Fair call.

Collingwood free – De Goey holding the man as tackled before taking possession. 50/50, would not have minded play on as barely a tackle/hold.

Geelong free – Sidebottom with high contact. Fair call.

Cox pack mark. Ratugolea may have got one hand to the ball, but as same time as Cox who had front position and clearly completed mark. Fair call.

Collingwood free – McStay, holding. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Mitchell, holding. Fair call.

Geelong free – Henry bumped off the ball. The vision doesn’t actually capture the bump, just the Henry falling part. Assuming he was actually bumped...fair call. No replay as siren soon after with the little push and shove the focus.

Collingwood free – Mihocek, high contact when Ratugolea attempting shepherd. Mihocek possibly saw it coming and may have contributed with a little arm raise. At the same time, Smith ran to the limit (15 strides) then kicked, guessing the crowd noise was for this rather then Mihocek free. Let’s say 50/50 call to Collingwood as Mihocek may have contributed.

Geelong 50m – Z Guthrie mark. Hill on mark, umpire said “stand” Hill clearly took steps backwards. Fair call. Note: biggest and likely loudest crowd for Hill so perhaps didn’t hear and was trying to get outside 5m. Moving backwards, gee these calls are harsh.

Collingwood free – Dangerfield insufficient intent to keep the ball in play. I’ll call this 50/50, personally think it was harsh.

Observation – J Daicos mark on the wing. Umpire called “stand” to Geelong player. Umpire then ran away and handed to another umpire. Problem being Geelong player was still looking at the first umpire waiting for play on call and when Daicos moved the second umpire didn’t verbally call play on but just made the signal. Or not capture on audio? Perhaps umpire thought he’s about to kick, Geelong player cannot actually impact/smother so I’ll just save my breath. If he didn’t actually verbally say play on it is just a little annoyance. Especially as they can be so strict in regards to manning the mark.

No free paid – Stanley appealing for a free in marking contest where WHE marked. From the vision Cameron and Stanley competing but can’t see any clear free, appeared Cameron initiated the contact/contest but no infringement that I saw.

Geelong free – Maynard insufficient intent to keep the ball in play. The one where he tapped to the boundary. I’ll call this 50/50 also and again think it was harsh. Note: Rohan was closer to the ball when it went out but stopped and appealed so Hawkins who kept moving to the boundary took the kick.

Geelong free – Sidebottom holding the ball. Fair call.

No free paid – C Guthrie tackled by Mitchell and exaggerated the tackled by cartwheeling to the ground. Would have been a very tough holding the man call so good play on call. Umpire gave two clear “play on” calls so likely also saw the exaggeration.

Collingwood free – Smith holding the ball. He had prior and umpire deemed it incorrect disposal, although he was behind so would not have had clear sight and Smith remonstrated. Looked a handball (just). Wrong call.

Geelong free – Myers holding free in marking contest. He initiated contact with much bigger Cameron so guessing he was angling for this kind of free where Cameron just took him out so easily. Cameron rather than just using body strength did appear to give a little arm wrap also. Fair call.

Note – “Daicos, how good” spoiled mark going back with the flight, ball went out of bounds. Superb!

Collingwood free – Mihocek arm chop. Both players eyes on ball, both even made contact with the ball, no arm chop. Wrong call.

Collingwood free -

No free paid – Rohan contested mark. Moore got a little push from Cameron, but would have been harsh to have been penalised. Very light and doubt Moore would have been able to spoil even without the nudge. 50/50.

Collingwood free – Noble taken high. Fair call.

No free paid – Z Guthrie must have shown sufficient intent to keep the ball in play to the umpire. Not to me though, this one more obviously a free compared to Maynard tap and Dangerfield handball. Wrong call.

Side note – Hodge said that Dangerfield went and had a word to the umpire regarding Cox’s ruck work and flying knee. Looking at the ruck contest before this one, yeah a little flying knee but I think it ended up okay as didn’t really make contact or impede Stanley, but was close to a free. Next contest no issue at all.

Geelong free – Crisp holding the ball. Fair call.

No free paid – Hawkins forearm to Howe. I’ll say 50/50 but I’m okay with the non-call watching the replay.

Collingwood free – Marking contest, free to Cameron. Stanley went to ground guessing he grabbed at Cameron (but hard to tell on vision). Fair call.

Geelong free – Maynard’s kick out of bounds. Another 50/50 harsh call given kick off the side of the boot, Daicos in the area. Did Daicos slowing down rather than sprinting all the way to the boundary influence the umpire’s thinking (it shouldn’t, but who knows?), along the lines of “hmm, Daicos is happy for it to go out, I’ll work backwards from there and penalise the team/Maynard”

No free paid – Ruck contest where Stanley may have been hit high as he reaches for his head/face, and is still doing so a little while later. Vision not clear enough to determine what happened.

Geelong free – Henry in marking contest with Murphy. Possible arm chop, didn’t look like much. 50/50.

Geelong free – Noble holding the ball. Fair call.

Geelong free – too high against Quaynor. Fair call.
Geelong 50m for “second action” Could not tell from the vision what happened or who it was against and no replay (thanks Ch7!).

Geelong free – ruck contest against Cox who had lost front position and did give a push. Seemed a light push though so I’ll put it in the 50/50 category like Cameron pushing Moore.

Geelong free – High contact Murphy on Henry. 50/50 as right on behind line and a light touch over shoulder, but technically probably the right call.
Geelong 50m. No idea what it was for as it was a close up on Henry when whistled and again Ch7 didn’t bother with a replay (of either the initial free or the 50), thanks! But it was whistled/called just before/as Henry was kicking so if the infringement was actually there then fair enough.

Collingwood free – Insufficient intent against Stanley punched ball out of bounds. 50/50, harsh call as I think he was trying to punch it more inbound (based on eyes and body position and punching into F50), but didn’t get the direction he wanted.

Geelong free – push in the back against McCreery. Fair call.

Collingwood free – holding to N Daicos. He was very quick to dispose of the ball and don’t think the hold/tackle lingered too much. 50/50.

Geelong free – Stanley in marking contest, high contact. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Mitchell, holding. Fighting with Dangerfield for possession, Mitchell in front and a small jumper tug. Fair call.

Collingwood 50m – Geelong player went over mark before play on. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Holding the ball. Fair call.

Geelong free – Ruck contest. Cameron did end up holding Stanley’s arm. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Murphy high contact. Fair call.

Geelong free – Cox caught behind in ruck contest, high contact. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Moore in marking contest. “Marking interference” but not clear on vision. Go with fair call as no complaints.

Collingwood free – McInnes tripped. Did Ratugolea actually mean to trip McInnes. We don’t know so I’ll go with 50/50.

No free paid * 2 – Murphy tapped ball to boundary. Less intent to keep it in compared to likely execution errors from Maynard, Dangerfield, Stanley so let’s say 50/50 as I still think the Z Guthrie was the most obvious. Cameron not penalised for his “F* bullshit” 50/50

Collingwood free – Cameron blocked out of marking contest. Fair call.

Mark – Cox. Two grabs, I don’t think he held it long enough. Wrong call.

Collingwood free – Maynard bumped after disposing. Fair call.

No free paid – Sidebottom tackled almost immediately but did have one up up attempting fend off and ball then knocked out. 50/50.

Geelong free – Henry high contact. Fair call.

Geelong free – Mitchell holding the ball. Fair call.

No free paid – Cameron ran 16 strides. 50/50.

Not all tallied, some non-calls tallied. Lack of clear vision, grey areas, etc. Anyway, not much of an impact overall I think.

Fair call to Collingwood: 16
Fair call to Geelong: 18
50/50 to Collingwood: 8
50/50 to Geelong: 9
Wrong call to Collingwood: 3
Wrong call to Geelong: 1
Rather than just talk about a select few decisions, let’s discuss them all!
Or just move on to the Port preview thread, to each their own.

Geelong free – holding the man. Fair call.

Collingwood free – high contact in ruck contest. Stanley clumsy. Fair call.

Geelong free – Adams holding the ball as tried to fend off. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Downfield as Noble bumped after kick. Fair call.

No free paid – Hill slid in, lowered body raised arm causing high contact. Play on, disposed of ball could not really tell on vision if clear handball. Geelong player a moment later tackled and again disposed of it somehow. Okay with these non-calls.

Collingwood free – Quaynor disposed of ball, tackle continued. Fair call.

Geelong free – Mihocek high tackle. Fair call.

Geelong free – Illegal disposal against Adams. Looked like he almost got a fist to it, no complaint and umpire close by. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Holding the ball. Fair call.

No free paid – Ratugolea collected ground ball. Close to a drag in but I think just okay as both he and ball in motion at time of gathering and tackled immediately for ball up.

No free paid – Stewart injured. McCreery going for mark, it does look like Stewart clips/slaps McCreery’s arm impacting marking attempt, but not to level of arm chop. Fair call.

Collingwood free – De Goey holding the man as tackled before taking possession. 50/50, would not have minded play on as barely a tackle/hold.

Geelong free – Sidebottom with high contact. Fair call.

Cox pack mark. Ratugolea may have got one hand to the ball, but as same time as Cox who had front position and clearly completed mark. Fair call.

Collingwood free – McStay, holding. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Mitchell, holding. Fair call.

Geelong free – Henry bumped off the ball. The vision doesn’t actually capture the bump, just the Henry falling part. Assuming he was actually bumped...fair call. No replay as siren soon after with the little push and shove the focus.

Collingwood free – Mihocek, high contact when Ratugolea attempting shepherd. Mihocek possibly saw it coming and may have contributed with a little arm raise. At the same time, Smith ran to the limit (15 strides) then kicked, guessing the crowd noise was for this rather then Mihocek free. Let’s say 50/50 call to Collingwood as Mihocek may have contributed.

Geelong 50m – Z Guthrie mark. Hill on mark, umpire said “stand” Hill clearly took steps backwards. Fair call. Note: biggest and likely loudest crowd for Hill so perhaps didn’t hear and was trying to get outside 5m. Moving backwards, gee these calls are harsh.

Collingwood free – Dangerfield insufficient intent to keep the ball in play. I’ll call this 50/50, personally think it was harsh.

Observation – J Daicos mark on the wing. Umpire called “stand” to Geelong player. Umpire then ran away and handed to another umpire. Problem being Geelong player was still looking at the first umpire waiting for play on call and when Daicos moved the second umpire didn’t verbally call play on but just made the signal. Or not capture on audio? Perhaps umpire thought he’s about to kick, Geelong player cannot actually impact/smother so I’ll just save my breath. If he didn’t actually verbally say play on it is just a little annoyance. Especially as they can be so strict in regards to manning the mark.

No free paid – Stanley appealing for a free in marking contest where WHE marked. From the vision Cameron and Stanley competing but can’t see any clear free, appeared Cameron initiated the contact/contest but no infringement that I saw.

Geelong free – Maynard insufficient intent to keep the ball in play. The one where he tapped to the boundary. I’ll call this 50/50 also and again think it was harsh. Note: Rohan was closer to the ball when it went out but stopped and appealed so Hawkins who kept moving to the boundary took the kick.

Geelong free – Sidebottom holding the ball. Fair call.

No free paid – C Guthrie tackled by Mitchell and exaggerated the tackled by cartwheeling to the ground. Would have been a very tough holding the man call so good play on call. Umpire gave two clear “play on” calls so likely also saw the exaggeration.

Collingwood free – Smith holding the ball. He had prior and umpire deemed it incorrect disposal, although he was behind so would not have had clear sight and Smith remonstrated. Looked a handball (just). Wrong call.

Geelong free – Myers holding free in marking contest. He initiated contact with much bigger Cameron so guessing he was angling for this kind of free where Cameron just took him out so easily. Cameron rather than just using body strength did appear to give a little arm wrap also. Fair call.

Note – “Daicos, how good” spoiled mark going back with the flight, ball went out of bounds. Superb!

Collingwood free – Mihocek arm chop. Both players eyes on ball, both even made contact with the ball, no arm chop. Wrong call.

Collingwood free -

No free paid – Rohan contested mark. Moore got a little push from Cameron, but would have been harsh to have been penalised. Very light and doubt Moore would have been able to spoil even without the nudge. 50/50.

Collingwood free – Noble taken high. Fair call.

No free paid – Z Guthrie must have shown sufficient intent to keep the ball in play to the umpire. Not to me though, this one more obviously a free compared to Maynard tap and Dangerfield handball. Wrong call.

Side note – Hodge said that Dangerfield went and had a word to the umpire regarding Cox’s ruck work and flying knee. Looking at the ruck contest before this one, yeah a little flying knee but I think it ended up okay as didn’t really make contact or impede Stanley, but was close to a free. Next contest no issue at all.

Geelong free – Crisp holding the ball. Fair call.

No free paid – Hawkins forearm to Howe. I’ll say 50/50 but I’m okay with the non-call watching the replay.

Collingwood free – Marking contest, free to Cameron. Stanley went to ground guessing he grabbed at Cameron (but hard to tell on vision). Fair call.

Geelong free – Maynard’s kick out of bounds. Another 50/50 harsh call given kick off the side of the boot, Daicos in the area. Did Daicos slowing down rather than sprinting all the way to the boundary influence the umpire’s thinking (it shouldn’t, but who knows?), along the lines of “hmm, Daicos is happy for it to go out, I’ll work backwards from there and penalise the team/Maynard”

No free paid – Ruck contest where Stanley may have been hit high as he reaches for his head/face, and is still doing so a little while later. Vision not clear enough to determine what happened.

Geelong free – Henry in marking contest with Murphy. Possible arm chop, didn’t look like much. 50/50.

Geelong free – Noble holding the ball. Fair call.

Geelong free – too high against Quaynor. Fair call.
Geelong 50m for “second action” Could not tell from the vision what happened or who it was against and no replay (thanks Ch7!).

Geelong free – ruck contest against Cox who had lost front position and did give a push. Seemed a light push though so I’ll put it in the 50/50 category like Cameron pushing Moore.

Geelong free – High contact Murphy on Henry. 50/50 as right on behind line and a light touch over shoulder, but technically probably the right call.
Geelong 50m. No idea what it was for as it was a close up on Henry when whistled and again Ch7 didn’t bother with a replay (of either the initial free or the 50), thanks! But it was whistled/called just before/as Henry was kicking so if the infringement was actually there then fair enough.

Collingwood free – Insufficient intent against Stanley punched ball out of bounds. 50/50, harsh call as I think he was trying to punch it more inbound (based on eyes and body position and punching into F50), but didn’t get the direction he wanted.

Geelong free – push in the back against McCreery. Fair call.

Collingwood free – holding to N Daicos. He was very quick to dispose of the ball and don’t think the hold/tackle lingered too much. 50/50.

Geelong free – Stanley in marking contest, high contact. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Mitchell, holding. Fighting with Dangerfield for possession, Mitchell in front and a small jumper tug. Fair call.

Collingwood 50m – Geelong player went over mark before play on. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Holding the ball. Fair call.

Geelong free – Ruck contest. Cameron did end up holding Stanley’s arm. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Murphy high contact. Fair call.

Geelong free – Cox caught behind in ruck contest, high contact. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Moore in marking contest. “Marking interference” but not clear on vision. Go with fair call as no complaints.

Collingwood free – McInnes tripped. Did Ratugolea actually mean to trip McInnes. We don’t know so I’ll go with 50/50.

No free paid * 2 – Murphy tapped ball to boundary. Less intent to keep it in compared to likely execution errors from Maynard, Dangerfield, Stanley so let’s say 50/50 as I still think the Z Guthrie was the most obvious. Cameron not penalised for his “F* bullshit” 50/50

Collingwood free – Cameron blocked out of marking contest. Fair call.

Mark – Cox. Two grabs, I don’t think he held it long enough. Wrong call.

Collingwood free – Maynard bumped after disposing. Fair call.

No free paid – Sidebottom tackled almost immediately but did have one up up attempting fend off and ball then knocked out. 50/50.

Geelong free – Henry high contact. Fair call.

Geelong free – Mitchell holding the ball. Fair call.

No free paid – Cameron ran 16 strides. 50/50.

Not all tallied, some non-calls tallied. Lack of clear vision, grey areas, etc. Anyway, not much of an impact overall I think.

Fair call to Collingwood: 16
Fair call to Geelong: 18
50/50 to Collingwood: 8
50/50 to Geelong: 9
Wrong call to Collingwood: 3
Wrong call to Geelong: 1
Pretty good explanations.

After being at the game, I try to do that watch replay pen and paper in hand, then I get caught up in the emotions I felt at the time then lose concentration.:D
Rather than just talk about a select few decisions, let’s discuss them all!
Or just move on to the Port preview thread, to each their own.

Geelong free – holding the man. Fair call.

Collingwood free – high contact in ruck contest. Stanley clumsy. Fair call.

Geelong free – Adams holding the ball as tried to fend off. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Downfield as Noble bumped after kick. Fair call.

No free paid – Hill slid in, lowered body raised arm causing high contact. Play on, disposed of ball could not really tell on vision if clear handball. Geelong player a moment later tackled and again disposed of it somehow. Okay with these non-calls.

Collingwood free – Quaynor disposed of ball, tackle continued. Fair call.

Geelong free – Mihocek high tackle. Fair call.

Geelong free – Illegal disposal against Adams. Looked like he almost got a fist to it, no complaint and umpire close by. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Holding the ball. Fair call.

No free paid – Ratugolea collected ground ball. Close to a drag in but I think just okay as both he and ball in motion at time of gathering and tackled immediately for ball up.

No free paid – Stewart injured. McCreery going for mark, it does look like Stewart clips/slaps McCreery’s arm impacting marking attempt, but not to level of arm chop. Fair call.

Collingwood free – De Goey holding the man as tackled before taking possession. 50/50, would not have minded play on as barely a tackle/hold.

Geelong free – Sidebottom with high contact. Fair call.

Cox pack mark. Ratugolea may have got one hand to the ball, but as same time as Cox who had front position and clearly completed mark. Fair call.

Collingwood free – McStay, holding. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Mitchell, holding. Fair call.

Geelong free – Henry bumped off the ball. The vision doesn’t actually capture the bump, just the Henry falling part. Assuming he was actually bumped...fair call. No replay as siren soon after with the little push and shove the focus.

Collingwood free – Mihocek, high contact when Ratugolea attempting shepherd. Mihocek possibly saw it coming and may have contributed with a little arm raise. At the same time, Smith ran to the limit (15 strides) then kicked, guessing the crowd noise was for this rather then Mihocek free. Let’s say 50/50 call to Collingwood as Mihocek may have contributed.

Geelong 50m – Z Guthrie mark. Hill on mark, umpire said “stand” Hill clearly took steps backwards. Fair call. Note: biggest and likely loudest crowd for Hill so perhaps didn’t hear and was trying to get outside 5m. Moving backwards, gee these calls are harsh.

Collingwood free – Dangerfield insufficient intent to keep the ball in play. I’ll call this 50/50, personally think it was harsh.

Observation – J Daicos mark on the wing. Umpire called “stand” to Geelong player. Umpire then ran away and handed to another umpire. Problem being Geelong player was still looking at the first umpire waiting for play on call and when Daicos moved the second umpire didn’t verbally call play on but just made the signal. Or not capture on audio? Perhaps umpire thought he’s about to kick, Geelong player cannot actually impact/smother so I’ll just save my breath. If he didn’t actually verbally say play on it is just a little annoyance. Especially as they can be so strict in regards to manning the mark.

No free paid – Stanley appealing for a free in marking contest where WHE marked. From the vision Cameron and Stanley competing but can’t see any clear free, appeared Cameron initiated the contact/contest but no infringement that I saw.

Geelong free – Maynard insufficient intent to keep the ball in play. The one where he tapped to the boundary. I’ll call this 50/50 also and again think it was harsh. Note: Rohan was closer to the ball when it went out but stopped and appealed so Hawkins who kept moving to the boundary took the kick.

Geelong free – Sidebottom holding the ball. Fair call.

No free paid – C Guthrie tackled by Mitchell and exaggerated the tackled by cartwheeling to the ground. Would have been a very tough holding the man call so good play on call. Umpire gave two clear “play on” calls so likely also saw the exaggeration.

Collingwood free – Smith holding the ball. He had prior and umpire deemed it incorrect disposal, although he was behind so would not have had clear sight and Smith remonstrated. Looked a handball (just). Wrong call.

Geelong free – Myers holding free in marking contest. He initiated contact with much bigger Cameron so guessing he was angling for this kind of free where Cameron just took him out so easily. Cameron rather than just using body strength did appear to give a little arm wrap also. Fair call.

Note – “Daicos, how good” spoiled mark going back with the flight, ball went out of bounds. Superb!

Collingwood free – Mihocek arm chop. Both players eyes on ball, both even made contact with the ball, no arm chop. Wrong call.

Collingwood free -

No free paid – Rohan contested mark. Moore got a little push from Cameron, but would have been harsh to have been penalised. Very light and doubt Moore would have been able to spoil even without the nudge. 50/50.

Collingwood free – Noble taken high. Fair call.

No free paid – Z Guthrie must have shown sufficient intent to keep the ball in play to the umpire. Not to me though, this one more obviously a free compared to Maynard tap and Dangerfield handball. Wrong call.

Side note – Hodge said that Dangerfield went and had a word to the umpire regarding Cox’s ruck work and flying knee. Looking at the ruck contest before this one, yeah a little flying knee but I think it ended up okay as didn’t really make contact or impede Stanley, but was close to a free. Next contest no issue at all.

Geelong free – Crisp holding the ball. Fair call.

No free paid – Hawkins forearm to Howe. I’ll say 50/50 but I’m okay with the non-call watching the replay.

Collingwood free – Marking contest, free to Cameron. Stanley went to ground guessing he grabbed at Cameron (but hard to tell on vision). Fair call.

Geelong free – Maynard’s kick out of bounds. Another 50/50 harsh call given kick off the side of the boot, Daicos in the area. Did Daicos slowing down rather than sprinting all the way to the boundary influence the umpire’s thinking (it shouldn’t, but who knows?), along the lines of “hmm, Daicos is happy for it to go out, I’ll work backwards from there and penalise the team/Maynard”

No free paid – Ruck contest where Stanley may have been hit high as he reaches for his head/face, and is still doing so a little while later. Vision not clear enough to determine what happened.

Geelong free – Henry in marking contest with Murphy. Possible arm chop, didn’t look like much. 50/50.

Geelong free – Noble holding the ball. Fair call.

Geelong free – too high against Quaynor. Fair call.
Geelong 50m for “second action” Could not tell from the vision what happened or who it was against and no replay (thanks Ch7!).

Geelong free – ruck contest against Cox who had lost front position and did give a push. Seemed a light push though so I’ll put it in the 50/50 category like Cameron pushing Moore.

Geelong free – High contact Murphy on Henry. 50/50 as right on behind line and a light touch over shoulder, but technically probably the right call.
Geelong 50m. No idea what it was for as it was a close up on Henry when whistled and again Ch7 didn’t bother with a replay (of either the initial free or the 50), thanks! But it was whistled/called just before/as Henry was kicking so if the infringement was actually there then fair enough.

Collingwood free – Insufficient intent against Stanley punched ball out of bounds. 50/50, harsh call as I think he was trying to punch it more inbound (based on eyes and body position and punching into F50), but didn’t get the direction he wanted.

Geelong free – push in the back against McCreery. Fair call.

Collingwood free – holding to N Daicos. He was very quick to dispose of the ball and don’t think the hold/tackle lingered too much. 50/50.

Geelong free – Stanley in marking contest, high contact. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Mitchell, holding. Fighting with Dangerfield for possession, Mitchell in front and a small jumper tug. Fair call.

Collingwood 50m – Geelong player went over mark before play on. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Holding the ball. Fair call.

Geelong free – Ruck contest. Cameron did end up holding Stanley’s arm. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Murphy high contact. Fair call.

Geelong free – Cox caught behind in ruck contest, high contact. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Moore in marking contest. “Marking interference” but not clear on vision. Go with fair call as no complaints.

Collingwood free – McInnes tripped. Did Ratugolea actually mean to trip McInnes. We don’t know so I’ll go with 50/50.

No free paid * 2 – Murphy tapped ball to boundary. Less intent to keep it in compared to likely execution errors from Maynard, Dangerfield, Stanley so let’s say 50/50 as I still think the Z Guthrie was the most obvious. Cameron not penalised for his “F* bullshit” 50/50

Collingwood free – Cameron blocked out of marking contest. Fair call.

Mark – Cox. Two grabs, I don’t think he held it long enough. Wrong call.

Collingwood free – Maynard bumped after disposing. Fair call.

No free paid – Sidebottom tackled almost immediately but did have one up up attempting fend off and ball then knocked out. 50/50.

Geelong free – Henry high contact. Fair call.

Geelong free – Mitchell holding the ball. Fair call.

No free paid – Cameron ran 16 strides. 50/50.

Not all tallied, some non-calls tallied. Lack of clear vision, grey areas, etc. Anyway, not much of an impact overall I think.

Fair call to Collingwood: 16
Fair call to Geelong: 18
50/50 to Collingwood: 8
50/50 to Geelong: 9
Wrong call to Collingwood: 3
Wrong call to Geelong: 1
Good analysis. I'll take your 'objective' assessment of each free / non-free as a 'given'.

Now, of your summary stats, add these two:
  • score DIRECT (goals /behinds): score as a direct result of umpiring decision ie. score occurs on disposal after free awarded
  • score CONTRIBUTORY (goals /behinds): score contributed to as a result of umpiring decision ie. score occurs within 3 disposals after free awarded

I'd be fascinated to know the results ie.
quality over quantity
its not the sheer size, its how you use it; AND
not all free kicks are created equal!
Yeah I was driving to the airport on Friday night and listening to SEN. A bunch of callers saying he was one of their worst. All I was thinking was "Wow wouldn't it have been great to have a monster like him bolstering out backline". He was indeed one of their best. That ground-level spoil against a missile to McStay was superb.
Their board was bagging the crap out of him too, it was bizarre to read after I’d thought all game that they’d finally found his position, and Scott had gone out of his way to praise his game.
Good analysis. I'll take your 'objective' assessment of each free / non-free as a 'given'.

Now, of your summary stats, add these two:
  • score DIRECT (goals /behinds): score as a direct result of umpiring decision ie. score occurs on disposal after free awarded
  • score CONTRIBUTORY (goals /behinds): score contributed to as a result of umpiring decision ie. score occurs within 3 disposals after free awarded

I'd be fascinated to know the results ie.
I'd be fascinated to know the match status when each 50/50 free was paid.

Scenario . . .

Team A is careering away from team B but not yet safe . . . bingo

Team B are awarded a 50/50 free and a 50 meter penalty which puts them in the goal square . . .

.All of a sudden the momentum has shifted.

Ever since the AFL came into being and started 'sculpting' the rules there has been a subtly growing 'grey area' to be exploited in rules interpretation coupled with an equally subtle growth in protection for umpires from any form of criticism whatsoever.

Call me suspicious and untrusting but for me this presents an ideal platform to sculpt games and even seasons.

No I don't trust the administration of any sport who has two major sponsors who stand to profit from a little manipulation of the game.
Rather than just talk about a select few decisions, let’s discuss them all!
Or just move on to the Port preview thread, to each their own.

Geelong free – holding the man. Fair call.

Collingwood free – high contact in ruck contest. Stanley clumsy. Fair call.

Geelong free – Adams holding the ball as tried to fend off. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Downfield as Noble bumped after kick. Fair call.

No free paid – Hill slid in, lowered body raised arm causing high contact. Play on, disposed of ball could not really tell on vision if clear handball. Geelong player a moment later tackled and again disposed of it somehow. Okay with these non-calls.

Collingwood free – Quaynor disposed of ball, tackle continued. Fair call.

Geelong free – Mihocek high tackle. Fair call.

Geelong free – Illegal disposal against Adams. Looked like he almost got a fist to it, no complaint and umpire close by. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Holding the ball. Fair call.

No free paid – Ratugolea collected ground ball. Close to a drag in but I think just okay as both he and ball in motion at time of gathering and tackled immediately for ball up.

No free paid – Stewart injured. McCreery going for mark, it does look like Stewart clips/slaps McCreery’s arm impacting marking attempt, but not to level of arm chop. Fair call.

Collingwood free – De Goey holding the man as tackled before taking possession. 50/50, would not have minded play on as barely a tackle/hold.

Geelong free – Sidebottom with high contact. Fair call.

Cox pack mark. Ratugolea may have got one hand to the ball, but as same time as Cox who had front position and clearly completed mark. Fair call.

Collingwood free – McStay, holding. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Mitchell, holding. Fair call.

Geelong free – Henry bumped off the ball. The vision doesn’t actually capture the bump, just the Henry falling part. Assuming he was actually bumped...fair call. No replay as siren soon after with the little push and shove the focus.

Collingwood free – Mihocek, high contact when Ratugolea attempting shepherd. Mihocek possibly saw it coming and may have contributed with a little arm raise. At the same time, Smith ran to the limit (15 strides) then kicked, guessing the crowd noise was for this rather then Mihocek free. Let’s say 50/50 call to Collingwood as Mihocek may have contributed.

Geelong 50m – Z Guthrie mark. Hill on mark, umpire said “stand” Hill clearly took steps backwards. Fair call. Note: biggest and likely loudest crowd for Hill so perhaps didn’t hear and was trying to get outside 5m. Moving backwards, gee these calls are harsh.

Collingwood free – Dangerfield insufficient intent to keep the ball in play. I’ll call this 50/50, personally think it was harsh.

Observation – J Daicos mark on the wing. Umpire called “stand” to Geelong player. Umpire then ran away and handed to another umpire. Problem being Geelong player was still looking at the first umpire waiting for play on call and when Daicos moved the second umpire didn’t verbally call play on but just made the signal. Or not capture on audio? Perhaps umpire thought he’s about to kick, Geelong player cannot actually impact/smother so I’ll just save my breath. If he didn’t actually verbally say play on it is just a little annoyance. Especially as they can be so strict in regards to manning the mark.

No free paid – Stanley appealing for a free in marking contest where WHE marked. From the vision Cameron and Stanley competing but can’t see any clear free, appeared Cameron initiated the contact/contest but no infringement that I saw.

Geelong free – Maynard insufficient intent to keep the ball in play. The one where he tapped to the boundary. I’ll call this 50/50 also and again think it was harsh. Note: Rohan was closer to the ball when it went out but stopped and appealed so Hawkins who kept moving to the boundary took the kick.

Geelong free – Sidebottom holding the ball. Fair call.

No free paid – C Guthrie tackled by Mitchell and exaggerated the tackled by cartwheeling to the ground. Would have been a very tough holding the man call so good play on call. Umpire gave two clear “play on” calls so likely also saw the exaggeration.

Collingwood free – Smith holding the ball. He had prior and umpire deemed it incorrect disposal, although he was behind so would not have had clear sight and Smith remonstrated. Looked a handball (just). Wrong call.

Geelong free – Myers holding free in marking contest. He initiated contact with much bigger Cameron so guessing he was angling for this kind of free where Cameron just took him out so easily. Cameron rather than just using body strength did appear to give a little arm wrap also. Fair call.

Note – “Daicos, how good” spoiled mark going back with the flight, ball went out of bounds. Superb!

Collingwood free – Mihocek arm chop. Both players eyes on ball, both even made contact with the ball, no arm chop. Wrong call.

Collingwood free -

No free paid – Rohan contested mark. Moore got a little push from Cameron, but would have been harsh to have been penalised. Very light and doubt Moore would have been able to spoil even without the nudge. 50/50.

Collingwood free – Noble taken high. Fair call.

No free paid – Z Guthrie must have shown sufficient intent to keep the ball in play to the umpire. Not to me though, this one more obviously a free compared to Maynard tap and Dangerfield handball. Wrong call.

Side note – Hodge said that Dangerfield went and had a word to the umpire regarding Cox’s ruck work and flying knee. Looking at the ruck contest before this one, yeah a little flying knee but I think it ended up okay as didn’t really make contact or impede Stanley, but was close to a free. Next contest no issue at all.

Geelong free – Crisp holding the ball. Fair call.

No free paid – Hawkins forearm to Howe. I’ll say 50/50 but I’m okay with the non-call watching the replay.

Collingwood free – Marking contest, free to Cameron. Stanley went to ground guessing he grabbed at Cameron (but hard to tell on vision). Fair call.

Geelong free – Maynard’s kick out of bounds. Another 50/50 harsh call given kick off the side of the boot, Daicos in the area. Did Daicos slowing down rather than sprinting all the way to the boundary influence the umpire’s thinking (it shouldn’t, but who knows?), along the lines of “hmm, Daicos is happy for it to go out, I’ll work backwards from there and penalise the team/Maynard”

No free paid – Ruck contest where Stanley may have been hit high as he reaches for his head/face, and is still doing so a little while later. Vision not clear enough to determine what happened.

Geelong free – Henry in marking contest with Murphy. Possible arm chop, didn’t look like much. 50/50.

Geelong free – Noble holding the ball. Fair call.

Geelong free – too high against Quaynor. Fair call.
Geelong 50m for “second action” Could not tell from the vision what happened or who it was against and no replay (thanks Ch7!).

Geelong free – ruck contest against Cox who had lost front position and did give a push. Seemed a light push though so I’ll put it in the 50/50 category like Cameron pushing Moore.

Geelong free – High contact Murphy on Henry. 50/50 as right on behind line and a light touch over shoulder, but technically probably the right call.
Geelong 50m. No idea what it was for as it was a close up on Henry when whistled and again Ch7 didn’t bother with a replay (of either the initial free or the 50), thanks! But it was whistled/called just before/as Henry was kicking so if the infringement was actually there then fair enough.

Collingwood free – Insufficient intent against Stanley punched ball out of bounds. 50/50, harsh call as I think he was trying to punch it more inbound (based on eyes and body position and punching into F50), but didn’t get the direction he wanted.

Geelong free – push in the back against McCreery. Fair call.

Collingwood free – holding to N Daicos. He was very quick to dispose of the ball and don’t think the hold/tackle lingered too much. 50/50.

Geelong free – Stanley in marking contest, high contact. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Mitchell, holding. Fighting with Dangerfield for possession, Mitchell in front and a small jumper tug. Fair call.

Collingwood 50m – Geelong player went over mark before play on. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Holding the ball. Fair call.

Geelong free – Ruck contest. Cameron did end up holding Stanley’s arm. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Murphy high contact. Fair call.

Geelong free – Cox caught behind in ruck contest, high contact. Fair call.

Collingwood free – Moore in marking contest. “Marking interference” but not clear on vision. Go with fair call as no complaints.

Collingwood free – McInnes tripped. Did Ratugolea actually mean to trip McInnes. We don’t know so I’ll go with 50/50.

No free paid * 2 – Murphy tapped ball to boundary. Less intent to keep it in compared to likely execution errors from Maynard, Dangerfield, Stanley so let’s say 50/50 as I still think the Z Guthrie was the most obvious. Cameron not penalised for his “F* bullshit” 50/50

Collingwood free – Cameron blocked out of marking contest. Fair call.

Mark – Cox. Two grabs, I don’t think he held it long enough. Wrong call.

Collingwood free – Maynard bumped after disposing. Fair call.

No free paid – Sidebottom tackled almost immediately but did have one up up attempting fend off and ball then knocked out. 50/50.

Geelong free – Henry high contact. Fair call.

Geelong free – Mitchell holding the ball. Fair call.

No free paid – Cameron ran 16 strides. 50/50.

Not all tallied, some non-calls tallied. Lack of clear vision, grey areas, etc. Anyway, not much of an impact overall I think.

Fair call to Collingwood: 16
Fair call to Geelong: 18
50/50 to Collingwood: 8
50/50 to Geelong: 9
Wrong call to Collingwood: 3
Wrong call to Geelong: 1

Holy heck, that’s a serious investment of effort there.

I don’t mean to downplay the importance of the mighty Collingwood Football Club, but have you thought about solving world peace or curing cancer?

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Two things:
1. We beat Geelong in general play all night. Only freakish accuracy in front of goal kept them ahead. “Picking the carcass” really takes credit away from our boys that shouldn’t be taken.

2. McStay should have had 2 goals, and would have been likely to kick another if not for one of the best spoils I’ve ever seen from Ratugolea when Hill kicked that low laser pass to him. I think he’ll be fine, and I’ve been a skeptic regarding his recruitment.

1. Read it again, I said we picked over the carcass late, but were were well and truly up to their standard for the entire game.

2. Wasn't potting McStay at all, more that we need to give him a bit more room to do what he can do with his size and athleticism.

There was any criticism of our work in general play or McStay my post ... until you tried to infer it with your "corrective" reply.
1. Read it again, I said we picked over the carcass late, but were were well and truly up to their standard for the entire game.

2. Wasn't potting McStay at all, more that we need to give him a bit more room to do what he can do with his size and athleticism.

There was any criticism of our work in general play or McStay my post ... until you tried to infer it with your "corrective" reply.
Wasn’t correcting you at all, simply having a discussion on a discussion forum. Stop being so sensitive.
Wasn’t correcting you at all, simply having a discussion on a discussion forum. Stop being so sensitive.

Not being sensitive at all, just setting the record straight in light of your reply. Pretty sure that's allowed here.
Not being sensitive at all, just setting the record straight in light of your reply. Pretty sure that's allowed here.
Maybe try doing it within the space of a week next time. Move on.
Maybe pull your head out of your proverbial next time. Not all of us live on BF 100% of the time. Move on.
Ok m8. I’m not the one getting upset over something that was said a week ago instead of being happy about a ripping win today. Just stop please.
Ok m8. I’m not the one getting upset over something that was said a week ago instead of being happy about a ripping win today. Just stop please.

Not getting upset at all, just setting the record straight in a reply to your reply, like I said earlier. Well within my rights to do so and it's not contingent on when I actually read your reply.

For the record no exchange with some random on BF will ever change how I feel about a good performance from our boys this week (or indeed last week). Having said that it doesn't mean that I have to let snide little comments from said random slide just because the random says so.

Now let's see if you have some degree of impulse control and can resist trying to get in the last word.

It's not difficult, just don't click on the reply button and we'll both be moving on.
you could have easily just done this yourself. Jesus man, just let it go

Seems like you're a lost cause on the impulse control thing.

Just to be clear you're the one you started this pleasant little conversation and then took it in a different direction, so feel free to be the first one to walk away from it, if you can.
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