Society & Culture Things that shit me (Part 8)

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Try having a Beetle crawl into your ear then have it move for like 30mins Whilst its doing this its scratching the shit of your Inner ear and manages to burst your ear drum:thumbsdown:

Then if this isnt annoying enough aswell as Extremely painful, you call an Ambo only to have them say they can't touch it as they arent allowed to touch ears and eyes in an emergency situation :mad::mad: I mean wtf???

You then have to go to the Hospital which is like 45mins away via car and its like 1.00am in the morning They finally get the **** of a thing out then tell me that I have to go back at 8am to get looked at by a doc:mad::mad:
The docs looks at it give me ear drops and Endone and tell me it should heal up ( the scratches) in a few days ( Yeh this isnt happening

A week later my ear is infected and I now have to go back to the Hospital because my doc decided to take a month long holiday ( yeah we only have 1 doc in our area)

I'm now deaf in that ear ( its only temporarily) and my ear itself is very sore all because a stupid Beetle :mad:

Damn. Good luck with that.
The 2-3 second delay between the ABC Grandstand cricket commentary and the Channel Nine telecast.

The 2-3 week delay in getting a warranty repair to a mobile phone. Suffering serious smartphone withdrawals.

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I haven't read the whole thread so sorry if there's double ups

- mormons, I always say now, I'll talk to you about anything.. except GOD
- wanderers in the supermarket with no basket or trolley
- stepping in a wet bathroom and getting socks wet
- coming home after work to a dirty kitchen
- pouring a bowl of cereal and then picking up the milk and there's not enough
- intrusive ads. During the cricket now they shrink the screen during the over and show a 'border' ad (I'm in Hong Kong, get the star cricket feed)
- people who line up with more than 8 items in the express isle, and then try to pay with a credit card... no buddy, that ain't cool
- hot to turn that ****er over every 10 min in summer
I can't stand those announcers they have on the Flinders St platforms for peak periods. Serious, it's like they think passengers are ****ing morons.

Why do they need to do this? I understand that its busier in peak periods but if people are capable of getting on and off at normal times then surely they are capable at busier times. Also Flinders St seems to be the only place that does this, Melb Cent etc. don't seem to do it at all.
I suppose somebody once complained to Metro that they missed their train because it wasn't announced properly so now they've just gone in the complete other direction.

I feel better.

This shits me as well. Why do they have to tell you a dozen times over two minutes that the train is NOW departing. If it was now departing the doors would lock up and the train would go.

Complete opposite to what I experienced in Paris. Train rocks up, doors open, gives you one warning chime, then locks up at a furious pace. You would think twice about racing the doors every single time. They don't **** around over there.
I haven't read the whole thread so sorry if there's double ups

- mormons, I always say now, I'll talk to you about anything.. except GOD
- wanderers in the supermarket with no basket or trolley
- stepping in a wet bathroom and getting socks wet
- coming home after work to a dirty kitchen
- pouring a bowl of cereal and then picking up the milk and there's not enough
- intrusive ads. During the cricket now they shrink the screen during the over and show a 'border' ad (I'm in Hong Kong, get the star cricket feed)
- people who line up with more than 8 items in the express isle, and then try to pay with a credit card... no buddy, that ain't cool
- hot to turn that ****er over every 10 min in summer

Wet socks are ****ing shit.
I took a day trip to Sydney today. We wanted to catch a train to the city and then back to the airport, and just walk around. We get told it costs $40 pp for the day? Wtf? Surely got ripped off but my mum was just like 'meh' and paid it.

Also, when boarding the plane we noticed that there were two women together and one was sitting in our seats. So we triple check our tickets and then say:
Us: 'Excuse me, but I think you're sitting in our seats'
Them: 'No, I don't think so'
Us: 'But we're in 23D and E'
Them: 'Yes'
Us: 'Um, but you're sitting in one of them'.
Them: 'Let me see your tickets'
Us 'Uhh, OK'
Them: 'Yes, you're in 23D and E. We're in 20E and F'
Us: 'OK, well this is 23...'
Them: 'OH' *moves*

This little conversation meant the rest of the queue was being held up the whole time...pretty rude. I hate people like that.
Oh, the things that shit me. Where do I begin.

1. Cranky old people.

I was at Flinders St Station and waiting for my train, when I heard someone shout rowdily "HEY!". I looked up to see it was a man walking around with his cane looking directly at me. "Stay behind the yellow line!". I looked down. My feet were clearly behind the yellow line. Being the no-nonsense person I am, I shouted right back "Sir yes sir!" and saluted. My friend let out a giggle and he glared at her. I kept an eye on that old snitch while he walked around telling people off. Then someone finally caught him "Scuse me, your cane is over the yellow line!". The ****ing geezer gave the guy a death stare and continued walking. Felt like pushing the old bastard onto the tracks.

I was at Coles once, and I was just walking. An old lady in one of those old peoples' scooters drove behind me. Her wheels were literally hitting the back of my shoes. I walked faster, but she kept up. I finally turned around to ask her to stop and the bitch yelled "Can't you see?!". My brother laughed his ass off for an hour and I felt like shoving the ********'s Australia flag on her scooter into her ass. Stupid bitch.

You don't scoot up my ass then call me blind. You could always go around me!

Quite graphic? I prefer the term "brutally honest".

2. Guys in skinny jeans.

Oh Jeez. Each to their own, but damn it looks bad. I'm not a major fan of super skinny guys as is, but skinny jeans make them look even skinnier.

"Bitch, you look like a girl. Heck, I probably weigh more than you".
You don't look "gangsta". You look like an idiot".

These are the types of things in 20 yrs time where you and your kids'll be looking back on and thinking "WTF?!". Save yourselves little children.

3. People that walk slowly.

In Melbourne, there's always THAT bunch of old guys talking about golf and walking as if they have ALL the time in the world. I got stuck behind some recently. Sucks having people walking up your bum and not being able to deal with that pressure because of a bunch of middle-agers. Hurry up or gtfo.

4. Old pervs (a la Herbert the Pervert on Family Guy).

Growing up, I tended to attract the older guys (pedos).

But recently speaking, I was in the city walking past some old men to go to a restaurant. The men shouted from the bench "You single, love?" I smirked and walked away.

I wouldn't mind if a hottie asked me, but a bunch of oldies is just wrong. Sickens me to my stomach.

5. Steve Johnson.

I love the guy, but some days he ****ing frustrates me! Is it too hard to not be a flashy showoff you idiot?! He'd be so much more of an accurate kick if he tried less harder.

6. Girls that wear shorts that go up their ass.

Seriously, guys?! Have some self respect! Otherwise don't be mad if you get pregnant at 16!

7. Stupid flies that buzz around your house and your food then don't die when you hit it.

They REALLY shit me.

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the new cottess double strength cordial... it's not really knew as it's been around about 6-9 months now.

1 - you need a ****ing measure glass to get it right. you only need to be a fraction too little or too much and you've either got water or you're head blown off...

it also lacked they didn't warn anyone. i didn't notice for about half a dozen glasses and remember thinking "**** this cordial is strong"...

2 - even when you do get it right, it definately doesn't taste as nice as it used to... it doesn't have the refreshing taste that it used too.

3 - it seems to oxidize quicker than the old one or something like that. i like making a glass, having a sip or two, putting it in the fridge then having the rest later... but doing it with the new formula and you get a residue on the glass which looks pretty ordinary and there's little bits of floating cordial in your glass.

why cottees, why?? you were so damned good before. now it's merely adequate.

More fool the parents, usually mums. I know of a couple of guys who after they got MARRIED and moved out of home their mum would drop off lunch at work. So guess who was embarrassed when I asked him if he was still a "mummy's boy".

what the ****?? as in regularly??

mum will drop food around to my bro's (he lives about 1km away) every now and then if it's something like "we had a really nice dinner and cooked too much" sort of things... but that's maybe once or twice a year... if that.
Wet socks are ****ing shit.


But recently speaking, I was in the city walking past some old men to go to a restaurant. The men shouted from the bench "You single, love?" I smirked and walked away.

I wouldn't mind if a hottie asked me, but a bunch of oldies is just wrong. Sickens me to my stomach.


6. Girls that wear shorts that go up their ass.

Seriously, guys?! Have some self respect!

So you're shallow enough to admit it's okay for a hot guy to shout at you from a bench as you walk down the street, but you're against tiny shorts that girls wear to get the attention you're speaking of?

Admit it, you have a flat arse. That's okay, I think that's what men from the 50's liked. So it'd explain your dilemma.
So you're shallow enough to admit it's okay for a hot guy to shout at you from a bench as you walk down the street, but you're against tiny shorts that girls wear to get the attention you're speaking of?

Admit it, you have a flat arse. That's okay, I think that's what men from the 50's liked. So it'd explain your dilemma.

Whoa, a little quick to jump on the hate bandwagon, aren't you :rolleyes:P

I said I wouldn't mind if a hot guy asked if I was single. Not if he shouted at me from a bench and made comments about my body like the old men did. I wouldn't look upon that nicely from anyone.

It's funny how some girls WANT attention from guys sitting on benches and wearing denim undies is the way to get it. I'm a girl, I would KNOW what girls do for attention.

That's not to say all girls that wear it seek attention, but a lot do.

Criticise what I say (which you misread btw) and not me, next time yeah?
I said I wouldn't mind if a hot guy asked if I was single. Not if he shouted at me from a bench and made comments about my body like the old men did. I wouldn't look upon that nicely from anyone.

So a guy is supposed to somehow telepathically learn that you find them 'hot' and only then have a crack?

Quite a set of rules you've got going.

Never heard the phrase 'if you never try, you'll never succeed'?

Also I noticed you used the word 'pedo' in your previous post.
Unless you meant 'growing up' as <12-13 and not as a teenager, try and refrain from throwing around fairly severe words which you don't know the meaning of.
Muttweed is hot I bet.

Women that refer to men as 'hotties' (and vice versa) always sets off warning bells though. What a nauseating term
How exactly is this relevant from a male-female relation standpoint?

Because she was getting annoyed at guys she didn't percieve as 'hot' asking her out.

My point was you can't blame them for having a crack because 'if you don't try, you will never succeed.'
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