Should we have a nickname change?

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Re: Nickname change?

The more I think about it, the more I feel exactly the same.

We went too far away from the Port Adelaide image. We should have kept the prison bar design and just changed it's colours. We should have stayed very close to the old logo, the old club song, everything. Keep it really familiar to keep our strong identity strong.

A lot of people have been burned by a club that markets itself so differently to the club we grew up with and at the same time, plays such a different brand of football.

As i've said, I wish instead of adding a colour, we'd removed one, gone in simply as the Port Adelaide Football Club, with a black on black prison bar guernsey.


That jumper is bad ass ThunderPower! I love the black on black (or gunmetal grey) idea. I think we should stick with the back in black jumper though because it looks great and I like the symbolic tie to the SA State Jumper.

Personally I'm of the opinion that kids need a mascot to identify with, and if you want to grow the supporter base you have to appeal to kids because it's very hard to get people to change clubs when they're older.

I've noticed that a few people have suggested that Port should be known as the "Blacks", which made me think of the "Black Marlins" as a nickname. I think it works because people could still refer to the team as the "Blacks" and it gives the kiddies an animal that they can identify with. Also I think a sea animal works well for Port given its coastal location. I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be any trademark infringements with a name like "Port Adelaide Black Marlins"!

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Re: Nickname change?

I definitely don't think we can change now, too much water under the bridge, and the new V guernsey is terrific.

If we're going to stay up all night fixing the flux capacitor, we may as well go back to late 1989, roll Max Basheer up in a carpet and throw him off a bridge.

I know what you're saying P.A.F.C., but I figure just lighten it enough so it can be seen without it being too light. Perhaps even do something with the texture of the fabric so it comes up better in certain angles of light. It's all hypothetical anyway.
Re: Nickname change?



Here is a "Port Adelaide Blacks" concept using the Black Marlin as the mascot (for the kids) and a black/gunmetal grey/silver colour scheme (similar to ThunderPower's design).
Re: Nickname change?

^^ I really like that! But I do think we need a proper colour instead of grey/silver.

Blacks > all the other nicknames, but I do still love 'Power' as well. I rekin our board at the time screwed many things up when we got into the league. Fair enough we couldn't have magpies or B&W, but our jumper, colours (teal, tho I do like) and Power weren't that great. We finally got the jumper right though
Re: Nickname change?

I want to know why the OP is getting whacked around the ears for suggesting a change when I copped a spray for suggesting that the BIB strip could benefit from a white panel across the shoulders a la the prison bars.

"We've just bedded things down now leave it alone" was the refrain.

Not bitter, not twisted.

Re: True passion needs history

"Power" is horrible, and should be removed. Port Power makes me cringe.

I don't really care that much about the teal part.
Re: True passion needs history

What would you rather? Every club has a thing attributed to them. We can't and will never be the AFL PAFC Magpies.

I would prefer just "Port Adelaide" and drop the "Power"

I think its simple and elegant. We would be referred to as Port or Port Adelaide.

Mind you, the Power bit may be in consideration to appealing to the kids (I note it may have broader appeal)

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Re: True passion needs history

If we're required to provide a `nickname' then there's still a way to make sure it doesn't get used.

Port Adelaide Phcjwnlifospcls!
Re: True passion needs history

The Port Adelaide "Pseudoautochiria"
Re: True passion needs history

What would you rather? Every club has a thing attributed to them. We can't and will never be the AFL PAFC Magpies.

As someone one else suggest, we could be just Port Adelaide

If we absolutely need a nickname, then i'd suggest something like the Warriors.

I'd also prefer Pirates to Power, although its probably not ideal.
Re: True passion needs history

Here's what I think the club should do RE: Identity.....

Teal - Keep it. It's on the 2004 cup so it will forever be associated with a great day in the club's history. Looks good aswell. Good river/coastal association. Small doses though.

Silver - Drop it. Not that anyone will notice. I don't even know why it was pointlessly added in the first place (probably just to add that extra sprinkle of WTF in the Identity Soup we were cooking).

Logo - Change it. A good logo should say who we are (Port Adelaide) and what we are (football club) and our logo does neither.

Power - Ditch it. Officially anyway. We are not required to have an official nickname (see Freo pre-2011). Give "the power" back to people so to speak and see if it sticks around or if something else organiclly takes it place over time. You know, like how a nickname is usually given to someone/thing.

Song - I actually like it, but I suppose it goes without saying that it will need changing/replacing if we ditch the Power nickname officially.

Then lock in these changes for the next thousand years and never speak of PAFC identity changes until said time lapses!
Re: True passion needs history

As someone one else suggest, we could be just Port Adelaide

If we absolutely need a nickname, then i'd suggest something like the Warriors.

I'd also prefer Pirates to Power, although its probably not ideal.

Oh sweet Jesus her comes the Warrior family, The big ones and the smaller ones....

fapfapfapfapping along.
Re: True passion needs history

As someone one else suggest, we could be just Port Adelaide

This. The original scarves even just had 'Port' on them didn't they? Probably because 'Port Power' wouldn't fit, ironically, but still.

Adelaide United got this extraordinarily right in the face of intensive media pressure to officially brand the new club as one of Fury, Shrikes or Sting. Yes, 'Sting'.

A concerted email campaign resorted in the unofficial nickname of 'Reds' being preferred.

This considered, memories of our original choices abound: Power, Sharks, Dolphins, Raiders, Pirates, Black Diamonds. I like the latter (as did Bruce Abernethy), but a natural evolution would've been nice.
Re: True passion needs history

Silver - Drop it. Not that anyone will notice.

If you've got ESPN, try to catch the 30 for 30 doco on the NFL's Raiders franchise and how it captured the imagination of the black and hispanic communities of LA due to the attractiveness and perceived hardness of the black and silver colour scheme combined with the team's reputation as ruthless bastards.

Ice Cube explains how his seminal rap group NWA adopted Raiders merch as their own unofficial uniform because of how well it fit with their own image.

It is also explained how Al Davis would inspect the uniform orders each season to ensure it was silver and not grey - which I thought was a key point that resonated given our ongoing trouble with various shades of teal.

If we were going to adopt a third colour we picked a good one, we just never utilised it.
Re: True passion needs history

This considered, memories of our original choices abound: Power, Sharks, Dolphins, Raiders, Pirates, Black Diamonds. I like the latter (as did Bruce Abernethy), but a natural evolution would've been nice.

I would love "Black Diamonds" if it wasn't for all the downhill skier jokes that could be made about it!

Shortened to "Blacks" works a treat though, especially given our current (and hopefully permanent) guise.
Re: True passion needs history

If you've got ESPN, try to catch the 30 for 30 doco on the NFL's Raiders franchise and how it captured the imagination of the black and hispanic communities of LA due to the attractiveness and perceived hardness of the black and silver colour scheme combined with the team's reputation as ruthless bastards.

Ice Cube explains how his seminal rap group NWA adopted Raiders merch as their own unofficial uniform because of how well it fit with their own image.

It is also explained how Al Davis would inspect the uniform orders each season to ensure it was silver and not grey - which I thought was a key point that resonated given our ongoing trouble with various shades of teal.

If we were going to adopt a third colour we picked a good one, we just never utilised it.

Sounds like an interesting watch. The Raiders are one of the best looking teams in the NFL and I agree that Black, White and Silver would've been a great colour combination for us. But we've clearly made teal our third colour and I think we should keep it (for the reasons I said earlier). The dark shade that is on the jumper now is the best IMO so I hope we stick with it.

So I'd still give silver the chop. We don't use it and I think we just need to make everything as simple and traditional as we can and then leave it alone for good.

P.S. Adelaide Sting? Sweet baby Jesus!

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Should we have a nickname change?

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