Unpopular AFL Opinions

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The Eagles indigenous guernsey is a shocker.
It looks like it was quickly designed my an AI program.
Something you would see in a tacky Aussie tourist trap shop.

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teams with history of racism problems really shouldn't wear indigenous guernseys. seeing adelaide, hawthorn and collingwood make money off it is genuinely disturbing

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Freo has had the most games played by indigenous players out of the entire AFL/VFL and we only joined in 95. Surely we are in the clear.

I feel like this is very naive view of things.

I’m not saying that Freo would have had recruiters saying don’t draft indigenous players like the Hawks did, but they would not be squeaky clean.
Ok, I'm coming off the long run...

1) The blokey handshake after an ex-player/boundary rider or whatever the f**k they are these days, does a lame interview with a player. On what planet does an interviewer shake the hand of the interviewee on camera after a puff piece interview? Absolute amateur hour stuff

2) Over celebrating. I'm looking at you Cody Weightman, Williams from Carlton, and Naughton. Dude, you kicked a goal. You didn't just cure cancer. Calm the f**k down. Have some humility, please.
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I feel like this is very naive view of things.

I’m not saying that Freo would have had recruiters saying don’t draft indigenous players like the Hawks did, but they would not be squeaky clean.
Or like the Crows did?

Actions speak louder than words and Freo’s record is great but yes, I have no idea what happens behind closed doors. I don’t see the need to throw shade, just in case.
Or like the Crows did?

Actions speak louder than words and Freo’s record is great but yes, I have no idea what happens behind closed doors. I don’t see the need to throw shade, just in case.

And most would probably have thought it was a great place for women to work…

You probably thought freo didn’t have a wce-style drug problem until hearing Harley Balic’s Dad a month back.

It’s obvious the AFL as a whole doesn’t attract the best people. Everyone happily accepts that 90% of footballers are dumb as shit but we then fill 90% of off-field roles with ex-footballers.
1) The blokey handshake after an ex-player/boundary rider or whatever the f**k they are these days, does a lame interview with a player. On what planet does an interviewer shake the hand of the interviewee on camera after a puff piece interview? Absolute amateur hour stuff
It's post-match entertainment, not an interview with a scientist who cured cancer!!1!!111

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