WA/Daylight Saving: To Join The 21st Century Or To Not, Part II

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The Daylight Saving Party opening statement is "Daylight Saving Time saves lives on our roads" This scare tactic is based on overseas propaganda from Canada, Japan, UK and US to back up the argument for DLS. At best it is misinformation, The facts are Western Australia's road toll for 2005 was 162, 2006 was 204 and 2007 was 234.
Sorry to spoil ur idea but the no-doze will not work, its your circadian rythym (body clock) thats the problem, if you can buy some melatonin from the US that might fix it, take it wen ur ready to sleep and youl get a deeper sleep, people use it for jet lag and i bet thats how u feel.

Jet lagged is exactly how I feel.
I’m not sure if no-doz works or not, but the last 2 days, I do feel more alert. Maybe it’s mind over matter, that was until a co-worker told me this after noon that my eyes looked like piss holes in the snow, I call it quits after that comment. 4.00am – 3.30pm
Jet lagged is exactly how I feel.
I’m not sure if no-doz works or not, but the last 2 days, I do feel more alert. Maybe it’s mind over matter, that was until a co-worker told me this after noon that my eyes looked like piss holes in the snow, I call it quits after that comment. 4.00am – 3.30pm

Yeh no-doze is a short term solution, itll make u feel good for a few days maybe even a couple of weeks but youl just end up burning all your magnesium, potassium and iron out of your body and your body will really hit a huge flat spot, the melatonin is more the answer for long term problems with DLS youl end up not feeling as tired but you still will not feel 100%. I really feel for ya as i used to have this problem for years until i was able to obtain some good melatonin but it still dosnt make me feel 100%, Id also get to the middle of march and my body would just have had enough so when i lived in the east id apply for holidays from the middle of march to the end of march. To expect people to live like this so people can say "but i love sitting on my lazy ass on the porch drinkin a beer", well *** cant you drink with a light on.

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Daylight savings is crap, it's hot enough as it is and then you go and add that extra hour to a time when we're awake. It just makes the day's hotness drag on the little bit longer. I'd hate to be a person who goes to bed at 8-8:30. Good luck getting to sleep (if you don't have aircon).
Daylight savings is crap, it's hot enough as it is and then you go and add that extra hour to a time when we're awake. It just makes the day's hotness drag on the little bit longer. I'd hate to be a person who goes to bed at 8-8:30. Good luck getting to sleep (if you don't have aircon).

Yeh dont forget this bullshit will get thrown at the public in every part of australia that does not have it, we have to be in line with the rest,
its an extra hour of sunlight , but all of us cant sit under the verandah and drink piss and the list goes on. It just never ends. But like ive always said there is a place for it but not till the end of march. *** we all dont run a business or start at 9 in the mornin or should i say 9 in the arvo. Me ill be leaving WA if it gets voted in, im lucky im in a profession that allows me to do that, cause there is no way i could put myself through it for the rest of my life.
The heat no, but I've certainly noticed the extra long evenings already.

Some hilarious stuff in the last half dozen or so posts... :eek:

For the record, November started with sunsets about 7.40 and they are now about 8.00pm....

Can't imagine how you are coping with such "extra long" evenings... :rolleyes:

As for opng & Billy Hunt .. seriously, you guys need professional help ...and I am not talking about for sleep related issues...

On a positive note, you have done more for advancing the "yes" case than most on here :thumbsu:
Actually, I said absolutely nothing about whether I was coping with the extra long evenings at all. Nothing. Just that I'd noticed them.

As for comparisons of the time of sunset between the start of November and now, well they're both within the DLS period. How about comparing with something relevant, like the time of sunset the day before DLS started? You know, about three weeks and it's changed from it being about 6.30 to 8.00?
Actually, I said absolutely nothing about whether I was coping with the extra long evenings at all. Nothing. Just that I'd noticed them.

As for comparisons of the time of sunset between the start of November and now, well they're both within the DLS period. How about comparing with something relevant, like the time of sunset the day before DLS started? You know, about three weeks and it's changed from it being about 6.30 to 8.00?

...and in July it was 5.20 v Octobers 6.40 ... how did you cope with that???? (and yes I realise what you said but you are "anti" and we know why you posted)

Thats the same change in the period from DLS start to a month after (i.e. 80 ish minutes). I wonder how you ever dealt with January - its always had about an hour later sunset than November.

Sunsets vary year round, the variations in sunset show that even without DLS there is more than 2 hours variance over the course of a year - one wonders how opng and Billy Hunt cope - more drugs and psychotherapy perhaps??

God knows how their northern european ancestors (and cousins) cope... I mean in London the variation is 5.5 hours (3.50pm sunset in winter through to 9.30pm in summer) - **** they must be no-dozed to the max!!

By the way, the MAIN POINT of DLS is that you notice the longer evenings - thats why we have it! You do realise that???

All this "I cant cope", "it messes up your circadian rythms" etc etc is just bollocks, arguments run by troglodytes for other troglodytes...
...and in July it was 5.20 v Octobers 6.40 ... how did you cope with that???? (and yes I realise what you said but you are "anti" and we know why you posted)

Thats the same change in the period from DLS start to a month after (i.e. 80 ish minutes). I wonder how you ever dealt with January - its always had about an hour later sunset than November.

Sunsets vary year round, the variations in sunset show that even without DLS there is more than 2 hours variance over the course of a year - one wonders how opng and Billy Hunt cope - more drugs and psychotherapy perhaps??

God knows how their northern european ancestors (and cousins) cope... I mean in London the variation is 5.5 hours (3.50pm sunset in winter through to 9.30pm in summer) - **** they must be no-dozed to the max!!

By the way, the MAIN POINT of DLS is that you notice the longer evenings - thats why we have it! You do realise that???

All this "I cant cope", "it messes up your circadian rythms" etc etc is just bollocks, arguments run by troglodytes for other troglodytes...

Christ anyone can pull a bunch of numbers together and say look how wonderfull it is, john howard had some terrific statistics and it done him SFA, i never said i couldnt cope just that i dont like that it goes to the end of march and rather if we had to have it i like the idea of it finishing in early feb, like i said in my previous post i handle it now cause i did do a bit of research into DLS and found a way to handle it. Maybe you should just start accepting that it aint gona survive in the form that pro-DLS people want and find a way around it. Get real mate do some real research and stop bullsh!ttin everyone, any grade three can jump on google. And i will repeat what i have said all along "THERE IS A PLACE FOR IT BUT NOT IN THE LENGTH THAT YOU WANT". Its called the cycadian rythym read up on google next time your there.
I'm loving DLS so far this year... and yes the long evenings are very noticable but it is all positive... just makes you realise how short they normally are. I've got kids who are 1 and three so I can tell you I'm up early often and it is hardly ever dark, so it is not as though it is stopping early birds.

But as I always say anyone who really gets in a tizzy either way but have a few loose screws up top.
Christ anyone can pull a bunch of numbers together and say look how wonderfull it is, john howard had some terrific statistics and it done him SFA, i never said i couldnt cope just that i dont like that it goes to the end of march and rather if we had to have it i like the idea of it finishing in early feb, like i said in my previous post i handle it now cause i did do a bit of research into DLS and found a way to handle it. Maybe you should just start accepting that it aint gona survive in the form that pro-DLS people want and find a way around it. Get real mate do some real research and stop bullsh!ttin everyone, any grade three can jump on google. And i will repeat what i have said all along "THERE IS A PLACE FOR IT BUT NOT IN THE LENGTH THAT YOU WANT". Its called the cycadian rythym read up on google next time your there.

:D :D :D

Ok.... its all fine but buggars you up when we hit March ....

Fair enough ...

By the way, I assume we are talking about circadian rhythm not cycadian? Cycad being a group of seeds, I am assuming you don't share your rhythm with them?

Also the circadian rhythm is something that can be reset, it seems its a 24 hour body clock that can be reset, which is useful (and evidenced) by those who travel across time zones. Apparently those who dont adjust are usually suffering from some sort of disorder which is ordinarily grouped into the category of sleep disorder or occasionally bi-polar - thats not you is it?

Circadian rhythm is certainly nothing that would adjust perfectly for 3 months and then **** someone up in month 4 (i.e. March)....

Hope that little bit of information helped you, certainly should have sorted out your spelling. Mate, if you can cope for Nov-Feb and then not in March it has nothing to do with circadian rhythm unless perhaps you are in fact a cycad - in which case I have no idea ....

Which would appear to make 2 of us.

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I'm loving DLS so far this year... and yes the long evenings are very noticable but it is all positive... just makes you realise how short they normally are. I've got kids who are 1 and three so I can tell you I'm up early often and it is hardly ever dark, so it is not as though it is stopping early birds.

Everyone loves it now, it's February and March where it all gets ****ed up - and that's the bit people will remember come vote day.

If the pro-DLS lobby had half a brain between them they'd see the writing on the wall and start pushing for the end date to be brought forward. Start in the last week of October, finish in the first weekend of February and a shitload of No's will turn into Yes's.

But of course, we can't finish it at the start of February because that's not when Melbourne do it!!
Everyone loves it now, it's February and March where it all gets ****ed up - and that's the bit people will remember come vote day.

If the pro-DLS lobby had half a brain between them they'd see the writing on the wall and start pushing for the end date to be brought forward. Start in the last week of October, finish in the first weekend of February and a shitload of No's will turn into Yes's.

But of course, we can't finish it at the start of February because that's not when Melbourne do it!!

it doesn't bother me in Feb and march, although I'd have no problem with march getting chopped off it it came to that. In fact quite a few pro-dls high-profile folks have stated similar in the media.

Dunno about 1st week of February. I mean if it is a hot stinking night with no sea breeze then it doesn't matter what time the clock is set to... it is damn hot and you either have aircon or you just have to cope either way.

You could always just go to bed an hour later?
Push all the BS to the side for a moment, what time does every one start work? Not what time you get out of bed or what time you arrive at work, what time do you become productive at you place of work. My start/finish time varies a fair bit but on average, it's 5.00am - 4.00pm.
it doesn't bother me in Feb and march, although I'd have no problem with march getting chopped off it it came to that. In fact quite a few pro-dls high-profile folks have stated similar in the media.
I even remember one of the pollies who started the whole thing saying it last summer!
Dunno about 1st week of February. I mean if it is a hot stinking night with no sea breeze then it doesn't matter what time the clock is set to... it is damn hot and you either have aircon or you just have to cope either way.

You could always just go to bed an hour later?
But I still have to get up at the same time, that's the problem with it. And my issue isn't with the evenings, it's with the mornings, and by February the sunrise under DLS is too late for the things I want to do in the early hours.

Look at it this way - the summer solstice is around December 20th or thereabouts. that's the longest day of the year, and it would make sense for that to be the midpoint of DLS. But instead we start about 7 weeks or so before the solstice, and finish a full three months plus change after! In terms of daylight hours, having DLS at the end of March is the equivalent of having it in early September, and no one is advocating that!
well I doubt policy will be made around people who work 5am - 4pm, sorry Billy

That’s where your wrong funkyfreo, DLS will be decided by people like me who start work early, mothers who want to strangle their little darlings, retirees who really don’t give a shit anyway but are smart enough to sort through the BS.

Those who are passionately in favour of DLS ( like eagle87 ) would never get out of bed before 7.00 am and that is why I asked the question “what time does every one start work?” And guess what? No reply !!!

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WA/Daylight Saving: To Join The 21st Century Or To Not, Part II

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