Toast The New Carlton Thread: Beau has more GF silverware than Carlton in 36 years

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Young Liam only gets his facts from certified Scienticians.

How typical of you lot can't base an actual argument back so attack the way I've written mine. You're grossly misinformed on what's going on my friend you'll wake up one day. I hope you enjoy the next lockdown that's coming cause this isn't the end . Govern me harder daddy.

If you wish to propose a valid counter-argument to vaccination, do so without references to Bill Gates or Hitler and you’ll stand a chance of getting a reasonable reception.

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You're grossly misinformed. I just can't believe how badly use treat people for not having the vaccine get a grip with reality. If you've reached your 80% and you've had your shot that's the best you could of hoped for. Why are use scared of the unvaccinated I don't understand unless your vaccine isn't doing its job?.
Sounds like you're an English Teacher!
You're grossly misinformed. I just can't believe how badly use treat people for not having the vaccine get a grip with reality. If you've reached your 80% and you've had your shot that's the best you could of hoped for. Why are use scared of the unvaccinated I don't understand unless your vaccine isn't doing its job?.
That’s because the unvaccinated with turn into flesh eating zombies & try to kill us all.
I’m going to build a giant wall around my house…& you should pay for it.
All right, here’s the argument…
Covid is serious enough to warrant preventive measures. Yes, there is a balance to be struck between the preventive measures and their costs; but, as most people understand, you are better off trying to find that balance than you would be letting the virus have its way unchecked. The evidence is overwhelming.
Stop ‘doing your own research’. You’re not qualified to do it, and it’s not helping you.
I don't mind the de-populate theory. Looks like COVID is designed to de-populate the un-Vaxed - they're the only ones that it's killing now
I wonder if you people are actually aware of bill gates openly admitting they want to depopulate or do you turn a blind eye to these things because it's not shown on the MSM.

Bill Gates's plan to depopulate the planet started well, but he seems to have lost the plot with his more recent moves

Step 1: Create a new virus that kills lots of people
Step 2: implement lockdowns that reduce the number of deaths
Step 3: innoculate the planet with effective vaccines that stop the depopulation of the planet.
Bill Gates's plan to depopulate the planet started well, but he seems to have lost the plot with his more recent moves

Step 1: Create a new virus that kills lots of people
Step 2: implement lockdowns that reduce the number of deaths
Step 3: innoculate the planet with effective vaccines that stop the depopulation of the planet.
All of this is preceded by him pumping billions into a foundation that fights Aids, Malaria and Tuberculosis world wide. He really is a terrible super villian.
It's funny that the anti vaxxers always think they are far smarter than us & we can learn from them. The one we have just had the pleasure of reading his recent posting is a case in point. He is obviously a well respected epidemiologist & it must be extremely frustrating trying to educate us riff raff uneducated beer swilling Neanderthals. Fuggitt lets get p!ssed fellow losers.
How typical of a bunch of brain dead fools can't counter argue so resort to my wording you know exactly what I'm saying. Sometimes I think we do need to kill off some people you're all out of touch with reality. Go on keep trusting the government they're bringing out more viruses and more vaccines all in the name of safety for you 😂. Enjoy marburg next year you won't be travelling anywhere or going to the footy your getting locked down again but please do enjoy. Someone put this at the top of the page for the thread so i can come remind you all in 12 months of how stupid you are, that's of course if your vaccine hasn't wiped you out.

when where still all here in 12 months would you be prepared to come back and admit your wrong? I doubt it. I think you’ll just come back with another bulltish Theory.
At last check about 95% of icu Covid patients in vic where unvaccinated despite 80% double vac rates. I have a good friend who is an icu nurse. There are bloody exhausted and fed up with patients who refuse to get vaxed who believe the same crap you do. Then the beg them for the vaccination but it’s too late.
Believe what you wAnt to believe but I’ll believe my friend the ICU you nurse before i believe your tin foil crap
when where still all here in 12 months would you be prepared to come back and admit your wrong? I doubt it. I think you’ll just come back with another bulltish Theory.
At last check about 95% of icu Covid patients in vic where unvaccinated despite 80% double vac rates. I have a good friend who is an icu nurse. There are bloody exhausted and fed up with patients who refuse to get vaxed who believe the same crap you do. Then the beg them for the vaccination but it’s too late.
Believe what you wAnt to believe but I’ll believe my friend the ICU you nurse before i believe your tin foil crap
I also have a friend who is a nurse and his stories are unbelievable. People make choices all of the time. Just can't believe that this can be one of them. A mate who has been friends for 40 years has chosen not to get vaxed. Bloke has smoked ciggies since he was 14, smoked bongs and joints every day since he was 16... if he catches it he is dead.. but no he has done hos research. Lastly he goes to rainbow serpent and pops every pill given to him... and i look crazy?
I also have a friend who is a nurse and his stories are unbelievable. People make choices all of the time. Just can't believe that this can be one of them. A mate who has been friends for 40 years has chosen not to get vaxed. Bloke has smoked ciggies since he was 14, smoked bongs and joints every day since he was 16... if he catches it he is dead.. but no he has done hos research. Lastly he goes to rainbow serpent and pops every pill given to him... and i look crazy?

The majority of people I know are typically defiant types who struggle with being told what to do. Through school, work places and authority etc etc. I think with a lot of people that’s where it starts….they just don’t like being told what to do so they have made up their mind and then go looking for evidence to back their belief. If I look hard enough online I could find evidence for just about every theory imaginable.

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The majority of people I know are typically defiant types who struggle with being told what to do. Through school, work places and authority etc etc. I think with a lot of people that’s where it starts….they just don’t like being told what to do so they have made up their mind and then go looking for evidence to back their belief. If I look hard enough online I could find evidence for just about every theory imaginable.
I’m still looking for evidence that an underground rail system exists on Mars & if there is Martian graffiti on the carriages.
Bill Gates's plan to depopulate the planet started well, but he seems to have lost the plot with his more recent moves

Step 1: Create a new virus that kills lots of people
Step 2: implement lockdowns that reduce the number of deaths
Step 3: innoculate the planet with effective vaccines that stop the depopulation of the planet.
You can't debunk bill gates openly admitting they want to depopulate it came out of his own mouth. You can't tell me Sutton and Fauci are higher credentialed then Peter McCullough cause they aren't. You lot should to read up on agenda 2030 it's not a conspiracy when it's actually happening. Why is everything misinformation besides what the MSM are telling you ? Explain it to me and why you're at it why can't you explain why my cousin is now permanently blind from taking the astrazenica 2 days later? That should be front page news sorry you didn't get to hear about that.
Holy shit, my cousin went permanently blind after the vax as well! Just replace the word "permanently" with "temporarily" and "cousin" with "person I made up".
Holy sh*t, my cousin went permanently blind after the vax as well! Just replace the word "permanently" with "temporarily" and "cousin" with "person I made up".

DeGoey has been vaccinated and there's footage of him absolutely blind.
It's funny that the anti vaxxers always think they are far smarter than us & we can learn from them. The one we have just had the pleasure of reading his recent posting is a case in point. He is obviously a well respected epidemiologist & it must be extremely frustrating trying to educate us riff raff uneducated beer swilling Neanderthals. Fuggitt lets get p!ssed fellow losers.
I'll drink to that
I also have a friend who is a nurse and his stories are unbelievable. People make choices all of the time. Just can't believe that this can be one of them. A mate who has been friends for 40 years has chosen not to get vaxed. Bloke has smoked ciggies since he was 14, smoked bongs and joints every day since he was 16... if he catches it he is dead.. but no he has done hos research. Lastly he goes to rainbow serpent and pops every pill given to him... and i look crazy?
The majority of people I know are typically defiant types who struggle with being told what to do. Through school, work places and authority etc etc. I think with a lot of people that’s where it starts….they just don’t like being told what to do so they have made up their mind and then go looking for evidence to back their belief. If I look hard enough online I could find evidence for just about every theory imaginable.
As Einstein said: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former"
when where still all here in 12 months would you be prepared to come back and admit your wrong? I doubt it. I think you’ll just come back with another bulltish Theory.
At last check about 95% of icu Covid patients in vic where unvaccinated despite 80% double vac rates. I have a good friend who is an icu nurse. There are bloody exhausted and fed up with patients who refuse to get vaxed who believe the same crap you do. Then the beg them for the vaccination but it’s too late.
Believe what you wAnt to believe but I’ll believe my friend the ICU you nurse before i believe your tin foil crap
If you refuse to get vaccinated for COVID (without a valid reason) then you should refuse the treatment too. There's too much energy and effort being put into saving those who have put decisions about their own perceived safely above the safely of the community - they must have missed the lesson on greater good! If Liam Jones or any one else wants to avoid the jab - then best they suffer the consequences without impacting the rest of us.
It's funny that the anti vaxxers always think they are far smarter than us & we can learn from them. The one we have just had the pleasure of reading his recent posting is a case in point. He is obviously a well respected epidemiologist & it must be extremely frustrating trying to educate us riff raff uneducated beer swilling Neanderthals. Fuggitt lets get p!ssed fellow losers.
I am taking your advise literally……
I laugh at you pack of idiots thinking Sutton, fauci and co are the best scientists and leading health professionals in the world. You're aware there are better doctors and scientists with more credentials to be in the role speaking up against the vaccine. Fauci is too busy paying people to experiment on innocent animals to be concerned about your health. I wonder if you people are actually aware of bill gates openly admitting they want to depopulate or do you turn a blind eye to these things because it's not shown on the MSM. It's like people in power have never committed atrocities against humanity before, hitler was world magazines person of the year at one stage so whats that tell you?. The only way you can make an informed decision is to have both sides of an argument and you ain't hearing that. Everyone is a crazy conspiracy theorist because they're seeing and hearing about all the reactions to the vaccine that's not a conspiracy it's apart of making an informed decision something you lot clearly didn't do. I just hope you don't complain when something does go wrong for blindly trusting these people the government don't care about you if they did they would've ended world hunger years ago or give free chemotherapy they don't care about you. And FYI before any of you say oh if you get covid you're going to die I've had covid had it just a month ago and guess what? I'm still here was nothing more then a mild cold you've all been lied to the severity of it and I suggest you come to grips with reality at some point and save your lives.
I laugh at you thinking Fauci has anything do with the vaccine. He is a career public servant.

You need to rely on the statistical data which overwhelming proves that vaccines, properly researched and implemented have saved tens, even hundreds of millions of lives since their discovery and still do save lives.

The fact that you cannot comprehend that you did not die from covid has absolutely no bearing on the fact that 5 (FIVE) million other people did, either shows the minute scale of your intellect or your willingness to ignore the actual facts for personally weighted reasons.

It is well known that a large proportion of people who jump onto stupid, obviously un-provable conspiracy theories and non-causes like the Anti-vaxx bandwagon suffer from a deep seated feeling of failure, lack of self worth and impotence in their own lives.
They feel they can offset their lack of respect for themselves by "believing" they are "smarter" than everyone else, that it is they who "know the truth" where everyone else is wrong, "lied to and conned" by the powers that be.

I think it was wrong that you were belittled for your lack of grammar, particularly the lack of paragraphs, when it is obvious you cannot be expected to adhere to the norms of written literature and it is obvious you have an inability to rationally evaluate facts and fiction.

You secretly know what I mean (code just for you)....


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Toast The New Carlton Thread: Beau has more GF silverware than Carlton in 36 years

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