Mega Thread The Latest Kim Duthie Episode

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Ricky Nixon is a lying prick. "People have told me" what it sounds like to snort a line and that's exactly what it sounds like, sniiiiiiiffffffff cough cough! Obviously he can't say he was having drugs with her, and sex with her could have been a crime because you could argue he was in a position of trust and she's under 18, so he couldn't say he was doing anything. Makes you wonder why he did the interview really.

So why the hell are you being so judgemental then?

He probably did the interview because he was promised it would go in a certain direction. And it didn't turn out that way.
So why the hell are you being so judgemental then?

He probably did the interview because he was promised it would go in a certain direction. And it didn't turn out that way.

Well i think those two points i brought up that he can't mention were the ones people wanted answers on, so if he couldn't provide any clarification there, what was the point of the whole charade?

And some of the justifications about some of KDs claims were laughable. "I don't recall", "She's Gen Y, she could doctor video" (that has already been classed as legit by the police), "she was in a gstring in the street" (not sure what that had to do with anything), the list goes on.

And do you think Sunday wanted to speak to him to discuss St Kilda's on field woes this season? :rolleyes: If he thought he wasn't going to get asked about all the stuff he did he was dreaming, the interviewer even said at the start this was the interview where Ricky will clear the air and he agreed FFS!
Well i think those two points i brought up that he can't mention were the ones people wanted answers on, so if he couldn't provide any clarification there, what was the point of the whole charade?
Good question - ask Channel 7.
And some of the justifications about some of KDs claims were laughable. "I don't recall", "She's Gen Y, she could doctor video" (that has already been classed as legit by the police), "she was in a gstring in the street" (not sure what that had to do with anything), the list goes on.
As you mentioned he can't comment because of legal implications. Answers were perfectly reasonable given the circumstances. Stupid questions really as interviewer should have known he could not answer them.
And do you think Sunday wanted to speak to him to discuss St Kilda's on field woes this season? :rolleyes: If he thought he wasn't going to get asked about all the stuff he did he was dreaming, the interviewer even said at the start this was the interview where Ricky will clear the air and he agreed FFS!

At a guess, I would imagine he was promised that the interview would take a sympathetic slant - pioneer of football managerial business, shots with the family and football stars, interviews with close friends etc etc.

Ridiculously naive to think they wouldn't go after him.

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This view may get my arse kicked but here goes. I actually think Ricky Nixon may be telling the truth.
1. The girl appears to be suffering a mental illness, maybe Bi-Polar have heard that may be in her family.
2. Ricky Nixon has/is suffering severe depression. As such it is very likely that seeing that this girl was obviously having trouble he thought he may be able to help her. Obvious parents doing very little.
3. She could easily pass lie detector test as if she does have an illness she would totally believe her story to be true.
4. What does he consider “inappropriate dealings” could be seeing her on his own, the text messages etc. He won’t be able to talk about any of that now for legal reasons.
5. Calling text messages “phone communications” I think he is inferring that she got hold of his phone and sent messages from his to hers. Given how she got hold of those photos not to hard to believe.
6. Entrapment more likely she was telling him she was suicidal or the like. He probably wishes he had called the police/ambulance instead. Easy to judge when not in the situation yourself. He may simply have thought he would go over see if he could calm her down if not ring ambo’s.
7. Could he have had a drink spiked. Of course he could have, date rape drug or whatever.

To me Nixon appeared more genuine in the interviews. Yes avoiding questions but they were the ones that could land him in trouble if this goes to court. Can’t blame him for that.

The radio interview was more interesting. The big question being did he have feelings for her.
Did you notice he dodged it a bit. Then said he had more lust for his dog at home. Why didn’t he just say no he did not love her. I think he was still concerned for her well being and didn’t want to say something to set her off. He begged her parents to get her help. I didn’t hear him once personally attack her.

I am not going to bag on KD either, she needs help, but I don’t think she knows that herself – yet.
Of course KD doesn't think she needs help........she's still being fed by the media. She wasn't on the story in terms of an appearance but she was sure as hell in the paper the day after it.
Until the media throw her to the wayside she will never consider any form of professional help.
This view may get my arse kicked but here goes. I actually think Ricky Nixon may be telling the truth.

For mine the missing smoking gun is no evidence of sex taking place in the room. Even a sound recorder alone would pick up what was going on. Look at the lengths she goes to entrap these people and yet she couldn't provide that. Why not? Why didn't she just start the action while he was there in his jocks and the light was on? IF they were physically involved.

Also with the drugs she could easily have kept trace amounts and presented that for testing. Or failing that she could have invited the reporter into the room where remnants of the powder would be about. The Herald Sun know how to go about this they've done it before in the toilets at the Logies. Why would they allow that opportunity to pass?

Counting number of text messages gets a bit tedious. He may have been having IM style conversations with her and each of those is, as he put it, a communication. It means nothing, it's like reducing a face to face conversation down to number of words spoken and using that to condemn someone.

As you aren't I'm not convinced all is at it seems, but he was there a married man in his jocks with a young girl he was supposed to be helping. There's no questioning he made a dumb decision letting it get to that.
For mine the missing smoking gun is no evidence of sex taking place in the room. Even a sound recorder alone would pick up what was going on. Look at the lengths she goes to entrap these people and yet she couldn't provide that. Why not? Why didn't she just start the action while he was there in his jocks and the light was on? IF they were physically involved.

Also with the drugs she could easily have kept trace amounts and presented that for testing. Or failing that she could have invited the reporter into the room where remnants of the powder would be about. The Herald Sun know how to go about this they've done it before in the toilets at the Logies. Why would they allow that opportunity to pass?

Counting number of text messages gets a bit tedious. He may have been having IM style conversations with her and each of those is, as he put it, a communication. It means nothing, it's like reducing a face to face conversation down to number of words spoken and using that to condemn someone.

As you aren't I'm not convinced all is at it seems, but he was there a married man in his jocks with a young girl he was supposed to be helping. There's no questioning he made a dumb decision letting it get to that.

Some excellent points there Harry Tiger!!

The question why was he in he room. Everyone ask yourself his question:

What would have been the media and public reaction if Kd had harmed herself even the worse case suicide??

Do you not think RN may have recognised the risk. He was/is dealing with a very irrational young girl. Was part of his reason to protect his players maybe even the games reputation to a degree, as well as look out for a young girl obviously obsessed with this clients.

We don't know what she was saying to him in phone conversations.

As for being in his jocks - date rape drug!!! If they had a sexual relationship as she describes she would have a lot more evidence than she has shown.

Text messages, for goodness sake, as these have no tone, one message can mean totally different things to different people. I can read one and interpret it 3 different ways depending on my mood!

It makes me sick to the stomach to think this girl may have damaged a relationship between a father and his kids based on a lie.
Well, he did seem to imply the use of some substance on him when he was on radio earlier this week (something about being found in a bad state a few hours after being in the hotel, I believe).

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Have been told kim duthie exposed via blog on twitter. No sex with nixon at all. I have looked but aint twitter savvy to provide links. Photos have apparently been checked and not photoshopped.
Actually I did hear the suggestion of date rape drug round the traps ealier.
While I somewhat doubt Duthie's ability to produce "trick" video and photographs, I'm sure she moves in the right circles to obtain drugs.

Have been told kim duthie exposed via blog on twitter. No sex with nixon at all. I have looked but aint twitter savvy to provide links. Photos have apparently been checked and not photoshopped.

Heard the same thing being said today, not sure if i believe anything to do with either of these people though, they're just as bad as each other when it comes to lies.

What I heard though was that she drugged Nixon and he had no idea what was going on, and she did what was necessary to imply sex had taken place.

Both are as embarrassing as each other however
This view may get my arse kicked but here goes. I actually think Ricky Nixon may be telling the truth.
1. The girl appears to be suffering a mental illness, maybe Bi-Polar have heard that may be in her family.
2. Ricky Nixon has/is suffering severe depression. As such it is very likely that seeing that this girl was obviously having trouble he thought he may be able to help her. Obvious parents doing very little.
3. She could easily pass lie detector test as if she does have an illness she would totally believe her story to be true.
4. What does he consider “inappropriate dealings” could be seeing her on his own, the text messages etc. He won’t be able to talk about any of that now for legal reasons.
5. Calling text messages “phone communications” I think he is inferring that she got hold of his phone and sent messages from his to hers. Given how she got hold of those photos not to hard to believe.
6. Entrapment more likely she was telling him she was suicidal or the like. He probably wishes he had called the police/ambulance instead. Easy to judge when not in the situation yourself. He may simply have thought he would go over see if he could calm her down if not ring ambo’s.
7. Could he have had a drink spiked. Of course he could have, date rape drug or whatever.

To me Nixon appeared more genuine in the interviews. Yes avoiding questions but they were the ones that could land him in trouble if this goes to court. Can’t blame him for that.

The radio interview was more interesting. The big question being did he have feelings for her.
Did you notice he dodged it a bit. Then said he had more lust for his dog at home. Why didn’t he just say no he did not love her. I think he was still concerned for her well being and didn’t want to say something to set her off. He begged her parents to get her help. I didn’t hear him once personally attack her.

I am not going to bag on KD either, she needs help, but I don’t think she knows that herself – yet.

lol. You embarrass yourself further with every post.

Sorry to pick out just the one point there (bolded). To be fair, almost all of your points were equally deserving of scorn.

Actually I did hear the suggestion of date rape drug round the traps ealier.
While I somewhat doubt Duthie's ability to produce "trick" video and photographs, I'm sure she moves in the right circles to obtain drugs.

Yes, her and 90% (very conservatively) of the population.:confused:
lol. You embarrass yourself further with every post.

Sorry to pick out just the one point there (bolded). To be fair, almost all of your points were equally deserving of scorn.

Yes, her and 90% (very conservatively) of the population.:confused:

I think you overestimate the number of people who share your "seedy" lifestyle :D
I think you underestimate just how wide spread drugs are in society these days.

90% would include a hell of a lot of young kids, seniors, and family oriented parents. And we were specifically talking about date-rape drugs.
I dont personally know where I could get it, but I probably know someone, who knows someone.
90% would include a hell of a lot of young kids, seniors, and family oriented parents. And we were specifically talking about date-rape drugs.
I dont personally know where I could get it, but I probably know someone, who knows someone.

Exactly my point. Almost everybody could do the same.

Is pretty laughable that we're even entertaining the idea that Nixon was slipped a roey/GHB/etc though. The guy deserves a medal if he can pull this one off.
Exactly my point. Almost everybody could do the same.

Is pretty laughable that we're even entertaining the idea that Nixon was slipped a roey/GHB/etc though. The guy deserves a medal if he can pull this one off.

Pull what off? No ones charging him with anything are they? Pretty unlikely to prosecute i would think, one word vs another.

And if he gets away with it all, expect him to sue the AFLPA.
I would agree 90% of people her age could get drugs if they wanted to, all they need to do is ask around
A man takes the day off work and
Decides to go out golfing.

He is on the second hole when he
Notices a frog sitting next to the green.

He thinks nothing of it and is
About to shoot when he Hears,

Ribbit 9 Iron.'

The man looks around and doesn't
See anyone.

Again, he hears, 'Ribbit 9 Iron.'

He looks at the frog and decides to
Prove the frog wrong, puts the
Club away, and grabs a 9 iron.

He hits it 10 inches from the cup.

He is shocked.

He says to the frog,
'Wow that's amazing.
You must be a lucky frog, eh?

The frog replies,
'Ribbit Lucky frog.'

The man decides to take the frog
with him to the next hole.

'What do you think frog?'
The man asks.

'Ribbit 3 wood.'

The guy takes out a 3 wood and,
Boom! Hole in one.

The man is befuddled and doesn't know
What to say.

By the end of the day, the man golfed the
Best game of golf in his life and
asks the frog,

'OK where to next?'

The frog replies,

'Ribbit Crown Casino..

They go to the Casino
and the guy says,
'OK frog, now What?'

The frog says, 'Ribbit Roulette.'

Upon approaching the roulette table,

The man asks,
'What do you think I should Bet?'

The frog replies,
'Ribbit $3000, black 6.'

Now, this is a
million-to-one shot to win, but
after the golf game the man
Figures what the heck.


Tons of cash comes sliding back across the table.

The man takes his winnings and
buys the best room in the Hotel.

He sits the frog down and Says,
'Frog, I don't know how to repay you.
You've won me all this money and
I am forever grateful.'

The frog replies,
'Ribbit KissMe.'

He figures why not,
Since after all the frog did for Him,
He deserves it.

With a kiss, the frog turns into a
young 17-year-old girl.

'And that,

your honor, is how the girl
ended up in my room.

So help me God,
Or my name is not Ricky Nixon.'
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