Unusual things you enjoy

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I love the sound of a cricket ball hard smote.
I love the lightning and thunder from the porch with a cold stubby.
I love sitting out the back on the surfboard admiring the beach and the ocean-gentle sound of ocean and waves breaking on the beach.
I love being with a woman after the fun bit cuddling n kissing (then having whispered in my ear she wants more).
I love the sound of a breeze through the forest or rain approaching on the canopy above.
I love the sounds of the desert at sunset, the sounds of the sand dunes at sunrise.
I love the sound of blokes at the start of a roadtrip on the first 10k.
I love the sound of a lady's voice at the start of that special weekend.
I love the sound of laughter, the sound of friendliness, the sound of happy people.
I love the sound of the crowd after Hawthorn win the premiership ;)

If Jimmy Barnes and Jason Mraz wrote a song together it'd look something like your post.
Hearing the sound of a cricket ball coming off the middle of the bat. That clunk is one of the sweetest sounds ever.

Even more so when your the one hitting it.
- Watching "dismay" from a safe distance. Like a brawl/fight, a building being blown up, a bushfire etc. Maybe a little psychotic there.

- Quietly kicking back and admiring something I've just cleaned/fixed. The garden, the housework, the car etc.

- Watching expressions on dogs faces, and wondering what they're thinking.

- The smell of a pizza place as you walk past it.

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* Having a good pick of the snozz after a day in a dusty place

* I love the smell of the pages of magazines & books, so when I get a new one and I get home, I open it up and smell.

* I like picking out the fluff and stuff from in between the keys on the keyboard

* Also like the people watching in groups, to see who is the leader, the hanger on etc.
When you have a day off, it's the early hours of the morning, and you're up watching a big sports match whilst eating something.

Just the atmosphere of the setting which is more unusual (as per the thread title) - pitch black outside as well as inside the house, with the only light coming from the tv screen, whilst I'm in my bed clothes. Meanwhile, everyone else on the street is asleep, and if you stepped outside it would be absolutely silent. In the midst of all this, exciting sports entertainment is occurring within the confinement of one room in your home.

I miss those days :(

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Watching my cat's hilariously disinterested expressions when I put objects like hats, lids, books etc on him (inspired by the stuffonmycat website)

The smell of new magazines and books

The sight of small, quaint old milk bars and general stores
I always vacuum around and under the bed last, because that area seems to collect the most dust and it's fun to see it go from messy to clean so quickly.
- Sleeping in a bed you have just put new linen on

- How good your house/room looks after actually taking some time to clean it

- The instant buzz you get after downing a can or two of Red Bull
Agree with new linened beds - so nice.

Also love -knocking in cricket bats
-watching dvds on my bed whilst piling my self with food
-Reading the instructions manual on a brand new ps3 game, even if you know exactly how to play it.
- Cracking almost every joint in my body
- Lying and seeing if I can convince someone I truly believe something completely ridiculous
- Going for a walk before the sun comes up
- The sound of people laughing and yelling when I'm underwater at the pool
- Drinking lemon juice straight from the bottle

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Unusual things you enjoy

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