Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

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I agree with the majority of what Mark has said here, but it's not up to him to be the social media police.

The man has probably earned around 7-8M at a bare minimum over the last 11 and a half years. The monetary compensation is commensurate with the issues that arise with being in such a position - that is, getting heckled both publicly and privately.

Furthermore, I would be more sympathetic had Ken not put the Club over a barrel at the end of the 2017 season, using the Suns interest to leverage himself into a contract that was so absurd in every facet of its detail that supporters have every right to be raged. All good will from then on was lost, because it was the moment he made himself bigger than the Club, and our custodians were stupid enough to bow down to him.

Ken is not bigger than the Club. Provided the angle from fans is wanting the Club to be better, Ken should be able to handle any and all heckling. If he can't, he's not fit for the role, because that's the very antithesis of Port Adelaide.
There has been multiple incidences of players and coaches taking time away from the game to look after their mental health and wellbeing. Hinkley should think about that long and hard because the current situation will only get worse.

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The only thing this club will react to is financial down turn, simple as that. People keep paying nothing will change, condoning something is agreeing with what you are paying for.
Maybe Hinkley should spend some time away going out to Davoren Park and seeing how those people are coping with the day to day. "Poor Kenny", gimme a friggin' break. Piss off.
The ****ing gall of the media to tell us to speak about people respectively given how they regularly talk about us.

What would you have us do Aiston you ****ing moron? If we don't show Hinkley the utmost contempt at this point, Koch will give him another 2 seasons. The board have left us no choice, and Hinkley has left us no choice.

Coming in and this point and telling us to be respectful is cooked. We've been completely disrespected for a decade by this administration.
While everyone in the media will be patting Ken on the back and selling the narrative of “The Boys playing for Kenny” Was our 0.3 final term the lowest score a team has kicked in a qtr against St Kilda this season?
Those 3 points are for Kenny. Just a little more that there 2 cents the rest of us are worth to the club

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The ****ing gall of the media to tell us to speak about people respectively given how they regularly talk about us.

What would you have us do Aiston you ****ing moron? If we don't show Hinkley the utmost contempt at this point, Koch will give him another 2 seasons. The board have left us no choice, and Hinkley has left us no choice.

Coming in and this point and telling us to be respectful is cooked. We've been completely disrespected for a decade by this administration.
Happy Season 4 GIF by The Simpsons
Get ready for a week of Hinkley being praised because of the emotion he showed and how the 'mob' need to back off etc. from Whately and crew.

This is good, we 100% want this in the media all week again. We want every ****head in the media to tell us how unreasonable we are for booing, how we're bad supporters etc.

The more it's talked about, the louder the boos are this week.

I'm interstate so i'm not going which i'm absolutely spewing about because the banner would 100% be out this week.
With tax time approaching, Hinkley's accountant probably phoned him during the week to tell him he'll be moving into a higher tax bracket. Hinkley stored the emotions he felt during that phone call in the back of his mind and cleverly drew on them during the Sarah Jones interview. Well played, con man.
I agree with the majority of what Mark has said here, but it's not up to him to be the social media police.

The man has probably earned around 7-8M at a bare minimum over the last 11 and a half years. The monetary compensation is commensurate with the issues that arise with being in such a position - that is, getting heckled both publicly and privately.

Furthermore, I would be more sympathetic had Ken not put the Club over a barrel at the end of the 2017 season, using the Suns interest to leverage himself into a contract that was so absurd in every facet of its detail that supporters have every right to be raged. All good will from then on was lost, because it was the moment he made himself bigger than the Club, and our custodians were stupid enough to bow down to him.

Ken is not bigger than the Club. Provided the angle from fans is wanting the Club to be better, Ken should be able to handle any and all heckling. If he can't, he's not fit for the role, because that's the very antithesis of Port Adelaide.

Yeah, I’m sympathetic to the concept of ‘mental health’ and all that goes with it for people in a given situation.

But, gee whiz.

It’s a little rich for anyone to play that card on his behalf given the situation Ken finds himself in.

As we well know here: No other coach in the history of the league, let alone this club, has collected the remuneration he has, over the timespan he has, delivered nothing, and lived to tell the tale.

He’s also provided us with shoeboxes and shoeboxes of receipts in the form of duplicitous soundbytes that absolutely wouldn’t fly at any other club in the competition — but most of them have safely gone through to the keeper because he’s well-protected by a media corps at home and in Melbourne, who serve as his personal bodyguard at the first sign of trouble.

Even Choco Williams made note of this unique situation 6 years ago in an interview with 5AA.

‘He has them eating out of the palm of his hand. It’s almost as if they apologise before asking a question’.

Quite simply, he’s faced the least scrutiny of just about any head coach of the past 20-odd years, and both times he’s finally faced a stretch of concerted heat from the media, past players or fans, he’s all but gone to water and been spotted blubbering on national TV.

If the kitchen really is too hot, and it’s not some form of sociopathic tactic, he’s got more than enough money from Port Adelaide to walk away and never have to worry about setting his alarm clock ever again.
Assuming the $800K per season rumours are true, Ken would be taking home approx. $8.5K per week after tax. And he can’t handle some boos?

Cry. Me. A. F**king. River. Get your overpaid arse to a psychologist who will gladly listen to you whine for an hour.

Edit: I do believe mental health should be taken seriously, but when you’re on big money, there are big expectations of you. That’s life.
Assuming the $800K per season rumours are true, Ken would be taking home approx. $8.5K per week after tax. And he can’t handle some boos?

Cry. Me. A. F**king. River. Get your overpaid arse to a psychologist who will gladly listen to you whine for an hour.

Edit: I do believe mental health should be taken seriously, but when you’re on big money, there are big expectations of you. That’s life.
It's not even just that. Hinkley chooses to be in an industry where getting booed is par for the course. He isn't getting booed because he's bald or because he's ugly, he's getting booed because he's a failure. Just grow a thicker skin or cash in your chips and go fishing.
He's never been one to take negative feedback. Remember when he took issue with Ditts critiquing him on radio several years ago, or the death stare he gave a journalist before standing up and leaving a presser?

If he's fighting back the tears after the week he's just had (and I do believe that was genuine, by the way) then he will be a blubbering mess after the Bulldogs re-enact the 2021 final.

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