If you have this much info surely you must be in the know at the club and you wouldnt need to ask who won the B&F.Can anyone confirm that the following players are leaving the Bulldogs................M Barham, J Barham, M Fitzgerald, R Sharp, J Duff Tyler, R White, D Farrugia, S Davis, C Summerfield, S Elsum, M McKenzie, G Bowes............rumours around the traps say all these p[layers are leaving for various reasons.....all are champions of the club and players come and players go.......but it looks like rebuilding time at the Graveyard....also a President and the majority of the committee retiring as well...............a new look Bulldogs for 09..........maybe BB or Howzat can add some light to all this.......and can BB confirm or deny the he and KA are running for Pres and Sec of the club???
For the record we had a tie between Jordan Barham and Gareth Bowes