Things That Shit Me (Part 3)

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going into the post office to send something...only to find that person in front of you has a box of around 60 billion parcels to send off

Buying subway at lunch, to find out the person in front of you is ordering for their whole office.
OMFG House Inspections!!!!!:mad::mad: This is the one thing that makes me so pissed off I have lived in this house now for 3 years and have been with this Real Estate for 5 years and she feels the need to inspect the house every 3 months...and to be honest I feel insulted by this Why?, I feel like she doesnt trust me I mean she has no reason to not trust me I have never failed a house inspection yet, I haven't even got a warning off of these people. The Real Estate Agent has said that its the tenancy law to inspect the house every 3 months but that's a load of shit I know heaps of people who still house get inspections every 6 months

Its not so much the cleaning that gets to me, Its the fact that someone is coming into the house and invading my privacy that shits me I mean I know the lady but only as a real estate agent, not as a friend etc etc and you know that they are there to try and point out some faults

The Cleaning thing is something that sorta shits me but its more the fact that the place is clean but I'm too fussy just to leave I have to go over it just to make sure its perfect.
I think you'll find it's the landlord that requires the inspections to be done. The RE person is just doing what's asked of her.

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You are just about to go to bed and finish up browsing a couple of websites before shutting down and then when you do shut down, you notice your desktop post click and see the awesome pr0n clip you'd downloaded 10 minutes prior and had intended to fap to before you retired for the night, only to watch helplessly as your unforgiving computer goes through the motions and shuts down leaving you stranded and frustrated.
I think you'll find it's the landlord that requires the inspections to be done. The RE person is just doing what's asked of her.
No its her... She does everyones house every 3 months ( we live in a small town) So she says to get it out of the way.
Continuing on the whole text speak thing... females who typee liike thiss (add in unnecessary letterssss).
People who beep their horn ,yell abusive and other various shit from their car for no reason at all. Honestly, I feel like hurling bricks at these people.


Its always a group of guys who do it yet would never do it if they were alone in the car. So effectively they're doing it to impress their mates. But who the hell is impressed by abusing someone from a moving car, who you dont know and wont see again? Theres nothing brave about it and its never something amusing or clever, usually just an expletive which is the extent of their creativity.
Continuing on the whole text speak thing... females who typee liike thiss (add in unnecessary letterssss).
yes hate it with a passion
The word 'yeh'.It's not that hard to add the extra a.

Also stupid abbreviations of words such as:

lyk, luv, bzy,wzy,h8,m8

and so and and so forth...

I'm the only soul that I know that uses correct spelling and grammar when texting and talking on MSN.
I'm in your boat. But I must admit, if the text message is nearing the 1 page limit. I cut out a few spaces between words or I abbreviate a few known words.
This picture


Can someone photoshop it so it doesn't look like he's putting on two pairs of shades and send me the template?

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Buying subway at lunch, to find out the person in front of you is ordering for their whole office.

Yeah one of my pet hates too, you should only be allowed to order two subs per person max I reckon. Any more than that and it just holds up the whole cue as every staff member gets tied up with the one order.

Getting stuck behind idiots that can't make up their mind what they want on their subs shit me as well. Surely people should have a rough idea what they want before they order, without having to agonise over every choice of sub, bread, cheese, salad. sauce etc like they're a f***ing contestant on 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire".
Large orders should have a call up beforehand requirement at subway, nothing worse than that. I think I was waiting for about 40 minutes in line with a friend one day because of this.
People who beep their horn ,yell abusive and other various shit from their car for no reason at all. Honestly, I feel like hurling bricks at these people.

completely agree. it's so confusing. always truck drivers, too. was walking with a mate the other day, minding our own business, and a truck driver flips out. must be something in their make up.
after tonights experience, people who "whisper" louder then they would normally talk during a movie, and seem to time it during critical points

Oh, and birds who mock you! wueueing for taylor swift yesterday (yes i did go, 2nd time seeing her live, i knew her before she was famous:p) there was one bird, must have spent about 5 hours mocking us, walking backwards and forward infront of the baricades as if saying "ha whos the caged animal now you dogs!" :p
This didnt really shit me, more amused me this morning.. but anyway more gold from the morons that drive on our road!!!

-Approach an intersection (me) to go straight. (you must go straight cant turn).. guy in front of me has right indicator on!! Ok then....
- right arrow comes on (red light still tho to go straight)... people from right lane turn right.. guy turns indicator OFF. Ok then...
- right arrow continues to stay green. Guy turns indicator back ON. Starts to move into the lane, even tho there are still people turning. Narrowly misses cars by inches. Ok then...
- Arrow turn orange. (no more cars now)
- Guy pauses.
- Arrow turns red
- Guy pauses some more
- Guy goes thru red light.

-standing ovation-

Was in the right hand lane of a road coming into a typical intersection on a kinda busy road, with cars parked along the left 'lane' of the roads starting around 20 metres after the intersection.

Long story short, I'm in the right hand lane when some ****wit zooms past me at what seemed to be 80 in a 60 zone, before attempting to swerve in front of me when the parked cars started. Considering there was no chance of being able to fit in between my car and the parked cars, I decided to ignore said ****wit, resulting in a fury of horn honking directed at my good self.

Next time it happens, I'll make sure I meet his demands of stopping, reversing on a busy road and letting him in, just so he can get to where he has to be a few seconds earlier.
Since we're on the driving theme -

- Truck drivers on the freeway who are in the far left lane (slow lane) and then want to overtake a slower truck so they move into the middle lane just expecting the cars in that lane to brake at speed. I see so many near misses due to this and have to beep so many trucks because of it.

- Truck drivers who want to get Mcdonalds so they park the truck on a 2 laned road out the front with their hazard lights on totally blocking one lane. Always beep this. For starters they shouldnt be eating that sort of crap!

- When a car is turning left onto a side street and the car travelling behind it changes lanes to go around it before getting straight back over into their original lane. What was the point??????
Since we're on the driving theme -

- When a car is turning left onto a side street and the car travelling behind it changes lanes to go around it before getting straight back over into their original lane. What was the point??????

So they dont have to slow down and waste precious seconds on their travelling time?

I usually just slow down and wait for them to turn then go on my merry way without bothering to change lanes.
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