Black Diamond
Sleight of Hand
I've been wondering about this ever since I saw Dogs supporters on the main board* telling us how all the residents new to Melbourne's western suburbs will soon enough be aboard the Whitten Oval express.
However, I would have thought that as long as the AFL pursues this 'maximise attendances/viewers' goal, and thereby make the already largest clubs even bigger through the best draws and TV schedules, the new residents to the west will see far more of Collingwood, Essendon, and the other larger clubs than they will of the Bulldogs. Obviously, this will mean these larger clubs effectively get first shot at these new migrants.
Am I the only one with this take on affairs? Living in Brisbane I could well have missed something, and my knowledge of outer Melbourne geography has faded a little since residing in Camberwell between 4 and 7 years old in the '90's.
Anyhow, thoughts?
*I didn't post this on the main board because it has been shitting me lately.
However, I would have thought that as long as the AFL pursues this 'maximise attendances/viewers' goal, and thereby make the already largest clubs even bigger through the best draws and TV schedules, the new residents to the west will see far more of Collingwood, Essendon, and the other larger clubs than they will of the Bulldogs. Obviously, this will mean these larger clubs effectively get first shot at these new migrants.
Am I the only one with this take on affairs? Living in Brisbane I could well have missed something, and my knowledge of outer Melbourne geography has faded a little since residing in Camberwell between 4 and 7 years old in the '90's.
Anyhow, thoughts?
*I didn't post this on the main board because it has been shitting me lately.