Things That Shit Me (Part 3)

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People that spell loser "looser" FFS people I am no Spelling nazi, infact I hate those bastards BUT that isnt a hard word to spell.

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mates who claim fame by association.

he went to my school
she went to my school
played cricket against him
played footy against him

What if you're cousins with someone famous? I myself am closely related to the Scott twins (of which Brad is coach of the North Melbourne Football Club).

I also have ties with a well noted umpire who will remain anonymous due to the abuse the will ensue from the ****wits here.
People saying "he/she won silver" you don't win when you lose you come second and GET SILVER.
Drivers who cut you off, or blatantly break a road rule, only for them to then turn it on you and act as if you've done something wrong.

Example: I was driving on a main road and saw some idiot weaving through traffic in my rear vision mirror. Zoomed past me only to be slowed down by a car doing the speed limit, then indicated and moved into my lane without even looking and almost took out my the front left side of my car - so I beeped him, as you do when someone ****s up. We keep going down the main road and I end up getting ahead of him because he's been held up in a different lane. Get to the traffic lights and he's behind me, light goes green and I take off at normal speed, he absolutely floors it, indicates into the lane beside me (cutting off someone else) and throws a mcdonalds coke container in front of my car, then gives me the bird as he speeds off at about 80/85 kmph.

It bugged me for the next 10 minutes until I got home. I was just thinking wtf? I don't understand people. :confused: It's a bit like Shane Watson & Mitchel Johnson when they're bowling. They'll get spanked for 4's & 6's and then they'll bowl a good length dot ball and start swearing and mouthing off at the batsman. It's just like ... WTF? you're the one bowling shithouse, why are you yelling at the batsman? Same with driving - you're the one driving shithouse, why are you getting angry? :confused: Just don't get some people!
I'm on my Learners atm, and one thing that shits me is my dad keeps on telling me to slow down. I know it's for my own good...but **** it's annoying.
I'm on my Learners atm, and one thing that shits me is my dad keeps on telling me to slow down. I know it's for my own good...but **** it's annoying.

I concur, I CONCUR! Well replace father with mother. It's more the fact she tells me to slow down when I'm doing 15-20ks below the speed limit though :confused:
I concur, I CONCUR! Well replace father with mother. It's more the fact she tells me to slow down when I'm doing 15-20ks below the speed limit though :confused:

Haha, that's the main reason why it annoy's me. Telling me to slow down when i'm going under the limit. :confused:

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I concur, I CONCUR! Well replace father with mother. It's more the fact she tells me to slow down when I'm doing 15-20ks below the speed limit though :confused:
I know that!! And then you get your p's and life is sweet!! On a similar note, I hate people taking advantage of P plate drivers, assuming they don't know the rules, and consequently breaking them as they think they can get away with. At least 3 times someone has run a stop/give way sign, almost plowed into me, and then abused me as if it was my fault.
Customers who buy something, don't use it until the warranty has expires and then find out that its faulty. They then expect a refund just because they saw they only used it a couple of times. For any one who is still confused: Warranties start when you purchase an item, not when you open the box.

Customers who buy something weeks or even months before they intend to use it and then expect a refund if they didn't need it the end. We have a 7 day guarantee where if you change your mind or its not quite right, you can get a refund within a week as long as it can be sold again. This is something that the company does to increase customer relations and isn't obligated by law to do. So we can and will tell you to bugger off if its been a month.

Customers who think we will bend over and give them a discount just because they are spending a couple hundred bucks. We don't put price tags up for shits and giggles, asking for discounts may work for places like Dick Smith and JB but not us, we're too small.

A Current Affair and Today Tonight for running stories that put the idea in peoples head that if they ask for a discount they will get it

Hard to believe from all that but the vast majority of people I deal with are a pleasure. Anyway, that's about all of my current rants about idiot customers, good chance there will be more though.
This. They just aren't ****ing going away. :mad:

I used to get them all the time when I was a kid. I also burnt my mouth something shocking on some nachos not long ago, and the chemist gave me some ointment to put on it. (Think its the same as what you use on ulcers).

Anyway, see ya chemist, they'll give you something for it. :thumbsu:
I used to get them all the time when I was a kid. I also burnt my mouth something shocking on some nachos not long ago, and the chemist gave me some ointment to put on it. (Think its the same as what you use on ulcers).

Anyway, see ya chemist, they'll give you something for it. :thumbsu:

In South-East Asia we used to call this sort of thing...bad karma.
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