Porter stepped down from the Ministry.
Yes. AFTER he accepted the money from a slush fund for his personal use. And that acceptance of money from a slush fund for personal use was made BEFORE he declared it on the Members Register of Interests and while he was a senior Cabinet Minister.
Porter has refused to answer ANY questions on what efforts he has taken to determine where the money has come from, who manages the trust, how much money he received from the trust or how he can justify accepting money from the trust if he does not know those details.
Oh, and btw stepping down from the Ministry conveniently allowed Morrison to stop the inquiry he had just asked the PM&C to undertake into the matter. Mind you given that 'inquiry' was to be undertaken by Morrisons former Chief of Staff Phil Gaetjens and how previous inquiries undertaken by Gaetjens had turned out that was never going to be the independent arms length inquiry that this matter needed - hence the Speakers' decision to refer the matter to the Privileges Committee that was stopped by the PM.
The question again....Why?