Sydney Swans - Biggest cheats in Sporting History!!!

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Embers said:
On Friday Morning, not 2 hours before the game. Swans know wat there doing, its not the first time they have wet the ground to suit them this year. It something that happens all the time with Sydney, the rules dont apply to Sydney, just watch Barry Hall play and you will understand why, he runs around knowing he will never get called for holding the ball or running too far, those rules dont apply to Sydney. Theres the AFL rulebook, and then there is the Sydney rule book.

Im not bagging Sydney here, im bagging the AFL for allowing Sydney to do this.

How about you make your ground smaller then ?? thats AFL, its the beauty of the national comp, each state and ground play different.. go away looser.. a winger WCE supporter eyeing of the GF and they still winge and moan.. whats that telling us.. :thumbsdown:
hahaha ahh embers you poor fool. So bitter at nobody respecting the eagles so you have to manufacture crap.

hahah ahh must suck being a franchise supporter!
The only thinproven is that you are a west coast supporter and hate the Swans.

Had Sydney been able to take clean posessions instead of fumbling the ball for half the night it would have been no contest.

After reading a couple of west Coast supporters submissions I truly hope Sydney meet West Coast in the Grand Final.

But Adelaide will beat West Coast next week so I dont get the satisfaction of seeing that.

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Punt_Road_Roar said:
LOL good try Embers

The truth is if the umpires didnt stuff it up last week, it would have been West Caost playing Geelong last night instead of Sydney.

I think not only was Sydney robbed but it could be argued Geelong were robbed aswell as I think they would have come to Subiaco and flogged your lot.

Don't win too many games anywhere kicking 7 goals.
Bennycoff said:
West Coast supporters still having a whinge even though they won last week. No wonder why nobody wants them to win the GF this year. Give it up mate get over it. Yeh sure they're the biggest cheats :eek: That's rubbish, West Coast were lucky last week, Sydney deserved the win, imagine the outrage with the scummy WC supporters.
Where were you here?
Yeah exactly, hypocrites.
Embers said:
Its true people. Swans can only win through cheating.

Last night they watered the ground hours before the game to favor there game, the wet ball ruined Geelongs forward lines chance of getting the ball and ruined there game plan and also didnt favor Geelong who had a few players returning from injury.

Last night the time clock hit zero with the siren on all times being blown 5 seconds after it hit zero. It happened in the first 3 qtrs, what makes you think it wouldnt happen in the last

Salary Cap Concessions

Asking for Priority Picks

Knocking the ball over the line 60 times for a toal of 0 free kicks to Geelong

I could go on and on and on here with examples of Swans bending the rules but I think I have proven my point. Swans use every single fault in the laws of the game to use it to their advantage. They play themselves as unlucky team with a disadvantage in order for them to be able to pretty much do what they want, when they want without any penalities. If Eagles had wet t he ground before the game like Swans there would be a National Inquiry, however Swans have played themselves off to everyone as unlucky and the underdog and therefore dont cop critcism and bend the rules to allow them to win games.

Its happened all year, and im sick and tired of it. If Swans want to win a GF, they should do it by earning it and with some class, rather then winning it with no class and being remembered as the team that cheated there way to the Cup.

Embers is Eddie McGuire - in disguise.

-Anyone else want to mention Subiaco was also watered down last week before the eagles-swans match?
This would also surely make the Eagles cheats?

-And were the Swans the only team in the league to put their name in the hat for a priority pick? Im sure all other 15 teams also would have put their name in for the 5 top picks also?

All 15 other teams must cheat also?

Well done Embers, tosser. You are a disgrace as a fan to your respected team.
ben9909 said:
Well done Embers, tosser. You are a disgrace as a fan to your respected team.

Unfortunately WC manufactures these types of supporters by the truckloads, probably the biggest collective group of m0rons in one place.

No one to blame but themselves!!
MickZu said:
Unfortunately WC manufactures these types of supporters by the truckloads, probably the biggest collective group of m0rons in one place.

No one to blame but themselves!!

to the wc supporter who asked me why i don't like them - see above quote :p
Thre bit about the swans continually holding onto the ball too long, falling on the ball and handballing over the line with rare punishment from the umpires is very true.

LOL when they went behind against the eagles and HAD to get it up quick they kicked in from a point, marked in the centre and kicked it straight up the guts for a goal shows their stupid cheating is doing them more damage then the opposition.
Embers said:
No im not talking bout that.... Swans literally asked for a top 5 pick in the Draft, they asked for the pick last year too.

Hmmm I dont know the full story but if all they did was ask, then how would that be cheating?

If they asked and the AFL said no, and then they found a way around it, but breached the rules, yes then that would be cheating.

Seems to me that Embers is worried as the Swans should have won last week, and so may pose a threat to West Coast if they make it.
Jimthegreat said:
Can't be all Western Australians, the Freo supporters seem ok. How do the Freo supporters put up with them over there?
We don't that is why we call them the whinging slime. They have very short memories in the late 80's they went broke and had to be bailed out by the WAFC the following year they received extra draft concessions from the AFL and picked up guys like Matera, Kemp Heady etc. Now they come out and accuse the Swans of cheating :confused: :confused:

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CharlieG said:
You're not over last week are you? You need to be - we are, and we were the ones who were robbed.

The footy world's lack of respect for the Eagles is the real issue here, isn't it Embers? Well... you earn respect, you don't ask for it. Hopefully we'll settle our accounts with each other in two weeks time.

Sure you will. :thumbsu:
Embers said:
Its true people. Swans can only win through cheating.

Last night they watered the ground hours before the game to favor there game, the wet ball ruined Geelongs forward lines chance of getting the ball and ruined there game plan and also didnt favor Geelong who had a few players returning from injury.

Last night the time clock hit zero with the siren on all times being blown 5 seconds after it hit zero. It happened in the first 3 qtrs, what makes you think it wouldnt happen in the last

Salary Cap Concessions

Asking for Priority Picks

Knocking the ball over the line 60 times for a toal of 0 free kicks to Geelong

I could go on and on and on here with examples of Swans bending the rules but I think I have proven my point. Swans use every single fault in the laws of the game to use it to their advantage. They play themselves as unlucky team with a disadvantage in order for them to be able to pretty much do what they want, when they want without any penalities. If Eagles had wet t he ground before the game like Swans there would be a National Inquiry, however Swans have played themselves off to everyone as unlucky and the underdog and therefore dont cop critcism and bend the rules to allow them to win games.

Its happened all year, and im sick and tired of it. If Swans want to win a GF, they should do it by earning it and with some class, rather then winning it with no class and being remembered as the team that cheated there way to the Cup.

NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. Sydney r lucky they have no injuries and Barry Hall or they would be the worst team in the league he has won at least 5 games off his own boot this year. Sydney r a team full of scraggers that drag opposition teams down to their unskilled level. The last 5 mins of their games are exciting but by that time ur already asleep. They have already wrecked 2 finals and turned them into boring rugby matches, although its a good way to get the NSW people watching it, not that they know any of the players
goDees22 said:
NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. Sydney r lucky they have no injuries and Barry Hall or they would be the worst team in the league he has won at least 5 games off his own boot this year. Sydney r a team full of scraggers that drag opposition teams down to their unskilled level. The last 5 mins of their games are exciting but by that time ur already asleep. They have already wrecked 2 finals and turned them into boring rugby matches, although its a good way to get the NSW people watching it, not that they know any of the players

So tell me the difference when Adelaide employ the same gameplan as the Swans?

I could name many teams that employ the flood, but it seems that Sydney are always bagged out for doing it?
Embers said:
Its true people. Swans can only win through cheating.

Last night they watered the ground hours before the game to favor there game, the wet ball ruined Geelongs forward lines chance of getting the ball and ruined there game plan and also didnt favor Geelong who had a few players returning from injury.

Last night the time clock hit zero with the siren on all times being blown 5 seconds after it hit zero. It happened in the first 3 qtrs, what makes you think it wouldnt happen in the last

Salary Cap Concessions

Asking for Priority Picks

Knocking the ball over the line 60 times for a toal of 0 free kicks to Geelong

I could go on and on and on here with examples of Swans bending the rules but I think I have proven my point. Swans use every single fault in the laws of the game to use it to their advantage. They play themselves as unlucky team with a disadvantage in order for them to be able to pretty much do what they want, when they want without any penalities. If Eagles had wet t he ground before the game like Swans there would be a National Inquiry, however Swans have played themselves off to everyone as unlucky and the underdog and therefore dont cop critcism and bend the rules to allow them to win games.

Its happened all year, and im sick and tired of it. If Swans want to win a GF, they should do it by earning it and with some class, rather then winning it with no class and being remembered as the team that cheated there way to the Cup.

You have to be kidding me right. So what how do you call that cheating they watered the ground big bloody deal. What if it rained anyway would they still be cheaters. The fact of the matter is that Geelong just ran out of legs in the last qtr and were unlucky. I think your just trying to find excuses because your scared, scared of the fact that sydney are the danger side and you dont wanna play them again cause you know you will lose in Melbourne against. Its ok im sure your mummy will hold you.
goDees22 said:
NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. Sydney r lucky they have no injuries and Barry Hall or they would be the worst team in the league he has won at least 5 games off his own boot this year. Sydney r a team full of scraggers that drag opposition teams down to their unskilled level. The last 5 mins of their games are exciting but by that time ur already asleep. They have already wrecked 2 finals and turned them into boring rugby matches, although its a good way to get the NSW people watching it, not that they know any of the players
And your team is so good. Go and take a good hard look at yourself. You need medicating.
Embers said:
No im not talking bout that.... Swans literally asked for a top 5 pick in the Draft, they asked for the pick last year too.

Have the men in white coats taken you away yet. Your arguements are totally unfounded and lack logic. Seek help.
big bear said:
And your team is so good. Go and take a good hard look at yourself. You need medicating.

This coming from a bloke who barracks for a team with an injury list smaller than Phil Materas head. Before injuries killed our premiership chances we were second on the ladder and had the 1st or 2nd ranked forward line, and many in the media said they enjoyed watching our free-flowing, corridor (the middle of the ground, for you Sydney fans who don't know it (and players)) style of game. if we had no injuries like u i guarantee we would still be alive, and definitely could've made the granny. Anyway, 2006 is our year. Moloney 4 Brownlow :p
CharlieG said:
You're not over last week are you? You need to be - we are, and we were the ones who were robbed.

The footy world's lack of respect for the Eagles is the real issue here, isn't it Embers? Well... you earn respect, you don't ask for it. Hopefully we'll settle our accounts with each other in two weeks time.

Why is there going to be a third place play off this year? Just kidding.
ben9909 said:
So tell me the difference when Adelaide employ the same gameplan as the Swans?

I could name many teams that employ the flood, but it seems that Sydney are always bagged out for doing it?

No personal gripe with sydney but they are by far worst offenders at present. Case in point. Watch the 2hr-long uberflood employed by the swans last fri night versus the relative mini floods employed, admittedly by both sides in the showdown. Being at the qf, sydney's tactics were an affront to everything that makes australian rules football such a unique and entertaining game, especially when they have such a talented attack. If people like the rush from having games decided by "lucky calls" in the the dying minutes on a regular basis, I suggest taking up gambling instead as you obviously don't appreciate the skills players can display when it isn't a constant "stacks on" enough to recognise that it is quickly destroying the attraction of the game.

My panacea to the problem? Stop teams from playing on small grounds. I reckon that if the swans home games were played at kp, footy park, gabba, subi or the g sized grounds with their current game plan, they would run out of legs by the last 5 rounds of the season. Unfortunately, building a dome in melbourne with a smallish ground does not set much of an example.
Embers said:
The real issue here is how can Sydney keep asking for handouts all the time, why can Sydney make the ground suit there gameplan... The list goes on, Eagles Port Adelaide and co never asked for anything or did these types of things to give them the edge, they won the flag with class, due to good coaching and good management, something Sydney should think about during the off season.
Sydney have never asked for and never eceided any sort of handout. You are just ignorant if you don't understand a concession to spend $5000 per player per year because it costs $15,000 more a year to live in Sydney than in Perth.

Swans have no priority picks unlike the Eagles who spot home talent and get them to underperform as 17 year olds so they can stay home with MUMMY and play asweak outside back of the pack receiver scum.

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Sydney Swans - Biggest cheats in Sporting History!!!

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