US Election 2020: President Elect Biden and VP Elect Harris

The Next President and VP will be?

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congratulations to Alexander Downer Papadopoulos and Security State for finally removing the Bad Orange Man

Is this supposed to be profound wisdom?

Perhaps it's just me, but I'm interpreting most of your posts as an ignorant opinion dressed up in pretentiously wanky language.

Twitter is a good mine for Trump memes right now!

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No point talking about raw numbers but it is horrifying that 70 million Americans still think Trump is the better option. I know many of them have absolutely no idea about anything outside their own bubble, but a decent proportion of those people are voting against their own best interests.

They make good movies but man, what a disaster of a place.
No. RNC party platform in 2016 and in 2020 was opposed to SSM.

Defending Marriage Against an Activist Judiciary
Traditional marriage and family, based on marriage between one man and one woman, is the foundation for a free society and has for millennia been entrusted with rearing children and instilling cultural values. We condemn the Supreme Court’s ruling in United States v. Windsor, which wrongly removed the ability of Congress to define marriage policy in federal law.

We also condemn the Supreme Court’s lawless ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, which in the words of the late Justice Antonin Scalia, was a “judicial Putsch” — full of “silly extravagances” — that reduced “the disciplined legal reasoning of John Marshall and Joseph Storey to the mystical aphorisms of a fortune cookie.” In Obergefell, five unelected lawyers robbed 320 million Americans of their legitimate constitutional authority to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

The Court twisted the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment beyond recognition. To echo Scalia, we dissent. We, therefore, support the appointment of justices and judges who respect the constitutional limits on their power and respect the authority of the states to decide such fundamental social questions

2016 RNC Party Platform

As for Trump, he was opposed to SSM in 2016 and wanted to appoint conservative judges to the supreme court to overturn Obergefell going into the election. He is a populist and SSM became a non-issue with ~70% of Americans now supporting SSM. It's an easy position to take now and helps to steal some of the rich Pink capitalist vote - knowing that the other 30% opposed won't vote Dem anyway.

Trans rights are a more progressive political issue and demonising transpeople is simply fuel for his base.

Trump - Anti-Transgender and Anti-LGBTQ Actions
So from the 3rd page of the PDF you linked:


You are being disingenuous. I've always loved that Gay rights was one thing the "ism" and "phobe" woke types couldn't pin against Trump. Unlike pres Obama, secretary Clinton, and VP Biden, who all railed against SSM when they obtained the power to do something about it.
How many came in at 4am in PA WI MI NC at 4am? Strike you as odd the weight of absentee ballots and zero jiggery pokery ?

You are relying on the word of a pathological liar (or, if you like, pantomimist) in relation to the 4am ballots. Where is the independent evidence of 4am ballots in each of those states?

Have you considered that perhaps a function of the postal delivery system is that some ballots arrived later than others? Or are you firm in your belief (evidence-based, no doubt) of hocus pocus, put-you-left-foot-in, put-your-left-foot out jiggery pokery about the timing of mail deliveries?
Is this supposed to be profound wisdom?

Perhaps it's just me, but I'm interpreting most of your posts as an ignorant opinion dressed up in pretentiously wanky language.
They tried Pied Piper, they tried RussiaGATE, they tried Ukraine gate, they tried to impeach, now they succeeded at the ballot booth

You like to go me as some proxy for Trump.

Obi-Wan gif - <these are not the droids you are looking for>
Nah, wrong analogy. He didn't just win at the last second, it was more like this year. Trump up at half time, Biden ran over the top for a comfortable win.

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