Werewolf WereWolf in a Manger, Cub got croaked but wolves win!

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The Office Thank You GIF

Only been quiet ish to try and make it deeper in games. People do it all the time but because I have a reputation people think I'm suss 😭
haven't you made it deep in like the last four games

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gets the trope from the other board as well
yeah I'm just pointing out saying they are quieter than usual is ignoring how they have played for multiple games now since they realised being loud got them killed in the first couple of phases consistently
we could be saying the same thing but I read it as if the seer was redirected onto another target

they'd get the result for the new target but not get told they'd been redirected off their original target

eg seer pc1, get redirected onto the player who is the dingo

seer result pc1 is dingo

I'm not saying it happened either, just that its a possibility the way I read the OP

KT has not played like that pretty much from their second or third game but the trope has stuck
You could be right but that seems a little imbalanced. It's not very explicit. My reading was they get told the new target and their role.
King Tenz cheers Grand Uncle Horace

I'm off to the village bar to watch some cricket and meet up with this bird Consuelo I hit up on Bumble. Thinking hand shandy for sure. Fingers crossed I get a root in the carpark.
Yeh but I'm expendable. If Chipmunk had information there's bigger targets than me
He could've seered you as a good role or maybe you were protected by the doc?

Something going on with old mate Chippy

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The Office Thank You GIF

Only been quiet ish to try and make it deeper in games. People do it all the time but because I have a reputation people think I'm suss 😭
yep, you **** 1 goat…
yeah I'm just pointing out saying they are quieter than usual is ignoring how they have played for multiple games now since they realised being loud got them killed in the first couple of phases consistently
There's quiet and then there's lurking. And KT has definitely been lurking. Send him to the gallows.
There's quiet and then there's lurking. And KT has definitely been lurking. Send him to the gallows.
feel free to vote for KT then instead of chippy

I have no skin in the game beyond pointing out that KT hasn't spammed for ages and its a lazy way to target them
There's quiet and then there's lurking. And KT has definitely been lurking. Send him to the gallows.
Coming from the elite lurker himself. When I'm sure you've got that spreadsheet keeping track of the whole game the whole time.

I've already explained why I've been quieter, plus I've had work the last 2 days.

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