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The remarkable thing about D'Ambrosio is that for every game I've been impressed with him I don't remember a single thing he's done wrong, I remember far more occasions where I'm shocked by things he's doing well that I never expected him to. The spoils, smothers, pressure acts and so on.
Me too. He reads the play so well, is such a quick decision maker, very neat and effective.
In pre-season they did a day in the life of Jai Newcombe and I think it must have been Ambrosio's first day cos Jai kinda introduces himself.

Then when they're out on the ground Ambrosio kicks the ball to Jai and Jai gushes to Worpel standing next to him "His foot is something else, something else"

That's when I first thought....hello we've got something interesting here.

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So Mass would have gone from the Rookie list at Essendon to our Senior list right?
Massi was still a rookie at Essendon and I believe offered a 3rd year on the rookie list. But unbenown to the Don’s the Hawks were already offering a 2 year contract on the senior list and the Dons, seemingly reluctantly, matched the length of deal. But Massi was already out the door… and Sleepy Mark strikes again.

Further… Yes, they were trying to keep him on the cheap.
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The remarkable thing about D'Ambrosio is that for every game I've been impressed with him I don't remember a single thing he's done wrong, I remember far more occasions where I'm shocked by things he's doing well that I never expected him to. The spoils, smothers, pressure acts and so on.
Glad you wrote this. It is one thing to have talent, but without dedication, the talent is for naught. His desperation and unwavering commitment to pressure is remarkable given his physical size and history. The number of times that he has known that the hit is coming yet still takes the time to ensure the ball gets to where it needs to be has been astonishing.
The remarkable thing about D'Ambrosio is that for every game I've been impressed with him I don't remember a single thing he's done wrong, I remember far more occasions where I'm shocked by things he's doing well that I never expected him to. The spoils, smothers, pressure acts and so on.
The thing ive been most surprised with him is his ability in aerial contests. There's been a number of times he's managed to spoil or even mark a ball that I didn't think he was much of a chance of doing so.
Glad you wrote this. It is one thing to have talent, but without dedication, the talent is for naught. His desperation and unwavering commitment to pressure is remarkable given his physical size and history. The number of times that he has known that the hit is coming yet still takes the time to ensure the ball gets to where it needs to be has been astonishing.
Massimo reminds me of an old Italian / Maltese concreter.

Like the concreter he doesn't possess the big bulking gym muscles but also like the concreter he is deceptively strong and as hard as a cats forehead.

Now if he rocks up to training in the middle of winter in just a pair of shorts and an old blue singlet the comparison will be spot on!
It would be so good if he hit Gulden levels and the all Essendon supporters crying foul.
The most well known word for this is feeling is the German word: schadenfreude. It is defined as “pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.” But the misfortune part does not ring true… the Don’s fked this up… it was incompetence not misfortune. I want a word that states “gaining pleasure derived from another persons negative act being caught”. Surely there is a word in some language for that. ➡️ I looked but could not find it.
The English word is less well known… epicaricacy = “Rejoicing at or deriving pleasure from the misfortunes of others”, but is no better. And certainly less fun to say… if you can actually say it!

I want a word that lets me enjoy the Don’s giving a potential AA for a pittance because they tried to low ball him. So this is my newly created term CULPRIGHT, Definition: The feeling of delight or satisfaction derived from witnessing a culprit being caught and facing consequences.

Now that hits the mark! grumbleguts … is this allowed?

Edit: “Just desserts” and satisfaction shorted to Justerfaction. Used in a sentence, “watching a dkhd breakcheck a car only to find it was an unmarked cop car provided exquisite justerfaction”.
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I get the feeling that despite the recognition he's getting in the media atm, he will always be underestimated.
This thread is gonna be 200 pages of people thinking they're the only one to notice how good Massimo is. 🤣
The most well known word for this is feeling is the German word: schadenfreude. It is defined as “pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.” But the misfortune part does not ring true… the Don’s fked this up… it was incompetence not misfortune. I want a word that states “gaining pleasure derived from another persons negative act being caught”. Surely there is a word in some language for that. ➡️ I looked but could not find it.
The English word is less well known… epicaricacy = “Rejoicing at or deriving pleasure from the misfortunes of others”, but is no better. And certainly less fun to say… if you can actually say it!

I want a word that lets me enjoy the Don’s giving a potential AA for a pittance because they tried to low ball him. So this is my newly created term CULPRIGHT, Definition: The feeling of delight or satisfaction derived from witnessing a culprit being caught and facing consequences.

Now that hits the mark! grumbleguts … is this allowed?
Great word. Another that might serve equally well is justpathy. The feeling you get when justice is served.
The most well known word for this is feeling is the German word: schadenfreude. It is defined as “pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.” But the misfortune part does not ring true… the Don’s fked this up… it was incompetence not misfortune. I want a word that states “gaining pleasure derived from another persons negative act being caught”. Surely there is a word in some language for that. ➡️ I looked but could not find it.
The English word is less well known… epicaricacy = “Rejoicing at or deriving pleasure from the misfortunes of others”, but is no better. And certainly less fun to say… if you can actually say it!

I want a word that lets me enjoy the Don’s giving a potential AA for a pittance because they tried to low ball him. So this is my newly created term CULPRIGHT, Definition: The feeling of delight or satisfaction derived from witnessing a culprit being caught and facing consequences.

Now that hits the mark! grumbleguts … is this allowed?

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