The tale of 3 clubs-Hawks,Tigers and Dons

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Congratulations, another thread beating down on the Hawks.

Hopefully all the bullshit of the last week will give us the motivation to annihilate the competition next year.

To the Essendon fans, take your hollow un-deserved finals campaign and **** off

Same to you girls, enjoy your early holiday, have a good cry and **** off.
Congratulations, another thread beating down on the Hawks.

Hopefully all the bullshit of the last week will give us the motivation to annihilate the competition next year.

To the Essendon fans, take your hollow un-deserved finals campaign and **** off

What do you expect when you carry on like arrogant tools for the best part of a year?

Hawtorn FC - Worst premier of the last 10 years.
James Hird's face is lucky these rules weren't around at the start of the decade. Where were all the Essendon supporters baying for Hird's face to be suspended when it brutally bumped McVeigh's knee? Now that was a vicious bump.

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I hope Campbell Brown gets bashed with a baseball bat - we'll see how tough he is.

For all his performing and posturing, he had a good hour after Sewell went down to walk the walk... but he was too busy flapping his arms about to do anything about it. It's all well and good to run your mouth of, but he had his chance to fly the flag, and he did nothing about it
The Richmond posters didnt whinge for a week.

And we didnt hear one peep from the club,their coach didn't abuse Hawthorn players after the game and no Richmond players publicly called Franklin names after the game.

I have 2 questions

1) Will President Jeff talk about protecting the bump in footy? I doubt it!

2) Would there have been a week of whinging if it was Gillham ,instead of Franklin being suspended. I doubt it !

Jeff was all over SEN this morning blasting off about hwo stupid the rule is.

I guess that answers your question.
Hawtorn FC - Worst premier of the last 10 years.

Yes because finishing 2nd on the ladder then flogging the teams that finished 3rd and 4th by 10 goals.

Then beating the team that everyone thought was unbeatable despite the umpires trying to keep Geelong in it, make the Hawks a bad Premier.:eek:..

FFS get a clue you Muppet.
For all his performing and posturing, he had a good hour after Sewell went down to walk the walk... but he was too busy flapping his arms about to do anything about it. It's all well and good to run your mouth of, but he had his chance to fly the flag, and he did nothing about it

Extremely difficult to argue against his point....
For all his performing and posturing, he had a good hour after Sewell went down to walk the walk... but he was too busy flapping his arms about to do anything about it. It's all well and good to run your mouth of, but he had his chance to fly the flag, and he did nothing about it

I think you'll find Browny couldn't do anything about it, he wanted smash Lloyd but he knew the consequences of hitting him, he was almost uncontrollable that he couldn't let his frustration and anger out. For the first time he had some sort of self control. The last time Browny wen't one on on with Lloyd he was suspended for 4 weeks, he punched the absolute shit of Lloyd, while Lloyd the timid little flower he is, ducked his head and assumed the fetal position.

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I think you'll find Browny couldn't do anything about it, he wanted smash Lloyd but he knew the consequences of hitting him, he was almost uncontrollable that he couldn't let his frustration and anger out. For the first time he had some sort of self control. The last time Browny wen't one on on with Lloyd he was suspended for 4 weeks, he punched the absolute shit of Lloyd, while Lloyd the timid little flower he is, ducked his head and assumed the fetal position.

hardly, it took plenty of guts for Lloyd to be on the field knowing every Hawks wanted to take his head off. He didnt shirk once you fool. Even the gutless Bateman tried a cheap shot when Lloyd was going for the ball.

The bottom line is Brown over-reacted, he was at centre half back at the time and had to run 20 metres leaping over the prostrate body of Sewell to get into the fight.

The Hawks players initially around Lloyd didnt go him (apart from Hodge), it was Brown who ran in like the rabid dog that he is.

hardly, it took plenty of guts for Lloyd to be on the field knowing every Hawks wanted to take his head off. He didnt shirk once you fool. Even the gutless Bateman tried a cheap shot when Lloyd was going for the ball.

The bottom line is Brown over-reacted, he was at centre half back at the time and had to run 20 metres leaping over the prostrate body of Sewell to get into the fight.

Did you actually expect him to walk of the ground, he only had 5 possessions after half time, in which your club completely dominated.....he didn't want the ball and he didn't want face to face confrontation.

The Hawks players initially around Lloyd didnt go him (apart from Hodge), it was Brown who ran in like the rabid dog that he is.

Wrong...go watch the replay they all went straight for him, when Lloyd found an exit strategy out of the fight, he ran away. He has a history of being a gutless sniper, when players retaliate he is often found wanting, especially in the case with Brown when he assumed the fetal position many years ago.
Here we go:

  • Buddy Deserved to get weeks under the current rule. Fair decision.
  • Lloyd will get about 3-4 weeks. He is not a sniper. (But still was a bad decision on his part).
  • Brown and Clarkson acted like little children after the game.
  • Hawthorn and Essendon have both had a average year.
  • Essendon will be beaten by Adelaide (as would of Hawthorn)
Can we all just move along now. Its first week of finals lets just concentrate on the fantastic footy we are going to see in the next month.
Here we go:

  • Buddy Deserved to get weeks under the current rule. Fair decision.
  • Lloyd will get about 3-4 weeks. He is not a sniper. (But still was a bad decision on his part).
  • Brown and Clarkson acted like little children after the game.
  • Hawthorn and Essendon have both had a average year.
  • Essendon will be beaten by Adelaide (as would of Hawthorn)
Can we all just move along now. Its first week of finals lets just concentrate on the fantastic footy we are going to see in the next month.

Fair summary. :thumbsu:
Amazing the amount of crap these Hawks supporters talk up

Lewis is the BIGGEST sniper in the game always hits a bloke with his back turned and Brown hasnt had a great record

What Lloyd did was not a sniper act what Bateman did was what i love about all of it why didnt tough Browny walk over there and do something about it he had enough time to

And for Lewis he was no where to be seen when the fight was on in the middle of the ground must have not seen anybody with there back to him to have a dip
Here we go:

  • Buddy Deserved to get weeks under the current rule. Fair decision.
  • Lloyd will get about 3-4 weeks. He is not a sniper. (But still was a bad decision on his part).
  • Brown and Clarkson acted like little children after the game.
  • Hawthorn and Essendon have both had a average year.
  • Essendon will be beaten by Adelaide (as would of Hawthorn)
Can we all just move along now. Its first week of finals lets just concentrate on the fantastic footy we are going to see in the next month.

Amen. You are a credit to your footy club and there should be more BF Hawks posters like you. :thumbsu:
lol... George W Bush earned an MBA at Harvard bussiness school ... and he is still an idiot. It shows you what money and influence can buy.
There has been two significant incidents in the last 2 rounds.

Hawthorn VS Richmond - Franklin bump on Cousins.
Hawthorn VS Essendon - Lloyd bump on Sewell.

It is an interesting case study to look at the clubs reactions to the events

Franklin VS Cousins.

There was muted debate over the weekend as to whether Franklin would be charged by the MRP. Once he was charged, Contested the charge at the Tribunal and then appealed to the Appeals Board. All hell broke loose with supporters picketing the Appeals Board hearing and posters venting their spleen on BF. All claiming that Buddy was innocent and it was an AFL conspiracy.

Meanwhile, Cousins recovered from his concussion and we didn't hear a peep from the RFC.

Lloyd VS Sewell

All hell broke loose on BF which was exacerbated by the conduct of certain members of the Hawthorn Football Club. Clarkson abusing Lloyd on the field at the end of the game, Brown ( such a choir boy ) accusing Lloyd of being a sniper.

Generally speaking the EFC posters accept that Lloyd will be suspended and haven't argued the toss.

The EFC football department issued a 4 sentence press release, through Paul Hamilton the Football Manager, rebutting Brown's allegations.

The reactions of the aggrieved parties - Richmond and Hawthorn have been like chalk and cheese.

And to think that I started a thread after the 2009 GF - Suggesting that Hawk supporters displayed a lack of humility.

I may have been proven correct!

It's all relative.

The Buddy bump was a line ball decision and the Hawks fought for what they thought was justice, which, by the way the majority of the footy public agreed with.

It could only be compared with Maxwells which was 4 months ago and was thought to be a dead issue.

Lloyds bump is now compared and highlighted to last weeks shennanigans. Added to this is alot of BF posters wanting to rub salt into Hawk supports wounds.

Of course hawk suports where going to bite and respond.:rolleyes:

Also, after 25 years of failure Tiger supporters and the club are a fairly insipid lot where as Hawthorn obviously has a different culture (ie. successful),.

There are lots of reasons why the reactions have been different.
Agree with this!
Firstly I said I hoped Buddy would get off but he shouldn't have!

Lloyd's bump is exactly why the rule is brought in!
And could I suggest that the biggest differences between the two incidents is that Cousins only injury was concussion and that Sewell has a fractured eye socket and cheek (requiring surgery)! Also I would argue that the reason that the Bombers fans aren't arguing that he should get off is that he is guilty as hell and Buddy's was touch and go a report (oh and when you say no bombers are arguing that he should get off, you are obviously totally ignoring the stupid argument that he was pushed, right?).

Can I also say that I am sure I saw a few Tigers Fans question the fact that no one from there side stuck up for Cuz as either being poor (not sticking up for a team mate) or being another sign that the bump wasn't too far from being okay.

You are correct that the two bumps are different however, I look at them and see Lloyds as the true bump that shouldn't be out of the game and Buddy's as a dumb hit that wasn't needed.

Buddy had the chance to lay a tackle. The footage shows Cousins gathers the ball and runs. Franklin the changes direction two times over abour 8 metres to get to Cousins and lay the bump. A great bump no doubt, but different to the one Lloyd laid on Sewell.

Lloyd and Sewell are both going for the ball. Sewell gathers the ball as Lloyd begins to drop to his knees. Sewell looks up and is taken out by Lloyd. I honestly dont think Lloyd had any other option but to brace himself and make sure that he wasn't the one to come off second best. It was an instinct move of self preservation. If they argue he was pushed they will lose but if they argue he was going the ball and was simply toio slow then I think they have a very good chance of a reduction of points.

Buddy had a choice, Lloyd didn't. He will still get suspended but he has a much better case to mount for a defence than Buddy ever did.

All up I think he will get 3-4 weeks reduced to 2. I hope that if the Bombers do go out against Adelaide that the AFL fixture Essendon vs. Hawthorn at the G on Saturday arvo in round 2 next year for Lloyds first game back.
As a old timer Hawk supporter I am very proud of everything my beloved club has done and will always support their administration, coaching staff and players. AFL footy is a passionate game where raw emotions are often on display especially after incidents like the ones that happened in the past 2 weeks. I cant say I am overly happy with Campbell Browns radio commentary however I am proud of our coach - he has turned around our joke of a club from earlier this decade to be a premiership club only loosing 5 games in 2008 so I have no qualms over how he reacted as the AFL has removed his ability to comment on the standards of the game and how it is officiated. Hell Sheedy was fined for over reacting and Paul Roos a true gentlemen of the game was given a fine for expressing how he felt about a poor decision made by an official.

I rarely express an opinion as I dont like the way other club supporters tar all Hawks supporters with the same brush - if people really want to see bias then come be a Hawk supporter in WA working for an Eagles sponsor or grow up in the 60's, 70's and 80's and put up with Carlton and Collingwood supporters - hell the supporters during this time made Eddie MacGuire look passive.

Further more if we all want to blame anyone lets turn around and point the finger at the correct individuals - Vlad and his muppet Anderson. AFL footy is a mans sport where hard hits have been part of the history - I dont support what Loyd did on Saturday but it has been part of the game for years and like on Saturday has helped clubs win games - hell Hawthorn even won a premiership as a result of Brereton receiving the Yates hit in 1989. These 2 individuals have declared that head high bumps must be removed in fear of a player being seriously injured. Sewell needs surgery but he will back next year putting his head over the ball trying to win it again for the Hawks. In almost all cases the players accept the hit and returns to the game after the hit. The only real fear that Vlad has is being hit himself again and he suffers more damage to that feeble brain.

Under the current rules the MRP need to suspend Loyd - is it fair No but if they do not then it will make the comments made in the press by Vlad and his muppet after the Franklin suspension look dumb. I dont like Matthew Loyd however he plays football from a bygone era where you could disguise the attack on the man as an attack on the ball. I have no doubt that Loyd "lined" Brad Sewell up and I dont have objection to this as this to me is football. I blame the administrators of the current game from removing this from the game so that parent of young children feel safe in allowing their kids to play AFL. Could you imagine how legends of the past like Ted Whitten, Leigh Matthews and even Dermott Brereton would feel when they see how soft the game has become.

All supporters must take a step back and stop slagging supporters from other clubs regardless as to how they feel about the club as a whole and direct their abuse to the AFL (As a Hawk supporter I exclude Geelong supporters from this as they are constantly done over by Hawthorn in important matches and I hope Essendon supporters can exclude Hawks supporters as they often do this to Hawthorn) :) It is the AFL that is removing the hard hit not the clubs - they train their players to take the hits and teach them how to ride them - they train their players on how to deliver the hits and how to legally hurt opposition players. The AFL simply does not like this as the individuals in charge are soft fat puppets.....

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The tale of 3 clubs-Hawks,Tigers and Dons

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