Oppo Camp The non North football discussion thread II

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I'm sure people are sick of me by now but my final thought on this matter (thanks Jerry) is that if the booing is making Adam Goodes feel racially vilified, and is also having a significant detrimental effect on Neville Jetta to the point where he feel he has to make a stand, then why are people still doing it? Sure, they might not be booing him for racial reasons but if they feel nothing else, then they should at least have some compassion, recognise that there are people distressed by their actions and then desist.

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I seriously dont understand the hatred for the bloke, with everyone saying its not racial its because he is a w***er. I dont think you can say that and then bring up his aboriginal war dance as a shit thing to do. He is an aboriginal man doing a tribal war dance during indigenous round, how can that be an issue. I have no problem with player interaction with the crowd actually i wouldnt mind seeing more showboating.
Even if people believe the booing isn't racist, surely they can see that it's hurting the indigenous community and it's causing Goodes to consider retiring. Any decent person would think about that, realise the decent thing to do is let it go and stop booing.
Also, I don't understand this attitude. Why, when people take a stand against something that is generally seen as an injustice or an inequality issue, such as racism, sexism, sexual inequality, rights for LGBTQIA people, native title issues, etc they're seen as getting on their high horse or being politically correct? If anything, they're doing the opposite; trying to get people off their high horse and stand for racial, gender, sexual etc equality in a way that is entirely inclusive. It may be the idealist in me, but these are issues we should be standing for as a community and not denigrating someone if they speak out against these problems.

Booing Adam Goodes is an injustice?

What about Jobe?

Or Lindsay?
GEELONG coach Chris Scott says any fans that boo Adam Goodes from now on will be showing they are bigots.
"The reality is now, whether we like it or not, booing indigenous players and specifically Adam Goodes has a racist overtone so on that basis it should stop," Scott said.

What the F Chris, that in itself is racist, you're asking for special exemptions for players based on their race.

*head desk*

I'm banging on a bit - I don't post a lot but I do feel pretty strongly about this - whilst I'm sure your intentions are good this is just wrong.
Racism is discrimination based on race. What Chris Scott is asking for is for racist behaviour to stop - how could this be done without singling out exactly what incites this behaviour? How could asking for someone to be exempt from racist behaviour be racist? To who? The people being called out? The subject of their racism?

This shit is real. Indigenous people are, were and will sadly most likely continue to be subject to institutionalised racism, discrimination and disadvantage. To even this out we have to make changes based specifically on targeting racist behaviour at all levels of society. This is not some out of control political correctness thing, it's about recognising and responding to the problems.
Come back and play footy Goodesy! Don't listen too the meanies!!
It has gone completely overboard now, im completely for stamping out racism. So if its racist remarks, gestures etc. kick them out ban them, do what you have to do. But going as far as condemning "booing" an individual just because a minuscule amount of people overstep the line is completely ridiculous.

I've never booed him, infact i've really only booed Selwood, the Umpires every weekend and ofcourse the * football club. And i wouldnt waste my time to join the bandwagon now, but it is completely ridiculous that people think every single fan who is booing Adam Goodes, boo's him because of his skin colour. Countless Aboriginal players get booed every week among the rest of there team mates. Why when it is about Goodes, it is deemed racist and not for every Aboriginal player?.

It is and will continue to be the medias fault for aslong as this goes on, the more they talk about it more and more people find out and decide to join in. Just let it go. I hope Goodes continues playing, whatever your opinion he is undoubtedly a legend of the game. But if you stir up a crowd, not everyone is going to react the way you would like. Time to move on.
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It has gone completely overboard now, im completely for stamping out racism. So if its racist remarks, gestures etc. kick them out ban them, do what you have to do. But going as far as condemning "booing" an individual just because a minuscule amount of people overstep the line is completely ridiculous.

I've never booed him, infact i've really only booed Selwood, the Umpires every weekend and ofcourse the * football club. And i wouldnt waste my time to join the bandwagon now, but it is completely ridiculous that people think every single fan who is booing Adam Goodes, boo's him because of his skin colour. Countless Aboriginal players get booed every week among the rest of there team mates. Why when it is about Goodes, it is deemed racist and not for every Aboriginal player?.

It is and will continue to be the medias fault for aslong as this goes on, the more they talk about it more and more people find out and decide to join in. Just let it go. I hope Goodes continues playing, whatever your opinion he is undoubtedly a legend of the game. But if you stir up the crowd, not everyone is going to react the way you would like. Time to move on.
Great post mate :thumbsu:

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Booing Adam Goodes is an injustice?

What about Jobe?

Or Lindsay?
It is if it's for racial reasons, in fact it's go to the point where it could be argued that those that aren't booing for racial reasons are still contributing to racism. But this is like the ape thing again, surely you recognise that there is a difference between the booing of Goodes and the booing of Jobe. As for Lindsay, I certainly think there is a racial element to some of the booing, I've certainly heard people call him that cheating black campaigner before and use his race as an identifier, or even a reason as to why he 'cheats.'
Don't bother, you won't get an answer, doesn't fit into the it HAS to be racially motivated mindset.
I've already acknowledged that there are certainly parts of the crowd that boo him because they just don't like him, it's you who doesn't acknowledge that there are racist elements of the booing. Because, you know, it's only racist because people have said it's racist, or whatever. I don't understand the flippant attitude you have to what is a very serious issue and is quite clearly seriously affecting someones life.
Please find me a single quote where I mention there are zero racial undertones to the booing? I'll save you the trouble, there are none.

Yes, some idiots are racist, what I'm talking about is how incredibly absurd and ridiculous it is to claim that anyone who boos is a racist, its just a fallacy. And no, I don't boo.

Don't try and take the moral high ground and guilt trip me with calling me flippant toward the issue.

I've said I have sympathy for the bloke, but what I don't have sympathy for is his refusal to acknowledge that his actions on the sports field are partially responsible for the boos, for him its all about race it seems.
Please find me a single quote where I mention there are zero racial undertones to the booing? I'll save you the trouble, there are none.

Yes, some idiots are racist, what I'm talking about is how incredibly absurd and ridiculous it is to claim that anyone who boos is a racist, its just a fallacy. And no, I don't boo.

Don't try and take the moral high ground and guilt trip me with calling me flippant toward the issue.

I've said I have sympathy for the bloke, but what I don't have sympathy for is his refusal to acknowledge that his actions on the sports field are partially responsible for the boos, for him its all about race it seems.
I was just about to edit my post actually, I was wrong about that, sorry.

By the same token, I've never claimed that the entirety of the booing is racist, however I do believe that it has got to the point where they are contributing to the problem and obviously making someone feel as though they are being racially vilified. You might have sympathy for him, but it comes across in writing as though you're not taking his insult, real or otherwise, seriously. It might just be the way it comes across on the internet though, I'm certainly not trying to guilt trip you, I can't stand condescension and I apologise if my writing comes across as condescending or supercilious.
This is getting out of hand now, media sensationalism at its finest!

Richmond have decided to wear their indigenous jumpers as a sign of solidarity to Goodes.

Now watch Sydney flog them - well played Sydney in using the booing to get inside your opponent's heads.
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Even if people believe the booing isn't racist, surely they can see that it's hurting the indigenous community and it's causing Goodes to consider retiring. Any decent person would think about that, realise the decent thing to do is let it go and stop booing.

It's only hurting them if they are either ignorant or completely conceded with themselves. The fact Goodes has given it up for the meantime suggests the later.
It's only hurting them if they are either ignorant or completely conceded with themselves. The fact Goodes has given it up for the meantime suggests the later.

Or because it's bringing up memories of the not too distant past where it was ok to be openly racist against them at the footy. It really wasn't that long ago. Probably still a lot of people in the crowd that were around in those days.
Sorry, I should have put this in the other quote. Don't you realise that by booing alongside the racists, even for an entirely different motivation, you're tacitly endorsing their actions, empowering them, making them feel as though they are vindicated in their booing. Surely recognising that and ceasing should be of a higher priority than expressing your displeasure at one sportsman? You have the option to vent your hatred with friends, on the internet and in a whole heap of other mediums so surely it's worth giving up the booing for a couple of hours on the weekend to make a stand that says you dont stand with the racist element of the crowd?
Perfectly put.
It has gone completely overboard now, im completely for stamping out racism. So if its racist remarks, gestures etc. kick them out ban them, do what you have to do. But going as far as condemning "booing" an individual just because a minuscule amount of people overstep the line is completely ridiculous.

I've never booed him, infact i've really only booed Selwood, the Umpires every weekend and ofcourse the * football club. And i wouldnt waste my time to join the bandwagon now, but it is completely ridiculous that people think every single fan who is booing Adam Goodes, boo's him because of his skin colour. Countless Aboriginal players get booed every week among the rest of there team mates. Why when it is about Goodes, it is deemed racist and not for every Aboriginal player?.

It is and will continue to be the medias fault for aslong as this goes on, the more they talk about it more and more people find out and decide to join in. Just let it go. I hope Goodes continues playing, whatever your opinion he is undoubtedly a legend of the game. But if you stir up a crowd, not everyone is going to react the way you would like. Time to move on.

Absolute bollocks. It hit a peak around the North game. Everyone said if the media stopped the boong would stop. The media stopped and the booing continued. It didn't start because he stirred up they rowdy at a game. It started because he stirred up the broader crowd who hates any suggestion Australia is not a perfect utopia of race relations.

Some people are making it about booing. Don't get sidetracked. Is is about bullying a guy based on him not fitting a stereotype everyone is comfortable with - skilled sportsman, grateful for us letting him play and never going to say a word about indigenous people without the privileges he now enjoys (or, if he was white, we'd say he has earned). If only they acted like white people, amirite?

And it's politically correct to give a rats. Of course it is.
Absolute bollocks. It hit a peak around the North game. Everyone said if the media stopped the boong would stop. The media stopped and the booing continued. It didn't start because he stirred up they rowdy at a game. It started because he stirred up the broader crowd who hates any suggestion Australia is not a perfect utopia of race relations.

Some people are making it about booing. Don't get sidetracked. Is is about bullying a guy based on him not fitting a stereotype everyone is comfortable with - skilled sportsman, grateful for us letting him play and never going to say a word about indigenous people without the privileges he now enjoys (or, if he was white, we'd say he has earned). If only they acted like white people, amirite?

And it's politically correct to give a rats. Of course it is.

I think a huge part of the issue is that people are sheep.
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